Thursday, February 22, 2024

Fwd: Parshat Tetzaveh - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman

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Date: Thu, Feb 22, 2024, 2:03 PM
Subject: Parshat Tetzaveh - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman
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Parshat Tetzaveh with Reb Chaim Kramer

Great news for participants in our Printing Partners campaign - two volumes of the Rebbe Nachman's Torah set were printed this week and are on their way to the United States.

With the completion of these two volumes, the gift package has finished printing. With the help of Hashem, we aim to send what is due to all participants within a few short weeks.

Thank you for your patience.
The Infinite Light that emanates from Hashem must be covered up in this world. Similarly, we, as human beings clothed with the light of Hashem, are also covered with garments. The Torah prohibits us from wearing Sha'atnez (garments made of both wool and linen), because wool symbolizes mercy and the light of the tzaddikim that descends upon us, while linen symbolizes judgment and concealment, preventing us from seeing the light of the tzaddikim. Therefore, we are forbidden to combine these two materials in our clothing, as the power of concealment in exile is at its greatest.

However, in the priestly garments, the complete opposite was true; they were made of both wool and linen. The holiness there was so great, to the extent that it sanctified even the linen, which itself became vessels for the holy light. When this happens, the light of the tzaddikim itself reaches everyone in a fitting and holy manner, and holiness spreads throughout the world. This is our work in the world: to become vessels in order to receive the light of the tzaddikim.

May it be the Will of Hashem that we merit to receive the light of the tzaddikim properly and to become vessels and garments of the Divine Presence swiftly in our days, and to see the garments of the priests in the Temple speedily in our days, Amen.

Have a great Shabbos!

Chaim Kramer
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