Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fwd: News From Agudah 9 Nisan 5784, April 17, 2024

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Wed, Apr 17, 2024, 6:45 PM
Subject: News From Agudah 9 Nisan 5784, April 17, 2024
To: <>

April 17, 2024 - 9 Nisan 5784

In today's News from Agudah: As Israel continues to fight Hamas and other terrorist groups, the threat of war with Iran now looms! Tell your representatives to increase funding for Israel and for Security Grants in Emergency Bill; Over 400 businessmen and rabbanim from across South Florida gathered at the JW Marriot Tunberry in Aventura, Florida on April 4th for the inaugural H3 Florida Business Halacha Summit; Join Oraysa today; Are you in the U.S. for Pesach but will be back in Eretz Yisroel on election day November 5th? Apply for your absentee ballot today; Attention boys in grades 3-8, join the Pirchei Hasmadah program today; on Sunday Bnos will be having a Teffila and divrei chizuk event; And, we urge you to contribute to this year's OPC campaign and enable us to bring a true Simchas Yom Tov to our Eastern European brothers and sisters.

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Urgent: Tell Your Representatives to Increase Funding for Israel and for Security Grants in Emergency Bill!

As Israel continues to fight Hamas and other terrorist groups, the threat of war with Iran now looms!

And, as Iran is the greatest sponsor of state-run terrorism, the dangers facing Jews in the U.S. and abroad are now intensified!

The House must provide emergency security assistance to Israel and for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) without delay and without unnecessary conditions that will just bog the legislation down.

Click HERE to take action NOW!

Click here or see below to continue reading.

Join Oraysa Today

Oraysa was initiated over 4 years ago and has grown to over 20,000 lomdim across the globe. The organization which calls for the learning of one amud a day, Sunday to Thursday, doing a daily chazara on the previous day's amud, with Friday and Shabbos dedicated to chazaring the week's limmud.

Join Oraysa today as we start Mesachta's Sukkah and experience genuine satisfaction and geshmak in your learning on a daily basis. To order a free calendar, join an existing chabura, start a new chabura, or to receive the daily resources in your inbox, contact Oraysa at, 914.8-OR.AYSA, or

H3 Florida Business Halacha Summit

Over 400 businessmen and rabbanim from across South Florida gathered at the JW Marriot Tunberry in Aventura, Florida on April 4th for the inaugural H3 Florida Business Halacha Summit. This project of

Agudath Israel of Illinois is quickly becoming one of the most popular destinations for bnei Torah in the

business world, where they can gain knowledge of halacha, clarity in hashkafa and chizuk in hanhagah

for elevated excellence in the workplace. 

Click here or see below for more pictures and to continue reading.

Are you in the U.S. for Pesach but will be back in Eretz Yisroel on election day November 5th?

Apply for your absentee ballot now!

Not yet registered to vote?

Register Today!

A strong voter turnout from our community will determine whether or not our needs are taken seriously.

Go to for more information.

Are You Home for Pesach?

Pirchei Hasmadah Challenge for Pesach 5784!

Once again, Pirchei is excited to introduce the latest edition of the Pirchei Hasmadah Challenge for Pesach 5784! Designed for boys in grades 3 – 8, the program encourages them to learn during their days off, instilling a daily commitment to limud haTorah. Each day, boys learn, earn points, and win great prizes. Additionally, there is a very exciting bonus program which will run through our Pirchei Hotline. On specific days, the boys will be able to call in and listen to special divrei chizuk from Harav Reuven Feinstein שליט"א, hear exclusive original shiurim divided by grade given by Rabbi Fishel Schachter and Rabbi Yosef Pruzansky, and listen to an exciting continuous story by Yehuda Bromberg of YB Productions.

Click HERE for more details about this exciting program!

For details on how to submit your form, please follow the directions at the bottom of the form.

We invite you to partner with us to help sponsor this initiative and have the zechus of thousands of boys learning Torah over their Pesach vacation. For dedication opportunities please email: or call 212.797.9000 ext. 274.

