Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fw: What Did It Really Feel Like?

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Sent: Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 3:34 PM
Subject: What Did It Really Feel Like?
What Did It Really Feel Like?
Gimmel Sivan, 5784 — June 9 , 2024

What did it feel like to stand at Har Sinai?
Standing now at the foot of the mountain, in the days leading up to Shavuos, Sichos in English is excited to share a unique sichah from the Selections from Likkutei Sichos series, which brings the Matan Torah experience to life.
Learn about the significance of the Jewish People's reaction to hearing the Aseres HaDibros directly from Hashem. Be drawn into the debate on how exactly we responded to the giving of the various mitzvos. Visualize what it was that they were able to hear, and listen in to that which they were able to see.
This Shavuos, make Matan Torah be a personal experience by learning and internalizing this wondrous sichah.
May we merit the ultimate realization of Matan Torah's G-dly revelation with the coming of Mashiach, when the world will be truly permeated with Hashem's presence in the complete Geulah now.

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