Thursday, May 30, 2024

Fwd: Parshat Bechukotai - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman

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Date: Thu, May 30, 2024, 3:53 PM
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Parshat Bechukotai with Reb Chaim Kramer
Barukh Hashem, I was blessed this week with true Jewish joy at the Chalaka (haircut - Upsherin) celebration of my grandson David, may he live, the son of my son Tzvi, and also from my great-grandson Shroolik, the son of my grandson Yochanan, the son of my son Aharon.

May they all always be blessed with true Jewish joy, Amen.
"If you follow My statutes" - Rashi interprets this as meaning that you should toil in Torah. Toiling in Torah means having the desire to understand, fulfill, and implement what one learns, to be a proper student.

In Likutey Moharan, lesson 60, Rebbe Nachman explains the concept of a proper student. Reb Noson writes in his prayer on this lesson: "But do not despair, Heaven forbid, saying that your sins have attached themselves to you… …Do not say such things, Heaven forbid, because doing so is even worse than the sins that you have committed. Such ideas are harmful and anger your Creator even more than the wrongdoing that you performed over the course of your life. The truth is that you still have great hope at every moment…" (The 50th Gate, Prayer 60)

His intention is very straightforward: a person who despairs due to the multitude of his sins commits the worst transgression! Because there is hope for everyone, anyone who hears and internalizes these words is called a proper student.

However, someone who thinks to themselves, "These words are not meant for me, I am already worthless," etc., is considered an improper student. The Torah they learn does not benefit them at all. One must indeed toil to reach this state, to plead with Hashem, and to engage in personal prayer, asking to truly toil in Torah and to believe and accept every word that Rebbe Nachman writes. Through this, we will be proper students and merit all the blessings written in the parsha, Amen.

Shabbat Shalom

Chaim Kramer


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