Thursday, August 1, 2024

Fwd: It's Been 300 Days; The Kovno Ghetto Tefillin Incident; What Startup Entrepreneurs Should Know

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Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2024, 5:24 PM
Subject: It's Been 300 Days; The Kovno Ghetto Tefillin Incident; What Startup Entrepreneurs Should Know
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Add meaning to your Tisha b'Av with kinot webcasts from Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Rabbi Steven Weil, Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, and Rabbi Azarya Berzon.
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August 2-3, 2024 / 28 Tammuz 5784


Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Av.


Rosh Chodesh Av is observed on Sunday night, August 4, through Monday, August 5. Rosh Chodesh Av begins the Nine Days mourning period.

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300 Days
300 Days
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

300 days of innocent people, men and women, babies and the elderly, held hostage by a monstrous enemy. 300 days during which loving mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, spouses, close friends, and relatives live every moment with unimaginable questions: is my loved one alive or dead, whole or wounded, healthy or ill? When was the last time they saw sunlight, inhaled fresh air, had a meal? Will they return? Will they ever recover from the trauma of captivity?

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Remembering Every Soldier
Remembering Every Soldier
Orthodox Union

Our EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer explains why the OU embarked on the B'Yachad LaNetzach initiative. He discusses how the program was received in different communities and how we should think of and elevate soldiers of the IDF.

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Infuse Your Tisha bAv With Meaning
Infuse Your Tisha b'Av With Meaning
Orthodox Union

Add meaning to your Tisha b'Av with kinot webcasts from Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Rabbi Steven Weil, Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, and Rabbi Azarya Berzon. Special programming includes the B'Yachad LaNetzach project, a discussion with Israeli heroines, and the NCSY Kumzitz of the World.

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Horror in Majdal Shams
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Horror in Majdal Shams

This past Shabbat, Jews all over the world read the first prophesy of Jeremiah, including this dire warning: "From the north shall disaster break loose upon all the inhabitants of the land."

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Startup Day Across America
Impact Accelerator
Startup Day Across America

Today is Startup Day Across America and Tamar Frydman, OU Impact Accelerator Director, is sharing her thoughts on the most important things entrepreneurs need to know before launching their startups.

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OU Women's Initiative Mental-Health Seminar Explores Trauma of Oct. 7
Women's Initiative
OU Women's Initiative Mental-Health Seminar Explores Trauma of Oct. 7

Thirty-five women from across North America participated in this year's fellowship, a program which introduces general mental-health concepts and encourages fellows to develop their intuitions and recognize when and how to support community members alongside referrals to professionals.

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Starting Next Week: Learn Seder Nezikin
All Torah
Starting Next Week: Learn Seder Nezikin

Learn Seder Nezikin with All Mishnah beginning August 8! Help us encourage others to use the All Mishnah app: Click on the link below for a brief survey and to leave a testimonial. You will automatically be entered into a raffle for one of three $100 ArtScroll gift cards!

Fill Out the Survey
Savoring Diversity: JLIC at Technion Hosts a Night of French Cuisine and Culture
Savoring Diversity: JLIC at Technion Hosts a Night of French Cuisine and Culture

Discover the vibrant blend of French cuisine and culture at Technion's JLIC event! Students cook, learn, and celebrate the diversity of their community. Dive into the rich traditions and unique stories shared.

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Mourning With Meaning: Professor Adina Broder
Women's Initiative
Mourning With Meaning: Professor Adina Broder

Join the OU Women's Initiative for Mourning With Meaning, an audio series for the Nine Days with Professor Adina Broder.

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Deepen Your Tisha B'Av Experience
Jewish Action
Deepen Your Tisha b'Av Experience

Sign up for the Jewish Action newsletter to connect to the powerful themes of the day: Churban, loss, grief and tragedy, but also hope and repentance.

Subscribe to the Newsletter
End-of-Life Care Dilemmas: Halachic Information Every Jew Should Know
Tuesday, August 6 at 12:00 - 1:00 PM EDT

Is signing a DNR ever allowed? What does halacha say about withholding or withdrawing treatment? Is artificial feeding always required? Session presented by Rabbi Shlomo Brody, executive director of Ematai, an organization dedicated to helping people navigate dilemmas regarding end-of-life care.

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SPIRIT Support Groups – New Groups Being Formed

People with Parkinson's (PWP) is being planned for Monday evenings – 7:30 PM EDT
Caregiver Support Group (for various types of health issues) is being planned for Wednesday evenings – 7:30 PM EDT

Register Now
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Returning a Painting to the Wall on Shabbos
Returning a Painting to the Wall on Shabbos

If a picture falls off the wall on Shabbos, can you put it back? Find out with Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner! Plus, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz on reading menus, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon on the keilim of bishul, and more!

Returning a Painting to the Wall on Shabbos – Listen Now More on L'Kadsho HALACHA YOMIS: Disruptive alarms on Shabbos
Good Impressions
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Good Impressions

Do impressions matter? Is our sole concern that we do the right thing, or should we care about what others think about our choices?

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The Meaning of Great and Mighty
Rabbi Menachem Genack
The Meaning of Great and Mighty

Bikkurim are not brought from the land of Reuven and Gad because they failed to understand the meaning of "great and mighty."

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Divine Relationships: A Journey of Faith and Forgiveness
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Divine Relationships: A Journey of Faith and Forgiveness

In our Haftorah, Yirmiyahu uses several metaphors to describe the relationship between Hashem and the Jewish people. These include bride and groom, husband and wife, and parent and child.

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Looking Forward, Looking Back
Dr. Erica Brown
Looking Forward, Looking Back

Every day presents an opportunity to make our lives more whole, less fragmented, more honest and less compartmentalized.

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Questions on Nach
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Questions on Nach

Is the phoenix real? Who is Moav today? Does Yeshaya prophesy about something that already happened? More real-life reader Q&A!

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The Horrible Tefillin Incident of the Kovno Ghetto

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