Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Fwd: What's New This Week

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From: Agudah <info@agudahil.org>
Date: Tue, May 28, 2024, 5:10 PM
Subject: What's New This Week
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

TUES, MAY 28, 2024 | 20 IYAR 5784

What's new this week

Government and Legal

  • As the legislative session in Springfield comes to a close, there will be updates regarding STC, other budget line items, and pending legislation that Agudath Israel of Illinois has advocated for, passed, supported, or opposed. 

Halacha and Torah

  • The Midwest Bais Horaah will be having their annual Charidy campaign and event this Monday-Tuesday. Scroll for more information.

  • Researchers confirm what Chayim Aruchim has known for years. See below to read the complete article.

Family and Children

  • See below for the Galei Avigayil Pool hours.

  • Yahalom Chicago hosted a mother's event last week at the Robert Crown Community Center. Scroll to read more.

  • After many weeks of diligent Mishnas Shabbos learning, Rabbi Gross and his talmidim completed mesechtas שביעית. See below to read more and to download the shiurim locations.

  • The Midwest Bnos leaders took a trip to South Bend for an Inaugural Bnos Leaders Appreciation Event. Scroll to read more.

  • There will be Shaimos dropoff this Sunday. See below for important details and information.

  • Download the month of June of the Agudath Israel Family Calendar below.

Yeshivos and Camps

  • Did you hear what the PDC theme is for this summer? See below for a clue!
Quick! Tell us...

Our pool's new safety otter is excited to teach our community about pool safety, but it's waiting for your child to name it!

Email your child's name suggestions to info@agudahil.org.

The winner's family gets a free 3-hour pass to the pool!

Open to children & teenagers ages 3-15 | Chicago residents only

See more ways we can help at agudahil.org

Full scoop

Legislative Update

As the legislative session in Springfield comes to a close, there will be updates regarding STC, other budget line items, and pending legislation that Agudath Israel of Illinois has advocated for, passed, supported, or opposed. While the Senate adjourned late Sunday night, the House has gone into overtime and remains in session this week passing bills before the buzzer and finalizing the state budget. We look forward to sharing these developments with the community as soon as the House wraps up business this week. 

Midwest Bais Horaah Campaign & Event


Galei Avigayil Pool Hours


Yahalom Mother's Event

Yahalom Chicago hosted a mother's event last Wednesday at the Robert Crown Community Center. In the words of a mother who attended "More than a dozen women spent time together while walking on the Robert Crown indoor track discussing common concerns, situations, and solutions regarding their children with special needs. We continued the conversation in a private room next to the track with healthy snacks, introductions and a sense of community. We came away feeling just a little bit lighter, more seen, more validated, and more connected than an hour before, and that can make all the difference."

Mishnas Shabbos Siyum

After many weeks of diligent Mishnas Shabbos learning, Rabbi Gross and his talmidim completed mesechtas שביעית, which is not such an easy mesechta full of many ידיעות about the הלכות of שמיטה. The boys learned it and know it well, and we are so proud of this special accomplishment. They should all continue מחיל אל חיל to make many more siyumim and become true בני תורה.xמזל טוב!!


Bnos Leaders Inaugural Appreciation Event

This past Sunday, the Midwest Bnos leaders took a trip to South Bend for an Inaugural Bnos Leaders Appreciation Event

PDC: Did You Hear?


Shaimos Drop Off This Sunday!

Shaimos Boxes should be securely taped!

Agudath Israel Family Calendar - June


Researchers Confirm What Chayim Aruchim Has Known for Years

On May 17, 2024, The New York Times wrote an article with the headlines, "Study Suggests Waiting Longer Before Withdrawing Life Support". 


This article discusses when a patient with a severe traumatic brain injury is comatose, unresponsive, and hooked up to a ventilator, when is the time to withdraw life support? Researchers behind the new study say that their data suggests that doctors' predictions so soon after the injury frequently are wrong. The researchers found that 42% who continued life support recovered enough in the next year to have some degree of independence. A few even returned to their former lives.


Chayim Aruchim has always taken this position that following a traumatic brain injury, it is an unknown as to what is really going on. 


This also has Halachic implications. Since we agree with this study that soon after a traumatic brain injury one does not know what is going on, the patient is therefore not a goses. If the patient is not a goses then one is obligated to treat.


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Want to volunteer your time or expertise in another capacity? We value your caring to make a difference and would love to hear from you!

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See ways we can help at agudahil.org

Agudath Israel of Illinois | 3434 West Peterson, Chicago, IL 60659
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