Friday, April 5, 2024

Fw: [aneinu] Revisiting Reciting Special Tefillos for the Geulah

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Sent: Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 3:58 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Revisiting Reciting Special Tefillos for the Geulah

Q&A Update

 April 05 2024 / 26 Adar Bet 5784

By Rabbi Daniel Travis
Rabbi Daniel Travis is Rosh Kollel of Kollel Toras Chaim in Yerushalayim and the author of a number of seforim, including Shailos Uteshuvos Toras Chaim and Praying With Joy 1-5, practical daily guides to improving one's prayers, available from Feldheim Publishers. 
For more information about his work or to set up a shiur during one of his visits, email
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Questions & Answers

Based on divrei halachah heard from Rav Azriel Auerbach and Rav Shlomo Zafrani. The answers given here are the general rule, but each case is unique and must be referred to a posek.
Rav Azriel Auerbach
Rav Shlomo Zafrani
For a private appointment with the rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel, or to send questions, email Rabbi Travis at
Selected shailos will be printed in this column.
The author expresses his gratitude to
R' Naftali and Rivki Leshkowitz
who sponsor the shaylos and teshuvos program of Kollel Toras Chaim
and the weekly questions. For more information about Rabbi Travis's work
or to set up a shiur during one of his visits, email
Revisiting Reciting Special Tefillos For The Geulah


I saw that Rav Auerbach was not in favor of the asifos and reciting the tefillos about hastening the geulah. However, I saw a letter about these tefillos from rabbonim in Lakewood, and many choshuve rabbonim were signed on it. I was wondering if that is the consensus of the rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel.

Thank you.

R. N.

Rav Zafrani: 

I have heard about these asifos of tefillah and that many prominent rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel, including Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky and Rav Shimon Galei, and many others, are behind this. I do not think that there is anything wrong with it. To the contrary, during these turbulent times, with so much chaos in Eretz Yisroel and the whole world, it is clear that we need to strengthen our tefillos to Hashem.

Unfortunately, many people are sleeping during these times and do not realize the great danger that exists for the Jewish people. We all need to do teshuvah, and a prerequisite for this is to wake up from our deep state of slumber. One of the primary ways to do this is tze'akah, literally screaming out to the Almighty to help us. This is what previous generations did when they were plagued with tzaros. 

It is true that we must continue to daven for the war to end, for the safety of the soldiers, and that Jews should be spared from the terrible anti-Semitism that exists in the world today. However, davening for the geulah includes davening for the war to end and the other nisyonos that we are going through now as well. May Hashem send us a yeshuah gedolah and Moshiach soon.


Keep The Coke


I made an order from the supermarket and the food came in a delivery. When I unpacked the boxes, I saw that there was an extra bottle of Coke that I do not remember ordering. I was going to check the receipt to see if I had been charged for this, but then I realized that I already threw away the receipt. This bottle of Coke has been sitting in my home for a few weeks and I am wondering what I should do with it.

Thank you.

N. B. T.

Rav Zafrani: 

The rule in regards to these questions is: "Hamotzi meichaveiro alav harayah," i.e., if you want someone to pay you for a specific item, you need to bring a proof that they really owe you the money. They brought you the Coke in your delivery, and they do not have proof that you did not pay for it, so you can keep the Coke.


Attending A Wedding Of A Jew Marrying A Non-Jew


My cousin is marrying a non-Jew, and I was wondering if there is any heter for me to go to the wedding. I saw in a sefer with the rov's approbation (Takanas Hashavim 1:88) that there is room to be lenient in this area, depending on whether one's attendance will be considered a confirmation of what they are doing and depending on how much damage it will cause the greater family relationship not to attend. Does the rov agree with this ruling?

M. C.

Rav Zafrani: 

That is Rabbi Travis's sefer and it is a wonderful work. He cites that ruling from one of the gedolim, but I personally do not agree with this ruling. I would tell someone not to attend such a wedding, no matter who they are or how far away the baalei simcha are from Torah observance.


Rabbi Travis gives a daily shiur on
Thanking Hashem
for things that seem bad

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Wall Street Torah
is an organization founded by Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg z"tl and under the leadership of other authorities in Choshen Mishpat and business law that is run by Rabbi Daniel Travis.

The organization aims to meet twice a year in Manhattan to discuss issues relevant to business people.

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