Thursday, May 2, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Kiddush Hashem - One Phone Call

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Thu, May 2, 2024 at 9:40 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Kiddush Hashem - One Phone Call

One Phone Call
May 2, 2024

Recently a reader shared with me the following powerful story. It brought to mind how easy it is to make a difference in someone else's life.

Eli Schwartz (name changed) is a member of a community kollel in a small town in New Jersey. His kollel once received a visit from Rabbi Avi Shafran of Agudas Yisroel, who spoke about the importance of adopting a friendly attitude and taking the initiative to greet others.

Rabbi Shafran explained that this behavior often plants the seeds of future inspiration, and the potential benefit is incalculable.

A few weeks later, Eli had a chance to put this lesson into practice, when he was informed that a certain man who had been attending minyanim in the shul had been suddenly hospitalized. Eli knew that the man was on a personal journey toward Judaism; it was obvious that he hailed from an irreligious background and was still taking tentative steps toward religion, and the kollel members always tried their best to be gracious and welcoming. 

With Rabbi Shafran's words ringing in his mind, Eli decided to reach out to the man and called his cell phone. The call went directly to voicemail, and Eli left a message identifying himself and conveying his deep felt best wishes.

A day or two later, the man was back in shul and approached Eli to thank him for the call. "It meant even more than you realize," he added. "You see, my wife has been questioning my decision to come to shul every day; she doesn't understand what I gain from it. I have told her that I feel that I am part of a group of people who truly care about me, but she has been very skeptical about that. She has not been supportive of my journey.

When I received your message, I played it for her and she was astounded. She now understands that there is really a lot to gain from being here and that people really care. We have been more on the same page."

A simple phone call and a few sympathetic words were enough to radically shift an estranged Jew's perspective.

Please continue sharing your stories. 

Rabbi Shraga Freedman
Director of Living Kiddush Hashem Foundation

In this week's attachment we learn about the sensitivity and cautiousness of the Chofetz Chaim towards even the slight possibility of chillul Hashem.

Shared by Readers


Below is feedback sent to Avrohom Perkowski (coordinator) from a neighbor in Solterra from this Pesach.


Halacha/Hashkafa of the Week

Reader Question:

Continuation from Last Week's Question:

Why do you bring stories of the good impressions that our actions have on the world around us? Why are we emphasizing the world being impressed? It's not all about impressions! Do we need their approval?


One of the most successful tactics of the yetzer hara in hurting our motivation in life is the attitude of "your actions don't make a difference", "You don't matter".

When we see the power of the Torah way of life and how the simple things we do impact others around us it is incredibly empowering, and infuses us with a strong sense of responsibility. Kiddush Hashem is for everyone. No matter who you are. You do matter. You can make a difference.

Send us your Kiddush Hashem/Chillul Hashem halacha or hashkafa questions.

Small Actions, Big Difference

Small Actions - Lets Keep It Going!
This week's "Small Action":

Make one phone call each day just to check in on someone, to show that you are thinking about them.

 Last week's "Small Action":

Allocate one hour each day to cultivate patience with your family and those around you, particularly amidst the hustle and bustle of Pesach.

Kiddush Hashem Curriculum

Camp Curriculum Available for Summer 2024!

Bring the important lessons of Kiddush Hashem into your classroom!


This week's newsletter is dedicated l'zecher nishmas:
 ר׳ ברוך יוסף אהרן בן יצחק משה

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Living Kiddush Hashem was founded with the goal of imbuing every Jew with a powerful sense of mission — the mission to be mekadeish Sheim Shamayim in his or her own unique way. We strive to accomplish this by raising awareness of the paramount importance of the mitzvah of kiddush Hashem and its centrality in everything we do.

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