Bnos Agudas Yisroel Tefillah and Divrei Chizuk Event

What: Come join Bnos Agudas Yisroel and join together for Tefillah and to hear divrei chizuk.

Who: Be inspired and hear from Mrs. Tobie Teller Principal, Aderes Miriam, Lakewood, and from Mrs. Chani Juravel on how to elevate your Pesach prep and enjoy yom tov in an uplifting manner.

When: Sunday, April 21 2024 at 5:00 P.M EST

How: Call 641-715-3800 937120# Prompt: 9

Dear friends and supporters of Agudas Yisroel,

Mei'umka d'liba, from the bottom of my heart, I thank all who have already contributed to this year's Agudath Israel Overseas Passover Campaign (OPC) on behalf of our needy Jewish brothers and sisters in Eastern Europe. Your generosity is helping sustain them and provide for their basic Pesach needs. You have a great zchus!

At a time when our minds and hearts are directed toward Eretz Yisroel and dealing with the enormous challenges our brethren face in a time of war, and when there are so many "Kimcha D'Pischa" campaigns on behalf of needy aniyei ircha neighbors around the corner, it might have been expected that the plight of needy Jews in Eastern Europe would slip through the cracks of our collective attention span. That would have been especially tragic, in light of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and the terrible displacement our brothers and sisters have experienced as a result. Their needs are greater than ever!

Happily, though, the response to our OPC campaign has been extremely warm, and we don't need to turn our backs on Jewish communities in Eastern Europe. You enable us to answer their call for help in celebrating the Yom Tov of Zmzn Cheiruseinu, which is deeply appreciated.

To those who have not yet contributed to our OPC, the door is still open. For the next few days, as our campaign heads toward the finish line, you can still be a part of this great mitzvah by donating here. Please give generously – and may you and yours be blessed with all the wonderful brachos Pesach brings.

With appreciation and anticipation, and bichas chag kosher v'sameiach,

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

Urgent: Tell Your Representatives to Increase Funding for Israel and for Security Grants in Emergency Bill!, continued:

We, therefore, urge you to contact your representatives right away and urge them to include within the emergency legislation (aka the "supplemental"), being considered this week in the House, at least $14 billion in aid to Israel to assist in threats from Iran and Hamas. This aid includes, among other things, funding for Iron Dome and David's Sling– two essential missile defense systems to defend against rocket attacks. We all saw how, with Hashem's help, these defense systems miraculously protected our brothers and sisters in Israel.

We must also urge the House to include in the supplemental funding at least $400 million to boost the current allocation for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). Antisemitic incidents had already experienced a steep incline before October 7, and in the months since that time such expressions of Jew-hatred skyrocketed an unprecedented 400%. NSGP has been a valuable tool in safeguarding our shuls, yeshivas, day schools, and charitable institutions from terrorist violence. Particularly at this time of heightened danger, it is vital that NSGP be significantly increased and thereby help save lives.

The House must pass these supplemental funding levels for Israel and NSGP, utilizing the most expeditious method available to avoid further delay during these perilous times. The Senate has already approved these allocations and President Biden has indicated he will sign legislation which includes this funding..

Please contact your representatives — today! — and call on them to support the inclusion of these appropriations in the emergency funding bill that will emerge from the House.

Thank you for your help!

Rabbi Abba Cohen

Vice President for Government Affairs

Washington Director and Counsel

Rabbi Yossie Charner

Director of Congressional Relations

H3 Florida Business Halacha Summit, continued:

The event presenters included leading poskim and well-known businessmen, all sharing the common goal of providing proper halachic information and guidance as well as inspiring the attendees to continue improving their integrity in business. The rabbanim spoke about timely topics and answered the questions facing many of the participants while the baalei batim shared personal experiences and perspectives. The sessions were relatable, informative, and relevant, and during the breaks and first-class meals, many of the attendees took advantage of the opportunity to meet and connect with peers in their industry.

