Friday, June 28, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] THIS SHABBOS - special - 23 Sivan - what to do

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 11:13 AM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] THIS SHABBOS - special - 23 Sivan - what to do
 from Hakhel:


Shabbos, the 23rd day of Sivan, is one of those special days especially mentioned in Tanach. Many of you may remember where. In Megillas Esther (8:9), the Pasuk records that on the 23rd day of the 3rd month--"Hu Chodesh Sivan" (which is the month of Sivan)--the king's scribes wrote all that Mordechai had dictated to them. While we may not have the exact text of what was written other than that the Jews could destroy their enemies, we do know that Achashveirosh had permitted them to write in the letters--"Katov Be'eynechem--whatever is favorable in your eyes, in the name of the King..."


The Luach Davar B'Ito writes the following about this very special day:


One should try to recite the relevant Pesukim in Esther (Esther 8:3-17)


In the name of the Makover Rebbe, Zt'l, the day is Mesugal for nisim v'niflaos, as implied by the Pasuk referred to above--"Now, write [on this day] about the Jews what is favorable in your eyes in the name of the king"--which also refers to the King of the World. Thus, just as Mordechai subsequently left the King with many royal garments (ibid., 8:15)…so can we!


In 1940, the Russian Government told thousands of Jewish refugees in Eastern Galicia that they could register as Russian citizens. Rebbe Itzikel of Antwerp, Z'tl, advised them not to register. On the night of the 23rd of Sivan, the Russians exiled to Siberia all those who had not registered as Russian citizens. The exiled thought this to be a horrible decree, but the Rebbe told them that the 23rd of Sivan is "Muchan L'Tova--prepared for the good," and that no bad would come out of their exile. A year later, in Sivan 1941, the Nazi's YM'S, invaded Eastern Galicia and killed the Jews who remained--the exiles to Siberia remained alive.


Let us harness the powers inherent in this day, through our own personal Torah, Teshuva, Tefillah and Tzedaka so that the King writes beautiful letters on our personal behalf, and on behalf of all of K'lal Yisroel!


Hakhel Note: One may question why it took 70 days--from the 13th of Nissan when the First Letters were issued, to the 23rd of Sivan--when the Second Letters which nullified them, to be issued. After all, was not Haman hanged on the sixteenth of Nissan--just several days after the First Letters were issued. What took so long?! Why were the Jews still subject to the scary decree for over two months after Haman and his sons was taken care of?!


 In fact, Chazal (Yerushalmi Sotah 8A) answer the question, somewhat enigmatically. Chazal there explain that the 70-day period in which the First Letters were extant was Keneged--seemingly, in payment or exchange for--the 70 days that the Egyptians performed Chesed with Yaakov Avinu--from the time he was Niftar and all the way through the time they escorted him to his final burial in Meoras HaMachpaila.


This Chazal requires elucidation. What do the Mitzriyim have to do with the decree by the Persians? What does the Chesed of Yaakov Avinu have to do with our nation being in danger and fear for 70 days? What is the significance of 70 days? We welcome your insights and explanations!

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