Sunday, April 21, 2024

Fwd: A Message from Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2024, 5:02 PM
Subject: A Message from Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
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April 21, 2024 - 13 Nisan 5784

Erev Pesach 5784/ 2024

Dear friends and supporters of Agudas Yisroel of America,

Over 300 deadly destructive missiles fired by Iran into Eretz Yisroel -- could we have imagined a clearer manifestation of בכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותינו? 

Not a single one hit its intended Jewish target -- could we have imagined a clearer manifestation of והקב'ה מצילינו מידם? 

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Many have noted that this is a Pesach different than any other in most of our lifetimes. Over the course of the past half year, Klal Yisroel has endured the "omdim aleinu" syndrome in so many ways: the brutal Shmini Atzeres massacre in Eretz Yisroel, the transformation of Israel into a pariah state on the world stage, the shocking failure of Ivy League university presidents to condemn calls for genocide against Jews, the banning of shechita in a number of countries, the explosion of antisemitic hate crimes across the globe.

But even with so many omdim aleinu, Hashem is with us. We will prevail!

We at Agudas Yisroel are in the shtadlonus trenches throughout the entire year. We organize high level meetings with government officials, we participate in court cases defending the rights of Torah Jewry, we work with legislators to pass laws combatting antisemitism and enhancing our mosdos' security. The temptation is always there for us to pat ourselves on the back for the victories we have achieved.

At the end of the day, however, we need to remember that it is HaKodosh Boruch Hu Who is matzileinu mi'yadam. The victories are His. Yes, Hashem wants us to do all in our power through the type of advocacy we do. Pesach reminds us, though -- as does the Iranian zero percent missile fiasco -- Who is really behind our success, our very survival. Ein od milvado!

Best wishes for a Chag Kosher V'sameiach -- and let's all daven up a storm!

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

In today's News from Agudah: Our Current Liberation Movement, a Pesach article by Rabbi Avi Shafran; Erev Pesach Halachos and other Pesach resources from the Midwest Bais Hora'ah; Tonight, 14 Nissan, marks the 54th yahrtzeit of Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Rav Avrohom Joffen zt"l; contribute to this year's OPC campaign and enable us to bring a true Simchas Yom Tov to our Eastern European brothers and sisters; And, make sure not to miss out on any of Agudas Yisroel's Bnos and Pirchei Pesach programs.

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Our Current Liberation Movement

By: Rabbi Avi Shafran

Click here or on the image below to download a printable PDF of the article.

More than anything else in our people's history, it would seem, Yetzias Mitzrayim has captured the minds and hearts of others. 

American slaves in the 19th century adopted the imagery and language of our ancestors' liberation to express their own hopes to one day be free of oppression. Similar references to Yetzias Mitzrayim were adopted by the American labor and civil rights movements as well.

Chazal say that we should endeavor to see the kings of nations, so that we can meaningfully contrast who they are with what a melech Yisrael is. We might also make an effort to perceive the difference between the Western World's liberation movements and Hashem's extraction of goy mikerev goy.

To the wider world, freedom means the ability to live unrestrained lives. In its "highest" form, to have retired and be occupying a beach chair in the backyard, sunshine on one's face and a cold beverage within reach. Or, at very least, a day off of work, with nothing on one's agenda.

To be sure, there are surely times when we need to relax and recharge. But we know well from our mesorah that a life of leisure is not the true meaning of freedom.

Because after shalach es ami, comes viya'avduni. Klal Yisrael wasn't merely taken from slavery to "freedom," in the word's contemporary understanding. We were, rather, taken from meaningless, onerous oppression to… a different, high servitude, the most sublime kind imaginable: serving Hashem.

The word cheirus, Chazal teach, evokes charus, "inscribed," the word the Torah uses to describe the etching of the words on the luchos. In the two words' similarity, they see a profound truth: "The only free person is the one immersed in Torah."

We live at a time when Klal Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael (and, to a lesser but disturbing degree, in chutz la'Aretz) are threatened – oppressed, in our case, not by taskmasters but haters of various stripes. 

