Sunday, September 29, 2024

Fwd: Mr. Chroman, we're trying to get a hold of you!

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From: Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin <>
Date: Sun, Sep 29, 2024, 7:40 PM
Subject: Mr. Chroman, we're trying to get a hold of you!
To: <>

I believe you'll appreciate Rosh Hashanah's message of renewal and rejuvenation

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To make a gift to our High Holiday Campaign, please go here.

By the Grace of G‑d

26 Elul, 5784
September 29, 2024


We've been hoping to get in touch with you — because very big days are coming!

Starting with Rosh Hashanah (eve of Oct. 2 - 4), Head of the New Year:

The holiday sounds and tastes will soon stimulate our senses and awaken our hearts. The luscious sweetness of the crisp apple dipped in honey. The heavenly harmony of our blessings to one another for a Happy and Sweet New Year. The piercing and soul-stirring cry of the Shofar.

We will gather to crown G-d as our King, renew our relationship with Him, and commit to do better by Him and our fellow human beings.

G-d will renew all of creation, entrust us with new energies to elevate the world, and grant us a Good, Sweet New Year!

I'm writing to you today because I believe you appreciate Rosh Hashanah's message of renewal and rejuvenation... what it means for each one of us... what it means for our brothers and sisters in Israel… and what it means for all of humanity.

I'm asking you to please donate now in honor of Rosh Hashanah, to help illuminate our world with the timeless wisdom and traditions of Judaism.

Your gift of $36 — or any amount that's right for you — will ensure that the teams can keep up with the increased demand.

Here's where to give:

People from all over the world are searching for answers and for meaning — especially because of everything going on in the Holy Land.

They really need your help now.

Your kindness will ensure that our "Ask the Rabbi" experts will be able to continue responding to each person with what he or she needs, at all hours of the day and night.

The world needs this critical lifeline. You or someone you know may need it, too.

If you'd like to send a check, please do so here:
Chabad.ORG | 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 | Brooklyn, NY 11213
(Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will!)

Here's how powerful your donation will be: You'll help people in crisis. You'll help them discover the immense value and purpose they each have, and the great difference they can make. You'll uplift our brethren in Israel. You'll help repair the brokenness of our world, one question, and one person, at a time...

Many people feel like they live in spiritual isolation. They feel like they have little or no connection to their faith and their community. Some suffer from loneliness or anxiety. Some feel unable to function because of their concern about our dear hostages.

They are people of all ages. From all walks of life. From nearly every country around the world. They seek a connection... to their own souls, to community, to the Torah's timeless insight, to G-d. They seek strength and support. Your donation will keep their lifeline available now when they really need it.

When you connect people to the kind and patient advice of our rabbis and counselors, you are assuring them that they are loved and cared for. That they are the apple of G-d's eye, and that they have a unique role to play for the entire world. That their acts of holiness can make a huge difference for Israel. Your gift will help them face life's challenges.

You will be preparing for Rosh Hashanah on a grand scale!

Our secure, quick, easy donation page:

And here's another beautiful dimension to all of this:

As our brothers and sisters in Israel experience G-d's open miracles despite enemy threats, they (and others) are asking us questions like:

"What's an appropriate response or blessing to living through a miracle?" "Is it appropriate to be joyous for the awesome miracles while still being pained for the hostages and for all the others who've sacrificed so much?"

Many, many people, from all over the world, seek comfort, meaning, and strength about all this. Some of them have asked:

"What does it mean to be Jewish today?" "How can I connect with my people, my Judaism, and with my G-d?"

Your gift will take each of them under your wing and help them in their journey for meaning, faith, and connection.

Your kindness and your actions will give each of them a safe and welcoming place to learn, to connect, to be inspired.

When we stand together, we uplift one another, we illuminate the world, and we give inspiration and encouragement to proudly celebrate our people and our faith.

You can give people that light and courage now!

Your donation is especially important during the Rosh Hashanah-High Holiday season. When the shofar sounds, it'll call us to reconnect to G-d, to start a new page, to resolve to do better. And it'll challenge us to reach deep within ourselves to emulate G-d and provide new life to others, with generosity and love.

The power of this new life — propelled in part by your donations — will surely help protect the Jewish people, and the entire world, during the year to come.

This is the miraculous power G-d gives every one of us; this is the gift of Rosh Hashanah that G-d gives you.

It's why I hope you'll find it in your heart to donate now. For you. For our brothers and sisters in Israel. And for the whole world.

Your gift will ensure that someone who has essential life questions and who is in need of a listening ear has somewhere to turn.


The High Holidays are right around the corner. Rosh Hashanah, followed seamlessly this year by Shabbat, and then the other Ten Days of Teshuvah (repentance), culminating in the awesome and holy day of Yom Kippur.

This is when we come together to pray and bless each other for a sweet year.

Can you bless others with a gift of $36 in honor of the High Holidays?

It's a great way to start the New Year. If now isn't a good time for you to give, I understand. Donate if you can.

May you and your loved ones be granted a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year, a year of life and tranquility, a year of unity and goodness, for you, for the people of Israel, and for the entire world!

Shanah Tovah!

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin
Executive Director

P.S. One of the most important preparations we can do for Rosh Hashanah is to give Tzedakah (charity) generously!

For lots more about Rosh Hashanah go to

I'd like to invite you to study and reflect on this very special pastoral letter by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, laden with practical instruction and advice for us in these very end of year moments — and for the entire year to come… !

P.P.S. Because I know you value the work of, I ask you: Please can you give $36 today to keep going strong for the many people who are counting on it as their lifeline? And for the multitudes who seek information, inspiration, tools, and timeless life wisdom? Any amount you can give will make a huge difference!

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Every day, millions of people around the world depend on for teachings, inspiration, and life tools. Please donate here to support our work. Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will.

Our mailing address is: · 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 · Brooklyn, NY 11213

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