Thursday, June 27, 2024

Fw: What was the Sin of the Spies?

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Subject: What was the Sin of the Spies?
New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Shelach

Yeshiva University

Parshat Shelach 5784

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Parshat Shelach

with 22 pages of recently uploaded Torah articles to print out for your Shabbat table.

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Topics from Shelach
Lashon Harah

What should the spies have learned from Miriam? What does it mean to slander the Land of Israel?

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The Laws of Tzitzit

Learn the laws and lessons of the mitzvah that is equal to all the mitzvot in the Torah.

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Hafrashat Challah

What are the guidelines for when and how you separate challah from dough? What life lessons can we glean from it?

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New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Shelach
Rabbi Tzvi Benoff: Making Mezuzah Amend(dation)s
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: The Ma'apilim
Rabbi Aryeh Cohen: The Synthesis Of Greatness & Lowliness

Rabbi Avishai David: Yehoshua and Caleb, Two Derachim in Avodas Hashem

Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom: Who is כל העדה?
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Being Jewish Again
Rabbi Yonatan Shai Freedman: Why Were They All Blamed for the Mekoshesh?
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: Challah and the Mergalim
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: הלידה וההתחדשות של ארץ ישראל
Rabbi Daniel Grama: Meraglim, Minyan and the Blessing of Challah
Rabbi Jonathan Green: Fortifying My City

Rabbi Daniel Hartstein: The Secret Of Challah

Rabbi Gedaliah Jaffe: The False Premise of the Spies

Rabbi Ari Kahn: The Ma'apilim

Rabbi Josh Kahn: Believing in Ourselves

Mrs. Emma Katz: Depths and Heights

Rabbi Shaya Katz: Replacing Our Exclamation Points with Question Marks when Relevant
Rabbi Aaron Leibtag: Humility and Leadership
Rabbi Yoni Levin: The Nation Makes the Leader

Rabbi Sariel Malitzky: Lashon Hara Is About You More Than It Is About The Subject Of Your Words

Rabbi Chaim Marcus: Digging Deep To Find Fruits

Rabbi Shay Schachter: Perspective Taking and How We Choose To Interpret
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Hubris, Humility and Heavenly Help
Rabbi Kalman Topp: Particularism, Universalism, Independence and the Meraglim in Our Minds
R' Ari Wasserman: To live successfully in Israel
Recent Articles on Shelach
Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein: Tzitzis and Creation
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander: Stolen Objects and Robotic Mitzvot – The Need to Own our Observance
Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald: Bread Alone

Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider: Taking the Land's Hand in Marriage

Dr. Stu Halpern: "Ki Shivatayim Yukam": Rachav and the Seven Walls of Jericho
Mrs. Michal Horowitz: Lessons in Respect
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm: Jews Against Jews

Rabbi Johnny Solomon: Bring Them Home!

Rabbi Noah Sonenberg: How to Guarantee Success

Rabbi Moshe Taragin: A "Different Spirit"
Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: The Universal Color?
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