Thursday, June 27, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Ner Echad News

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Sent: Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 11:19 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Ner Echad News

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Ner Echad Newsletter, Parshas Shelach

 21 Sivan 5784, June 27 2024

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We want to take this opportunity to welcome all our new members from all over the world who have increased the impact of our weekly united Mitzvos by being a part of it with us - welcome! 

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If a member forwarded this email to you, then take the two minutes to join now and start lighting up the world with us!

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The Far-Reaching Consequences of Machlokes

The Midrash (Tanchuma) writes that Dasan and Aviram were lost forever because they were involved with the machlokes of Korach. Rav Zalman Sorotzkin, zt"l, makes a penetrating observation: Dasan and Aviram had quite a history. They were the informers who exposed that Moshe killed the Mitzri, and as a result Pharaoh sought to have Moshe killed (who was then miraculously saved by Hashem); they were also the ones who opposed Moshe and complained when he came out from Pharaoh; they were the ones who left the mann overnight; they were the ones who said, "Let's go back to Mitzrayim," causing the nation to be weakened in their conviction, and so on.

Nevertheless, they were pardoned for all that: they still received mann, they weren't banished from the encampment of Klal Yisrael and the protection of the ananei hakavod. However, there is one sin they did that there was no forgiveness for which they lost their lives both in this world and the next: the sin of machlokes! 

Even though Korach was the main instigator of the tragic confrontation with Moshe, since they were involved, they, too, received the tragic consequences! This is the far-reaching consequences of machlokes and gives us a glimpse to what degree it is despised by Hashem. Every Father wants to see His children living in total harmony!

-Rabbi Dovid Vatch

We at Ner Echad hope that our weekly Mitzvos of unity are combatting any Machlokes in our Nation, bringing us closer together and closer to Moshiach. Good Shabbos! 

Quote of the Week

unnamed (59)

Members Making Missions

We are always happy to promote the work of our members who are doing great things for Jewish women! Here is a unique opportunity for upper high school or post high school young women to go to Israel and really learn about, connect with, and help in this war. Limited slots filling up fast - message 7326047020 for more details. 


Parsha Perspective- Shelach:

"…v'lo ta'turu acharei levavchem v'acharei einechem…" (Bamidbar 15:39) 

"… and you should not stray after your hearts and after your eyes…" 


Rabbi Doniel Staum points out that the beginning of the Parsha discusses Moshe sending spies to the Land of Israel, using the term "v'yaturu" – to spy out. Similarly, at the end of the Parsha, the same root is used in the word "ta'turu" – meaning to stray. Additionally, Rabbi Staum points out that the order of straying seems to be reversed, as the Gemarah states that first our eyes see and then our heart desires.  


Rabbi Mordechai Gifter ZT"L explains that on the contrary, human nature is that we see what we want to see, and that creates our perspective. This preconceived notion is our heart dictating what our eyes will see. This was also the case with the spies that gave an evil account of Israel – they too strayed and went with the negativity their hearts sanctioned.  


The moral of the story is all about our attitude. A positive disposition will yield wonderful things even in a difficult situation!  



Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach!     

L'Ilui nishmat avi mori Yeshaya ben Eliezer Peretz Z"L                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

L'Ilui nishmat immi morati Tziona bat Yekutiel Z"L        

L'Ilui nishmat Tehilla Yocheved bat Yehuda/Ita Minna Z"L             

Sponsored as a Refuah Shelaima for Abba Pinchas ben Rivka  

Sponsored as a Refuah Shelaima for Moshe Chaim ben Livsha                                                                            

Sponsored for the safe return of the hostages; for peace of mind of the families of all victims; and in honor and a safe return of the soldiers defending our right to exist        

Not a Member Yet? Join Today! 

Signing up to be part of our weekly united Mitzvos takes 3 minutes - and you can even do it from your phone! Click here or call 844.637.3242 to light up the world today!

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