Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fw: PARSHAH PICKS: Watch Your Words! (Metzora)

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Subject: PARSHAH PICKS: Watch Your Words! (Metzora)
Parshah Picks
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General Overview

This week's reading, Metzora, discusses the purification process for one who contracts "tzara'at" (skin maladies which are contracted as a result of engaging in forbidden gossip), and the symptoms and laws of "house tzara'at," indicated by certain stone discolorations. Following is a discussion of various ritual impurities, including the laws of the menstruating woman.
Watch Your Words!

Watch Your Words!

Life Lessons From the Parshah - Metzora

By Yehoshua B. Gordon


Metzora in a Nutshell

Metzora in a Nutshell

Leviticus 14:1–15:33


Metzora Haftarah Companion

Metzora Haftarah Companion

For an informed reading of II Kings 7:3–20

By Mendel Dubov


Jewels in the Walls

Jewels in the Walls

Choose your words wisely. Be bold and articulate, spreading good ideas and positive energy around you.

By Aharon Loschak

The Inner Rhythm of Tumah

The Inner Rhythm of Tumah

An Essay on Parshat Metzora

By Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz)

Does It Matter Which Words Rashi Quotes?

Does It Matter Which Words Rashi Quotes?

See how a nuance in a simple one-line Rashi can be examined, unpacked, and understood in an entirely new light.

By Yossi Ives


How'd You Like to Meet the Holiest Man Alive?

How'd You Like to Meet the Holiest Man Alive?

The Metzora is the consummate Outsider. Of his own accord, he exists on the margins of society. And yet his tormented ostracism is the place where he finds his innermost connection with G-d.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (6:15)
What Makes a Jewish Home?

What Makes a Jewish Home?

Abraham and Sara's model house

By Yacov Barber

Watch (5:47)
Shazak Parsha: Metzora

Shazak Parsha: Metzora

A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!

By Moshe Moscowitz

Watch (6:33)


Basic Parsha - Metzora

An overview of the weekly Parsha, through the eyes of the many commentators, enriching your understanding of how our great history unfolded.

By Marty Goodman

Listen (66:22)

Torah Gems - Parsha Metzora - Pesach

Experience the gems of the Parsha with the classic commentaries, and a kabbalstic twist.

By Elimelech Silberberg

Listen (57:15)
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Passover (Pesach)

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