Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Divar Torah to Raise Funds For MDY created by Gemini

A Sermon for Supporting Merkaz Daf Yomi and Their Charity Campaign

Brothers and Sisters,

We come together tonight to celebrate the scholarly tradition of the Daf Yomi, and the noble work of Merkaz Daf Yomi and their charity campaign. The Daf Yomi, a seven-and-a-half-year cycle of learning the entire Talmud, is a cornerstone of Jewish scholarship. It requires dedication, discipline, and a deep love for Torah study. Merkaz Daf Yomi, by providing resources and support for those undertaking this endeavor, plays a vital role in ensuring the continuation of this tradition.

But tonight, we also celebrate Merkaz Daf Yomi's commitment to helping those in need. Their charity campaign reflects the true spirit of Torah – a spirit that goes beyond study to action, a spirit that compels us to use our knowledge to improve the lives of others.

The Talmud teaches us, "Kol HaTorah Kulanh – All Torah is for its practice" (Talmud Kiddushin 42a). Just as we dedicate ourselves to learning the Daf Yomi, we must also dedicate ourselves to acts of charity, of tikkun olam, repairing the world.

By supporting Merkaz Daf Yomi's charity campaign, we are not simply donating money. We are investing in a future where Torah study is not an isolated pursuit, but a wellspring that overflows with compassion and generosity. We are ensuring that the light of Torah illuminates not only the minds of scholars, but also the lives of those most vulnerable.

Think of the families struggling to put food on the table, the children who lack access to education, the sick who yearn for healing. By supporting Merkaz Daf Yomi's campaign, we can bring them hope, relief, and a chance for a brighter tomorrow.

Each of us has been blessed with talents and resources. Let us use them not only to enrich ourselves, but also to uplift others. Let our commitment to Daf Yomi be matched by our commitment to gemilut chassadim, acts of loving-kindness.

Together, through learning and giving, we can create a stronger, more compassionate community, a community that reflects the best of our tradition. May our contributions to Merkaz Daf Yomi's charity campaign be a source of merit for all of us, and a testament to the enduring power of Torah to transform both ourselves and the world around us.

To learn more about Merkaz Daf Yomi's important work and donate to their charity campaign, please visit their website at https://www.charidy.com/mdy.

Let us open our hearts and wallets, and together, fulfill the words of the prophet Micah: "What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)

Thank you. May you all be blessed with health, happiness, and the strength to continue your studies and good deeds.

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