Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Fw: What's New This Week

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From: "Agudah" <info@agudahil.org>
To: "mates57564@aol.com" <mates57564@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 5:01 PM
Subject: What's New This Week

TUES, JULY 23, 2024 | 17 TAMUZ 5784

What's new this week

Halacha and Torah

  • Download the Safa Berura kuntris on the Three Weeks below.

Family and Children

  • This Sunday! Please join the Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library for a Sand Art Activity.

  • There will be Shaimos dropoff the next two Sundays: July 28th and August 4th

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Overheard on our shailah hotline

Q: May one rinse out their mouth on a taanis?

A: Rabbi Moshe Kaufman responds:

Although the Shulchan Aruch (OC: 567:3) writes that on a taanis tzibur one should not wash out their mouth with water, the Mishna Berura (11) adds that if a person is in discomfort it is allowed. He should be careful to ensure that he does not swallow the water incidentally. R' Moshe Feinstein zt"l allowed one to use mouthwash, which is not something meant to be swallowed, to be used on a taanis (with the exception of Tisha Ba'av).

Full scoop

Safa Berura: 3 Weeks


Sand Art Activity


Shaimos Dropoff Next Two Sundays

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Agudath Israel of Illinois | 3434 West Peterson, Chicago, IL 60659
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