Friday, July 19, 2024

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Ner Echad Newsletter, Parshas Balak

12 Tamuz 5784, July 18 2024

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Dear Chaya Miriam, 

We are about to begin the period known as the 'Three Weeks' in which we mourn for our Holy Temple and reflect on the discord among our Nation that brought this exile upon us. Let's send a little extra love out to one another, and try to unite our Nation once again. To our new members, please use this opportunity to tell your friends and family about Ner Echad - remember the more women who join us, the more powerful our united Mitzvos become. May our efforts bring us closer to one another, and closer to the final redemption. Good Shabbos!

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Quote of the Week

unnamed (62)

This Tuesday: Shiva Asar B'Tamuz

This coming Tuesday begins the period of the Three Weeks, the time between the 17th of Tamuz  and the 9th of Av . This is a period when many tragedies happened to the Jewish people. 

destruction of second temple

Why do we mourn the loss of the Temple after so many years? What did and does it mean to us? 

The Temple was a central focal point of the Jewish people. Three times a year -- Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot -- the Jews living in the Land of Israel came to worship Hashem at the Temple and to celebrate. It offered us the ultimate opportunity to come close to the Almighty, to elevate ourselves spiritually. It represented the purpose of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel -- to be a holy people united with the Almighty in our own land. That is what we seek to regain and that is why we mourn and remember the loss of what we once had.

Parshas Balak
From the constraints of physics to the limitations of time, the world that Hashem created operates on strict natural principles within which we must function. Despite the incredible advances in science and technology that we've experienced in our lifetimes, human creativity and scientific ingenuity is bound by the immutable laws of nature. While miracles can, and do, occur; our world is designed to operate as close as possible to the natural framework ordained from the Days of Creation. 

The Mishna in Avos lists the miracle of Bila'am's donkey speaking as one of ten essential nature-breaking miracles that was included in creation. If we examine the story, though, it's unclear why it was necessary. Bila'am's plan hinged on being able to curse the Jews at a precise moment in time. Like all plans that depend on precise timing, there are myriad ways to disrupt the timing. Bila'am could have fallen asleep or gotten stuck in traffic. Why was it so critically important for Hashem to create, from the very dawn of time, this precise miracle? 

The Meshech Chochma provides an incredible insight. At this moment in history, the Jewish people were facing an existential threat. The nations of the world were gearing up to go to war. They enlisted Bila'am, one of the most prominent citizens of the era, as a leader in the effort. Bila'am's involvement was crucial in shaping the world's response to the Jewish nation traversing the desert. Had Bila'am's efforts been disrupted in a mundane fashion, the world would not have recognized the depths of Hashem's love for the Jewish people. They would have assumed that Bila'am received a bribe from the Jews or lost his nerve. By subverting the natural order in such a miraculous and public fashion, Hashem was showing the world that we were under His protection, and efforts to attack us were doomed to fail. 

Throughout history, we have been subject to attacks and threats from all corners. We may not always recognize it, but Hashem continues to look out for us and protect us. With the threat of anti-Semitism on the rise, it's important to take a moment and appreciate that, ultimately, it is Hashem who is in charge, and, if necessary, He'll break all the rules in the world to protect us. 
Have a great Shabbos!

-Rabbi JJ Rabinowich

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