Monday, July 29, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter - The Flowing Good

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Sent: Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 5:15 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter - The Flowing Good

The Flowing Good


In his work Mesillat Yesharim, the Ramchal ztk'l writes that "Man is created to delight in Hashem and enjoy the radiance of His Shechinah." This is our primary purpose. The radiance represents the joy of Gan Eden. "Gan Eden" is not a physical place rather a state of deveikut (bonding) to Hashem. In other words, the entire purpose of creation and everything in it is to enable us to attach ourselves to Him. That is the whole point of our lives.

The Sefarim Hakedoshim teach us that the way a person thinks and feels in this world indicates how he will think and feel in the World to Come. This world is 'boot camp' to train us how it will be in 'real eternal life' the World to Come.  Therefore we ought to constantly strive to bask in the Divine radiance in this world so that we will be able to appreciate it in World to Come after 120, B'H.

The World to Come is referred to as "completely good." What does this label mean? Dovid HaMelech zt'l teaches us in Tehillim (63:28) that, "…closeness to Hashem is my good". Therefore, to merit this "goodness" in Gan Eden, we should live with the recognition that cleaving to Hashem in this world is the main source of good. All good flowing into this world is a result of attaching it to Hashem's will.

" The Ba'al Shem Tov teaches that in order to enjoy appropriate spiritual self-esteem, one should imagine he is a ladder standing on the ground whose top reaches the Heavens. Every word and movement below leaves its imprints on High. "

~ Orit Esther Riter
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