Sunday, May 19, 2024

Fw: [aneinu] Special Day to Daven for Arvin Netanel ben Sonia Tziyona

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2024 at 10:53 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Special Day to Daven for Arvin Netanel ben Sonia Tziyona
From: Shabbos Illuminated <>
Date: Sun, May 19, 2024 at 12:23 PM
‪Subject: כיון שנדחה ידחה אי"ה - update‬

As you may have heard, Hashem has given Klal Yisroel an extension to be מציל נפש מישראל, first for two days, and now until "next month", as per recent reports.
Let us first take a moment to appreciate the enormity of this partial hatzalah, which will iy"H continue into a complete salvation, for Arvin Netanel ben Sonia Tziyona [as per Agudas Yisrael] and for all of Klal Yisroel, who are so powerfully adding to their זכות להגאל גאולת עולמים through this situation as we will explain further iy"H:

Here are the facts. Iran has the highest number of executions in the entire world. Many hundreds of men, women, and minors are executed there each year. Over 150 people were executed there in the past two months alone. There's nothing soft in their hearts. And you can be absolutely sure that a Yid, even one who isn't associated with their number one greatest enemy - Israel - doesn't have any greater privileges than a goy lehavdil. הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב applies there too. And yet, this Yid has had his execution R"l delayed again and again. כי מי גוי גדול אשר לו אלקים קרובים אליו כה' אלקינו בכל קראנו אליו - that is the only true explanation.

Yes, הרבה שלוחים למקום, and we have such gratitude to them, but all understand - including them - that it is only Hashem.

This respite, however, cannot chalilah lull us into complacency. On the contrary, we must take the chizuk which this clear nes gives us and plug it into our every tefillah, three times a day. True, we don't feel the urgency which we felt when we thought that it was mere hours away, but the meforshim teach us that true gadlus in tefillah is to daven each and every day as if it is a time of crisis. This is learned from Chazal on the pasuk ויצעקו בני ישראל אל ה' before Krias Yam Suf, on which Chazal say "תפסו אומנות אבותם", the Yidden followed in the Avos' footsteps, and Chazal quote various pesukim which teach us that the Avos davened. The question is, however, that those pesukim don't refer to particular times of extreme tzarah - they only refer to "normal" daily tefillos, so how does this align with the awesome "emergency tefillos" of Klal Yisroel when they found themselves in such imminent peril at the Yam Suf? We see that each and every tefillah of the Avos contained that level of urgency, say the meforshim [perhaps Rav Yeruchem zt"l]. Of course, we cannot instantly spring to that level, but חייב אדם לומר מתי יגיעו מעשי למעשי אבותי. Let us try!

Today is a particularly auspicious day. Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky [ספר למכסה עתיק פ' ויצא - נשמע מהגר"מ סורוצקין שליט"א] brings from Chazal that the day in which Rochel Immeinu gave the simanim to Leah, the awesome act of רחמים which aroused the mightiest רחמי שמים for Klal Yisroel forever and ever - was today, 11 Iyar. [Rav Moshe Sorotzkin shlita adds that although we assume that 11 Cheshvan is her yahrtzeit, there are strong sources that it is actually today.]

Tomorrow is the final day of בה"ב.

Hashem has given us these two awesome days in which we can tear the terrible גזר דין into pieces, through our powerful bitachon in Hashem's Capability, and all the actions we do based on this bitachon -תשובה תפילה וצדקה מעבירין את רוע הגזירה.

Although we unfortunately live in a time that דם ישראל נשפך כמים רח"ל, on a level which we haven't experienced since the World War, Klal Yisroel's powerful reaction to this tzarah demonstrates that the greatest tragedy of all - that we lose our sensitivity to the plight of even one Yid - hasn't chalilah occurred. Meforshim equivalate the moment in which Yosef suddenly revealed himself to his brothers, אני יוסף, to the awesome moment in which Hashem will instantaneously declare, "אני ה' אלקיכם!" from one second to the next. As we know, the situation which prompted Yosef's revelation was Yehuda's tremendous display of concern for his brother Binyomin. Who knows if this awesomely historic opportunity is not being repeated right now?!

May we hear besuros tovos!

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