Thursday, March 28, 2024

Fwd: WE NEED YOUR HELP! 180,000 letters to the White House for 180 days in turmoil

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From: Orthodox Union <>
Date: Thu, Mar 28, 2024, 8:22 AM
Subject: WE NEED YOUR HELP! 180,000 letters to the White House for 180 days in turmoil
To: <>

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Dear Friend,


Next week will mark 180 days of our hostages in captivity. 180 days of blind hate. 180 days of the world abandoning Israel.


We cannot allow another day to pass without standing up for Israel and demanding the release of our hostages. We need YOUR help TODAY to send a strong message to President Biden to support Israel, combat antisemitism, and secure the release of our hostages. To do so, we will collect 180,000 signed letters that will be hand-delivered to the White House on Wednesday, April 3rd - the 180th day since October 7th. The only way this can happen is if everyone who cares about the Jewish People helps today.


How YOU can Help TODAY: 


Sign the letter virtually TODAY: Visit to sign a virtual letter that we will individually print and personally deliver to the White House.  


Mobilize your family TODAY: Share the link with your friends, family, and community members. You can also create a team page. Go to, fill in your team name and enter the number of signatures you plan to collect. Once you submit the team information, you will be able to view your team's page and start sharing the URL.


Print the letter, sign it, and email it to the OU TODAY: Download the printable letter here, sign it, scan it, and email it to us at by THIS Sunday night, March 31st. We will hand deliver your letters to the White House on April 3rd.  


Mobilize your school TODAY: We need every class to spend five minutes signing letters ensuring that the next generation makes a difference.  


Mobilize your shul TODAY: In addition to the Tehillim said after davening, every shul minyan should conclude with an announcement telling everyone to sign the letter before leaving shul.


Spread the campaign TODAY: For this to be successful, we need as many signed letters as possible! Share this campaign on social media using the hashtag #180for180 and tag the OU so we can reshare. Share the link through WhatsApp as well to encourage others to join the cause and forward it to their friends and family. Print and display this flyer in your shuls, schools and communities to encourage as many people as possible to submit letters.


Attend the Press Conference in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, April 3rd - the 180th day since October 7th. We will gather in Lafayette Park, right near the White House, for a press conference. You can bring your signed letters so we can deliver them directly to the White House. RSVP here.


Important Details: 


Digital Letter: 

Printable Letter: Download PDF

Flyer: Download PDF

Create a Team: 

Deadline and Address to Email Printed Letters: Friday, March 29th to

Contact for Help:

Press Conference RSVP:


It's been half a year since the nightmare of October 7th began, and the time for action is now! If we don't speak up, who will?


Join us!




Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Executive Vice President


Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer


Mitchel Aeder  

40 Rector St, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10006

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