Thursday, August 22, 2024

Fwd: News and Happenings at the Bais HaVaad

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From: Bais HaVaad Halacha Center <>
Date: Sat, Aug 17, 2024, 8:00 PM
Subject: News and Happenings at the Bais HaVaad
To: <>

14 Av, 5784

Recent Happenings at the Bais HaVaad:

  • JX Fellows Discover the Role of Halacha in Business at the Bais HaVaad
  • Hachtarah of Bais HaVaad Dayan, Harav Yosef Jacobovits Shlit"a as Rov of Beis Medrash D'Howell
  • New Yorucha Chaburos
  • Brooklyn Summer Night Dinner and Learn Program
  • Kollel News
  • "Yorucha Live"
  • Upcoming Phase One Building Completion Campaign
  • New Sefer by Rabbi Yehoshua Grunwald
  • Hachtarah of former Bais HaVaad Kollel Member, Harav Ahron Nadoff Shlit"a as Rov of Beis Medrash Ohr Eliezer Aryeh of Holly Oaks

JX Fellows Discover the Role of Halacha in Business at the Bais HaVaad

The Bais HaVaad recently hosted a session led by Rav Boruch Fried, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad, for students participating in a JX program. These young men, who are not yet frum, came from multiple campuses across America for a professional networking fellowship organized by JX. 

As part of their fellowship, they met with businessmen in various communities, including Lakewood. Recognizing the importance of integrating Halacha into business, they were brought to the Bais HaVaad headquarters to see how the institution of Batei Din is woven into the business fabric of the Jewish world. This visit provided the boys with a firsthand experience of how Halacha guides and influences business practices, offering them a glimpse into the centrality of Jewish law in everyday life.

Hachtarah of Bais HaVaad Dayan, Harav Yosef Jacobovits Shlit"a as Rov of Beis Medrash D'Howell

New Yorucha Chaburos

The Bais HaVaad's Yorucha program continues to expand with the addition of several new chaburos, adding to the scores of Chaburos across the country. Notable new chaburos include those led by Rabbi Ephraim Stein at the East Side Minyan in Manhattan, Rabbi David Cohen at Rabbi Schabbes's Schul, and Rabbi Avi Farkas at the Norfolk Kollel/JCC in Virginia Beach. This expansion proves the increasing demand for in-depth business Halacha study and the Bais HaVaad's commitment to providing these learning opportunities as after all, Halacha is everyone's business.


Brooklyn Summer Night Dinner and Learn Program

The Bais HaVaad's Yorucha program has expanded with a summer evening learning program for working men. Hosted in Congregation Bnei Torah located at 3514 Flatlands Ave. in Flatbush and led by Rabbi Benzion Schiffenbauer, the chabura meets once a week during the summer months at 8:00pm for a 40-minute learning session followed by a half-hour shiur until 9:10pm. Rav Boruch Fried spoke for the chabura for two weeks, giving shiurim on the topics being learned. This year, the chabura is studying Hilchos Geneivas Da'as, followed by Hilchos Gezel Akum. The shiur boasts over 40 attendees, with more tuning in via Zoom. An additional two sessions are scheduled for Wednesday evening, August 21st, followed by the final session on Tuesday evening, August 27th.

Kollel News

The Kollel has completed a very successful zman. The Choshen Mishpat chaburah learned, mastered, and was tested on Hilchos Shomer Chinam and Shomer Sachar during first seder, and Hilchos Adam Hamazik during second seder, including the difficult and complex halachos of Garmi and Moiser. The Even HaEzer chaburah is learning Hilchos Kesubos, focusing on the dinim of chiyuv mezonos and the husband's rights to his wife's property and nichsei milug. The Elul zman will continue with Mammon Amamon in the Choshen Mishpat chaburah and the halachos of when a woman loses her kesubah in the Even HaEzer chaburah.