The Opening Keynote Session set the tone for the entire Summit. Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro, the internationally renowned speaker and Rav of Shaaray Tefilah in Miami Beach, opened with a definitive charge to the attendees, "Everywhere that you go, every step that you take, every person that you meet, make it an admas kodesh (holy ground). That is the challenge." He was followed by an inspirational drasha from Rabbi Joey Haber, Rav of the Magen David Synagogue, who focused on two main topics, making one's office a location that is fit for a ben Torah and on the proper treatment of employees and colleagues.

R' Avi Schron, a well know personality in the real estate industry and in the world of askanus, closed the session from the perspective of a ben Torah in the workplace and the responsibility to create a Kiddush Hashem in in all situations. One specific point he touched upon, is one of the main goals of the H3 Summit Movement; To inspire the participants to take concrete steps to ensure that all business deals are executed within the framework of halacha. He asked, "Businessman have consultants for everything related to their business, why can't they have a Rav or posek on retainer or payroll to oversee every contract and business deal?"

The Summit was graced by the participation of many renowned Rabbanim and Poskim from across the country. Rav Zev Cohen, Rosh Kollel of the Choshen Mishpat Kollel in Chicago, electrified his audience in a session about honest business dealings, and Rabbi Yosef Viener, the Rav of Kehillas Shaar Shamayim in Monsey, delivered the closing keynote address. In addition, they both participated in a powerful Q & A session on Thursday afternoon, where they shared clear daas Torah on the topics of bitachon, work-life balance and other business-related maters. Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan of Agudas Yisroel of Illinois and close talmid of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l, gave a shiur about the halachos of hiring and doing business with other Yidden. Rabbi Ari Marburger, Dayan for the Bais Din Maysharim in Lakewood, spoke about various halachos related to the Employer-Employee relationship, and Rabbi Yosef Kushner, posek for the Bais Havaad of Lakewood, spoke twice. Once about Commerce on Shabbos and another about the halachos of Tzedakah and Maaser. All speakers marveled at and spoke about the Kiddush Hashem of 400 attendees taking off a day of work to learn and apply lessons to run their business according to halacha.

In addition to the guest speakers, there were several local Rabbanim representing most of the Jewish communities in South Florida, who also spoke and gave shiurim. A session about Business Travel in Halacha was opened with divrei pesicha from Rabbi Nachman Luban, Rosh Kollel of the Boa Raton Kollel, followed by a shiur from Rabbi Yaacov Gross, the Rosh Kollel of the Miami Beach Kollel, and Rabbi Ephraim Friedman, the Rosh Kollel of the Ezra Franco Kollel in Aventura. In a parallel session on "Avoiding Common Pitfalls in the workplace" the session heard divrei pesicha from Rabbi Moshe Schreck, the Rav of Beis Medrash Heichal Hatorah in Hollywood, followed by a shiur by Rabbi Dovid Schoen, the Av Bais Din of the Bais of Florida, and Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer, Rosh Kollel of the North Miami Beach Kollel. Each speaker drew upon his expertise on these maters to educate and illuminate these often-complex issues. To round off the list, Rabbi Yosef Galimidi the Rav of the Beit Edmond J Safra Shul in Aventura and Rabbi Yaakov Gibber of the Jewish Center in Boca also share inspirational remarks. Each session was chaired by a local businessman, giving some perspective on the topic or session at hand, including Josh Kon, Avrohom Liberman, Ari Pearl, Andre Roitman, Meir Rosenwasser, Joseph Saka.

A highlight of the entire event was the closing keynote address by R' Shlomo Werdiger, Chairman of Agudath Israel of America. Mr. Werdiger emphasized, "The most important thing that I can impart to all of you is consistency. Your home life, your shul life have to be the same as your business life. You do not have dual lives" He then regaled the audience with stories about how acting with dignity and courtesy can make a Kiddush Hashem and inspire others to come closer to Judaism.

To learn more about the event, visit

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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