Monday, August 5, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Rav Sternbuch - In response to feedback

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 12:04 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rav Sternbuch - In response to feedback
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    From: ravsternbuch torah <>
    Date: Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 2:07 PM
    Subject: In response to feedback

    • I did not intend sending any more messages, but apparently Rav Sternbuch's statements last Friday are sowing panic amongst some. In addition, since people have a tendency to stress the sensational, especially in the media, and may be reading messianic connotations into those statements.  


      The atmosphere in Rav Sternbuch's house is currently neither one of fear, nor one of excitement (and for those overseas: religious people, in general, are relaxed here in Eretz Yisroel). The last thing Rav Sternbuch intended, was to instill unproductive fear into people's hearts (see "War and Redemption" about this topic in general). He merely wished to convey the message that people should be utilizing the quiet time we are experiencing at the moment to get closer to Hashem by praying, learning, refraining from loshon horo, and so on. As he said, people should hope for the best, but just in case things become less quiet - when it may become more challenging to maintain peace of mind, one should focus now on one's avodas Hashem, which is anyway the order of the day, now that we are going into Av and are also just one month away from Elul.


      In situations such as the one we find ourselves in, one has to focus on Hashem's love for His nation, every member of which is an indivisible part of Him, and on deep gratitude for our continued miraculous existence in this country, surrounded as we are by bloodthirsty enemies. We are supposed to focus on judging others favorably (Rav Sternbuch recently mentioned how much Hashem yearns for us to do this), and to beseech Hashem to focus on all the right things that His nation is doing, and that all those merits should be effective for every member of His nation, so that we may witness miracles, as we did the last time Paras (Iran) tried to harm us, just four months ago.




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