The war in Gaza and Iran's recent direct attack on Israel rightly occupy our minds. Our tefillos on behalf of the brave soldiers fighting to destroy a murderous oppressor, and on behalf of all toshvei Ha'aretz who have had to take shelter so often of late, are constant and heartfelt. And, here in chutz la'Aretz, as we witness shedders of Jewish blood being defended – even embraced – on college campuses and city streets, we are understandably anguished.

We might well consider that the key to Klal Yisroel's cheirus from our current oppression lies in embracing the freedom to which Chazal point us, that which was charus al haluchos.

It is tragic, as the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah recently reminded us, that those in Eretz Yisrael for whom Torah-study is their daily mainstay are under siege by elements of Israeli society bent on "normalizing" them. If only those parts of the Israeli body politic understood the power of Torah – which is as protective of Jews as the blood of the korban Pesach was on the mezuzos and mashkofim of our forebears' homes in Mitzrayim – they would pass laws to encourage avreichim, not draft, them. 

May they come to understand what Torah-study means to Klal Yisrael. 

And may each of us resolve to contribute, in his or her personal life, to our "liberation" from our current oppression, by intensifying our own Torah study and our enabling and supporting those immersed in it. 

And, as a result, to sing, like our ancestors did on the far side of the Yam Suf, a song of deliverance, bim'heira.

Erev Pesach Halachos from the Midwest Bais Horaah

In the busy Pesach preparation, everyone should be aware that on Erev Pesach after Chatzos, there are restrictions on melacha, similar to Chol Hamoed. Please be aware so you can plan ahead accordingly.

These halachos apply equally for men and women, boys and girls.

  • One may not do melacha after chatzos, and Chazal say that violators will not see beracha from their efforts. One who has concerns of financial loss should speak with their moreh hora'ah.

  • Laundry may not be done after chatzos. One may ask a non-Jew to do laundry for them.

  • Ironing to remove wrinkles is permitted. Making pleats is not allowed.

  • Haircuts and Shaving may only be performed after chatzos by a non-Jew.

  • Other hair removal is not included in this minhag.

  • Nail cutting should preferably be done before chatzos. If one forgot to do so, they may be cut after chatzos, even by a Jew.

  • Polishing shoes is allowed even after chatzos.

The Halachos of Tevilas Keilim and Hechsher Keilim

Click here or on the image above to download Safa Berura on Tevilas Keilim.

Click here or on the image above to download Safa Berura on Hechsher Keilim.

Tonight, 14 Nissan, marks the 54th yahrtzeit of Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Rav Avrohom Joffen zt"l, R' Avrohom ben R' Asher Tzvi. Click here to read R' Chaim Shapiro's memories of Novardok, the network of mussar movement yeshivos in Europe supervised by Rav Joffen.

Pirchei Hasmadah Challenge for Pesach 5784!

Once again, Pirchei is excited to introduce the latest edition of the Pirchei Hasmadah Challenge for Pesach 5784! Designed for boys in grades 3 – 8, the program encourages them to learn during their days off, instilling a daily commitment to limud haTorah. Each day, boys learn, earn points, and win great prizes. Additionally, there is a very exciting bonus program which will run through our Pirchei Hotline. On specific days, the boys will be able to call in and listen to special divrei chizuk from Harav Reuven Feinstein שליט"א, hear exclusive original shiurim divided by grade given by Rabbi Fishel Schachter and Rabbi Yosef Pruzansky, and listen to an exciting continuous story by Yehuda Bromberg of YB Productions.

Click HERE for more details about this exciting program!

For details on how to submit your form, please follow the directions at the bottom of the form.

We invite you to partner with us to help sponsor this initiative and have the zechus of thousands of boys learning Torah over their Pesach vacation. For dedication opportunities please email: or call 212.797.9000 ext. 274.

Bnos Agudas Yisroel Tehillim Initiative

How: Each day call into the hotline and hear an inspiring story from Mrs. Leiser

  • Then say the yom lachodesh
  • Each day that you check off earns you one raffle ticket
  • On Shabbos and Yom Tov there is no hotline and of course fill in the boxes for Shabbos and Yom Tov after
  • Send in your filled in charts with the amount of raffle tickets you earned on the bottom to or call in and state your name and information clearly 212-797-9000 ext: 353.

For: Girls in grades 7-8

Click here to download the form.

Call in: 641-715-3800 Access code: 937120#

Click here for the Bnos Pesach newsletter

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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