Thursday, February 15, 2024

Fwd: Parshat Terumah - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman

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Parshat Terumah with Reb Chaim Kramer

Mazal Tov!

B"H, my grandson, Yehoshua, the son of my son Aharon, had a baby girl. May she bring much joy to her parents, and may they always find happiness in her, Amen.
Great and happy news!

At last, thanks to our dear donors, the missing volumes of Likutey Moharan (volumes 5, 7, 10) have been printed and are now on a ship en route to the United States. With the help of Hashem, they will arrive there in about three weeks, and it will be possible to order the complete set.
"And this is the contribution that you shall take from them: gold, silver, and copper, etc." (Exodus 25:3)

The Tabernacle of the Children of Israel, like the Temple, was rich in its entirety.

When Rebbe Nachman began to recount his stories, he said, "There are three things I say that contradict the world's views. One of them is that the world says that tzaddikim do not need money, and I say that there is a kind of Torah study for which one needs all the wealth of the world."

The Temple gave the people of Israel knowledge; it was the essence of a place for deep Torah contemplation. From it, they gained the understanding that every person in the world is connected to God at every given moment and in every situation. No one arrived there without having thoughts of repentance. (We see this today at the resting place of Rebbe Nachman, how much money people spend to get there, something that cannot be understood intellectually. The same applies to the abundance of thoughts of repentance that we see there, something not seen anywhere else).

Today, with the Tabernacle/Temple destroyed and knowledge lacking, even riches have fallen to external places. Therefore, the mitzvah of charity that a person gives - especially for spreading the knowledge of the tzaddikim - truly builds the Tabernacle, building a place of knowledge. The more their Torah is spread in the world, the more people are drawn to it, and we see this tangibly in our days.

May it be the Will of Hashem that we merit the building of the Third Temple speedily in our days and may we merit true Torah contemplation with a real connection to the blessed God, Amen.

Have a great Shabbos!

Chaim Kramer
The Power Of Psalms –
Vol. 2 Psalms 42-72

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