Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fwd: Going to War against the Yetzer Hara and the Reasons for Mitzvos

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From: YUTorah <>
Date: Thu, Sep 12, 2024, 5:16 PM
Subject: Going to War against the Yetzer Hara and the Reasons for Mitzvos
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NEW! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Ki Teitzei
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Download the YUTorah in Print for Parshat Ki Teitzei 5784

17 pages of insights and inspiration from the parsha for your Shabbat enjoyment!
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Battling the Yetzer Harah

The battles dont just take place with outside enemies. Guidance for Elul and Teshuva from our parsha.
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The Reasons for Mitzvos

Do all mitzvos have meaning that we can understand? Does it matter?
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The Laws of Hashavat Aveida

The rules and lessons of returning lost objects to their owners.
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Shiluach Haken

Why does the Torah promise such great reward for this seemingly mundane mitzvah?
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More Topics in Parshat Ki Teitzei
AmalekAmon and MoavBen Sorer uMorehEishet Yefat ToarHelping Your Friend's DonkeyIllicit RelationsKilayimLo TilbashMaking a Fence on your Roof Marriage, Divorce and YibumShana Rishona
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