Friday, April 19, 2024

Fwd: Cheder Weekly Message and online Chmetz Sale Form

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf <>
Date: Fri, Apr 19, 2024, 10:46 AM
Subject: Cheder Weekly Message and online Chmetz Sale Form
To: <>


Seymour J. Abrams

Cheder Lubavitch Hebrew Day School

Candle Lighting Times for
Friday, Apr. 19
7:17 pm
Monday, Apr. 22
7:21 pm
Tuesday, Apr. 23
8:26 pm

Message from the Dean

Every year on the Rebbe's birthday, three days before Passover, Chabad youngsters celebrate the milestone by fanning out around large cities worldwide to meet other Jews in the streets. They offer the men a chance to put on tefillin, Shabbat candles for the women, and everyone gets a package of handmade shmurah matzah for their Seders.

The Rebbe lived to serve the Jewish people, and these activities on his birthday are exactly the kinds of gifts he would want. Of course, this is not limited to the Rebbe's birthday; it is something that Chabad boys and girls often do, but the 11th of Nissan is the highlight of our relationship with the Rebbe—the Rebbe's personal day—and what better way to observe it than by doing what the Rebbe loved?

Nearly 30 years after his passing, we still celebrate the Rebbe's birthday, and his inspiration is why my family and I live here and why our home is open to every Jew. It's what drives us to deliver shmurah matzah to as many people as possible, to encourage people to do just one more mitzvah, and to represent the Rebbe in our part of the world. We live for making the Rebbe proud.

All the activities of our Chabad House, as well as every Chabad outpost around the world, are our birthday present to the Rebbe. And if you are involved with Chabad, or make an effort to reach out to other Jews, you are also part of this gift.

Happy birthday, Rebbe! L'chaim!

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf




Let's say that you own a liquor store. Or that you just bought a three-month supply of breakfast cereal on special. Or you live in a 40-room mansion and don't want to clean the whole thing this year. Is there some way of avoiding the ownership of chometz on Passover without much effort involved?

Since the commandment to rid one's domain of chametz is binding only on a Jew, you can sell your chametz to a non-Jew. The area where the chametz is held is leased to the non-Jew for the duration of the festival. It is important to realize that the sale is not symbolic, but a 100% legally binding transaction.

Designate the areas where you'll be placing the chametz you're selling. These can be cupboards, closets, rooms, or an entire house. Remember that you will not be able to use or enter these areas for the duration of the festival. Your local rabbi can transact the sale for you, after obtaining power-of-attorney from you to sell your chametz. You can also sell your chometz online via our website at no cost or fee whatsoever.

Wishing you and yours, a Joyous and Kosher Pesach




5201 West Howard Street, Skokie


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