"Yorucha Live"

The Bais HaVaad is excited to announce the upcoming launch of "Yorucha Live," a new virtual chabura which will meet every Sunday morning. The Chabura will be anchored at the Bais HaVaad headquarters in Lakewood, NJ and will include Shacharis, breakfast, a shiur, and networking opportunities. This new initiative aims to further expand the reach and impact of the Yorucha program for participants across the nation that do not have access to a chavrusa or chabura or prefer learning with a virtual yet vibrant Chabura.


National Dispute Resolution Initiative

The Bais HaVaad Dispute Resolution Center has launched a new initiative to help individuals and businesses resolve disputes quickly, fairly, and efficiently. This national service handles various disputes, including monetary, service, employment, property, and car accident disputes. The process is straightforward with the singular goal of achieving resolution. This service offers an accessible, and confidential platform for resolving conflicts without the formalities and expense of a Beis Din, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking a quick and amicable resolution.

Upcoming Phase One Building Completion Campaign

The Bais HaVaad is pleased to announce its upcoming building campaign to expand and enhance our facilities. The new Bais Din Building houses the most active Bais Din in North America, featuring multiple courtrooms, offices, and essential facilities for halachic adjudication and Halachic justice.

Some of the recent sections that have been dedicated include:

Bais Medrash Tzion Lenefesh Chaya

Dedicated in memory of Chaya bas Yisroel HaCohen Paneth

The Bais Medrash is the heart of Torah learning located near the Bais Din, facilitating invaluable hands-on internship for our Kollel members who are aspiring Dayanim.

The Bleier Lishkas Bais Din Courtroom

Venue for adjudicating monetary, familial, and social disputes with professionalism and integrity.

Naming opportunities are available for various rooms and suites, allowing donors to support our mission of upholding and implementing Halachic justice, including the following availabilities:

Chabura Research Center/Ezras Nashim

The Chabura Research Center is the Bais HaVaad's hub for collaborative Torah study and research, where aspiring dayanim along with thier mentors come together to delve into pressing halachic issues thereby reaching comprehensive halachic psakim and directives.

Glass Conference Room

The Conference Room facilitates high-level meetings and discussions. This modern space is vital for collaborative work and decision-making negotiation towards achieving compromise. Often, in one meeting one can find a heated discussion involving Dayanim, litigants, attorneys, To'anim, therapists, and psychological professionals all vying to get on the "same page" by finding an amicable resolution for a sensitive matter involving conflicting spouses and their sensitive children.

Small Claims Courtroom

The Dispute Resolution Center, part of the Bakesh Sholom Resolution Center, offers a free venue for resolving monetary disputes, with expedience, sensitivity and adherence to halacha for those who value resolution. It also serves as a training ground for aspiring dayanim, ensuring they gain practical internship and experience.

Bais Hora'ah Naming

The Bais Hora'ah is the infrastructure where hundreds of questions -from the simple to the complex. - are answered daily, providing clear and precise guidance to the community at large. This naming opportunity supports the crucial work of our poskim and dayanim in issuing timely and accurate halachic rulings to the masses.

This campaign supports the completion and furnishing of the first phase of our facilities, ensuring a comfortable and productive environment for Torah learning and halachic adjudication. 


New Sefer

Rabbi Yehoshua Grunwald has released the second chelek of his sefer, Zachor L'Avrohom Chaim, on Sefer Chafetz Chaim. This new volume continues the comprehensive analysis and commentary on the halachic principles outlined in the Sefer Chafetz Chaim and has been produced by the Wolfson Family in loving memory of the late Rav Avrohom Wolfson zt"l a long time friend and staunch supporter of the Bais HaVaad. 

Hachtarah of former Bais HaVaad Kollel Member, Harav Ahron Nadoff Shlit"a as Rov of Beis Medrash Ohr Eliezer Aryeh of Holly Oaks

Bais HaVaad Halacha Center | 290 River Ave. | Lakewood, NJ 08701 US

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