Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fwd: Tips to Land Your Next Job; Colleges Prepare for Protesters; Washing Dishes on Shabbat

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Date: Thu, Sep 5, 2024, 7:13 PM
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PLUS: Mortgages in Israel
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September 6-7, 2024 / 4 Elul 5784

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L'ma'an Achai v'Reiai – Elul 5784
L'ma'an Achai v'Reiai – Elul 5784
Orthodox Union

Rosh Chodesh Elul is when we begin to undertake serious reflection on the challenges of the past year and the opportunities and goals of the future. The current discord and rifts within Klal Yisrael pose a huge challenge, undermining our fundamental identification as goy echad ba'aretz and visibly affecting our ability to work together, benefit from each other, influence each other, and stand together as a unified community to confront our many external challenges.


Within the OU and its departments, we intend to focus meaningful effort on considering and addressing the issue of sinat chinam, providing both food for thought and practical action points that can help us begin to demonstrate care for each other and ameliorate our nation's divisions by adjusting both our thinking and actions.


We invite you into this process in the hope that you may find it meaningful and helpful, add your own energies to this effort, and contribute your own thoughts and ideas using this form.

Learn More About This Campaign
The Mentch Manager
The Mentch Manager
Orthodox Union

Our EVP and COO Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph was featured on the Shtark Tank podcast and discussed his experiences both serving as a rabbi and working on Wall Street, and how he is now bringing those two worlds together.

Listen on Spotify
Statement on Deaths of Hostages
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Statement on Deaths of Hostages

Our hearts are shattered over Hamas' cruel murders of the six hostages – Ori Danino, Carmel Gat, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alex Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Eden Yerushalmi – whose bodies were recovered from Rafah. What they and their families have endured over the past eleven months of their captivity is unimaginable.

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Colleges Prepare for Protesters
Orthodox Union
Colleges Prepare for Protesters

Our EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer spoke with The Washington Times about the new school year, discussing how universities deserve credit for strengthening their policies, but whether they avoid last year's chaos depends on several factors, including their adaptability.

Read in The Washington Times
On Global Talent Acquisition Day, Tips to Land Your Next Job
Orthodox Union
On Global Talent Acquisition Day, Tips to Land Your Next Job

In honor of Global Talent Acquisition Day, which took place on Wednesday, OU Talent Acquisition Manager Tzuri Merzel shares insights and best practices he's learned from his decade in the field on how to get noticed and land your dream job.

Read in JNS
Womens Initiative Halacha Series – Hilchot Bein Adam LChaveiro
Women's Initiative
Women's Initiative Halacha Series – Hilchot Bein Adam L'Chaveiro

As we take the inspiration of the Three Weeks with us and head into chodesh Elul, the OU Women's Initiative is continuing to focus on ahavat Yisrael with the launch of a new halacha curriculum – Torat Imecha Halacha: Hilchot Bein Adam L'Chaveiro.

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One Teen's Transformative Experience on a New NCSY Summer Program
One Teen's Transformative Experience on a New NCSY Summer Program

This summer was Josh's first time on an NCSY Summer Program—as well as his first time in Israel. The new five-week trip for North American high school boys, Derech, far exceeded Josh's expectations.

Read in the Jewish Link
Why Is It So Hard to Change?
Jewish Action
Why Is It So Hard to Change?

With Elul here, it's a good time to focus on making positive changes. Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, ztz"l, discusses the six obstacles to teshuvah in this Jewish Action article from the archives.

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Selichot Live in LA: Where Young Professionals Connect and Reflect
Selichot Live in LA: Where Young Professionals Connect and Reflect

Don't miss Selichot Live in LA! Starting September 7, join young Jewish professionals for five powerful Saturday nights of inspiration, renowned speakers, and deep community connections.

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Mortgages in Israel
Tuesday, September 10, at 12 Noon EDT

Learn the Intricacies of the Israel mortgage market, the important rules that govern who is eligible for a loan as well as the different programs available. The session will be presented by Norman Shapiro, mortgage consultant with First Israel Mortgages, and David Siegel, who has been a lender focusing on the financing needs of individuals for nearly 15 years.

Register Now
Are You a Person Who Is Living with Parkinson's Disease or a Caregiver (of any health issue)?

Join SPIRIT's groups, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world, including from the comfort of your home. These groups will be like family, with encouragement given, resources and tips provided, and a warm and supportive space to talk out any and all concerns.


People with Parkinson's (PWP) is being planned for Monday evenings – 7:30 PM EDT

Caregiver Support Group (for various types of health issues) is being planned for Wednesday evenings – 7:30 PM EDT

Register Now
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Washing Dishes on Shabbos
Washing Dishes on Shabbos

If we have both dirty and clean Shabbos dishes, are we justified in washing a dirty dish or must we use a clean one? Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz discusses this and related questions! Plus… Rabbi Shalom Rosner on food preparation, The Concise Code on one who is critically ill, and more!

Washing Dishes on Shabbos – Listen Now More on L'Kadsho HALACHA YOMIS: When Shalosh Seudos Extends Past Shabbos
The Mizrach Wall
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
The Mizrach Wall

Do you have any idea how hard it is for your rabbi to concentrate on his davening?

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The Role of the King
Rabbi Menachem Genack
The Role of the King

What is the role of the king? And why did Yaakov give the kingship specifically to Yehuda?

Read in Hebrew
The Divine Wake-Up Call
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
The Divine Wake-Up Call

The Jewish people, weary from their prolonged exile turn to Hashem and say to Him, "Awake, awake, clothe yourself with splendor, O arm of the Lord! Awake as in days of old, as in former ages!"

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Rabbinic Infallibility
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Rabbinic Infallibility

Would the Torah command us to follow the halachic decisions of the rabbis even when we know those decisions to be wrong? Does rabbinic decision trump Torah law?

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Judaism Is Too Stringelenient
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Judaism Is Too Stringelenient

From the archives: Is Judaism too stringent? Is it too lenient? Maybe it just is.

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Celebrating Birthdays
Rabbi Ari Enkin
Celebrating Birthdays

The only birthday we see celebrated in Tanach is that of Pharaoh, who is not exactly a role model. So, should we be celebrating birthdays? Find out in this installment of Dalet Amot of Halacha!

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