Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Fw: HTC Newsletter: September Recap and Shana Tova

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Subject: HTC Newsletter: September Recap and Shana Tova

October 1, 2024

Dear Alumni and Friends,

As we usher in a new year, we continue to daven and learn for the safety of Eretz Yisrael and Klal Yisrael.

At the Yeshiva, our students are back in full swing, and the Torah learning is filled with fresh energy in our Beis Midrash and classrooms. May the Torah and Tefillah be a zechus at this time of tzarah.

Looking ahead, after Sukkos we are thrilled to kick off our HTC102 campaign with our newly inaugurated "Under the Lights," alumni flag football competition on October 26th. Stay tuned for another incredible alumni event coming up with L'chaim OG and Mendy Worch!

On behalf of everyone at HTC, we wish you and your family a Shana Tova and Kesiva v'Chasima Tova!

All the best,

Rabbi Shmuel L. Schuman


HTC News

Upcoming Events

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The Yeshiva in Action

If you walk into HTC on any given morning you will find nearly 75 students from our Kollel, Beis Midrash & College and Fasman Yeshiva High School learning together in a packed Beis Midrash. Under the guidance of our Rosh HaYeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Revah, HTC welcomed four new kollel families this past summer to enhance our limud HaTorah and overall Yeshiva community. We're thrilled to welcome Rabbi Aaron Leibtag as Principal of FYHS, who in a very short time has ushered in a new year infused with renewed growth and learning in our Yeshiva. 

HTC News

Check out HTC's alumni website for more exciting news, pictures, events, and more!

HTC Welcomes Mrs. Nurit Siegal as Assistant Dean of Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro at HTC

Hebrew Theological College is pleased to welcome Mrs. Nurit Siegal as Assistant Dean of Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro at HTC (SHWCT). Mrs. Siegal fills the role being vacated by longtime assistant dean Mrs. Rita Lipshitz, who is retiring in the fall. 

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Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman Publishes The Talmud Treasury

HyTC wishes mazal tov to FYHS Rebbe and HTC Mashgiach, Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman on his recent publication of The Talmud Treasury, an index of fascinating facts and stories from the Talmud.

Rabbi Zimmerman has undertaken the herculean project of creating that context by gathering statements about figures from Tanach, Tannaim, and Amoraim from across Torah Shebe'al Peh. Rabbi Zimmerman's goal is to help people learn more about the giants of our mesorah, so we can share their stories with our children and understand their statements with more clarity.

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HTC Welcomes Mordy Greenland!

We are thrilled to welcome Yeshiva graduate Mordy Greenland, who has recently taken on the role of Alumni Coordinator at HTC. Mordy's primary focus will be engaging our younger alumni and creating meaningful opportunities for them to stay connected with our community...

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Submit Your Memories of Rabbi Eichenstein ZT"L

The Eichenstein family and the Chicago Center are in the process of writing a major historic book, to be published globally about HaRav Yehoshua H. Eichenstein, the Zidichover Rebbe, Z"TL. HTC encourages past talmidim to please submit their personal stories, anecdotes, recollections and pictures to Eichenstein6342@gmail.com to be considered for inclusion in the book. The family would greatly appreciate your submissions.

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The Yeshiva Show is Back!

After a delightful hiatus, the Yeshiva Show with Duv and Mo is making a triumphant return for its second season! Get ready to laugh, reminisce, and relive those unforgettable moments from your days at the Yeshiva. With hilarious anecdotes, insightful discussions, and special guest appearances, this season promises to be even more entertaining than the last. Whether you're a current student or a proud alumnus, join us as we dive back into the heart and soul of Yeshiva life. Don't miss out—tune in for all the fun!

THIS MONTH IN HTC HISTORY: HTC Donates Ambulance to Magen David Adom Before Six-Day War

On September 8, 1967, during a critical time of need, our Yeshiva proudly came together to donate a fully-equipped ambulance to the Magen David Adom. Through the collective efforts of our faculty, students, and staff, $52,000 was raised, including $5,100 raised by our students...

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More HTC News

Our Students: Past and Present

HTC is proud of our students, past and present! Take a look at this month's spotlighted student and alumnus.

Alumnus Name: Tzvi Wohlgelernter 

Class: HTC '10

Where do you live: I live in Givat Shmuel.

Tell us about your family: I am married to Tali (Graduate of TI in 2010) and have daughters.

Profession: I am the Rav of Kehillat JLIC in Givat Shmuel and the Director of the English Program at the Machon HaGvohal l'Torah and Midrasha at Bar Ilan.

Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit: I'm currently serving in Yasar (Gaza).

What gives you chizuk during your army service: What gives me chizuk is just Am Yisrael in general.

Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva: Learning b'chavrusa with Rav Sussman.

More pictures & IDF Alumni Spotlights

Student Name: Sammy Lebovics

Grade: 10th Grade, Class of 2027

Shiur: Rabbi Silverman's shiur

Favorite Class: I like STEM with Mr. Weiss.

What Career are you Interested in Pursuing: I want to go into Engineering.

Best memory at FYHS so far: Our basketball win against Rochelle Zell in my Freshman year!

Best part of the Yeshiva: Flag Football!

Divrei Torah from Rebbeim & Alumni

A Nation of Tzaddikim

By Rabbi Yosef Polstein

Offering a brachah to another Jew lies at the essence of our being. Included in the first message that Hashem told Avraham Avinu was "וַאֲבָרַכֶיךָ מְבָרֲכֶיךָ" – I will bless those who bless you." Chazal (Chullin 49a) say that this applies even whenever a Jew blesses another Jew. So every time we extend a brachah to another Jew, we get it back directly from Hashem as well....

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The Message of Mussar

By Rabbi Bernard Neuman

In the 1930s, when Nazi Germany came to power, many of the greatest Torah scholars fled Europe. Some became Rebbeim at our Beis HaMidrash LaTorah and were the scholars who made the Yeshiva the springboard of Torah throughout the Western Hemisphere and Israel. Another year has passed and Rosh HaShanah is once again upon us. It is a time of self-reflection for all, and most certainly, for an older person. My thoughts often go back to my Yeshiva days, to my Rebbe...

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More Alumni Divrei Torah

Promote Your Business on The Yeshiva Network!

Add your business to our business directory! Who doesn't love free advertising? Head over to our "Business Directory" tab and click "Start Posting" to add your business to our list! Once posted, our almost 300 members and counting will have access to see your posted business with your contact information available to reach out for more information. Also, help support fellow Yeshiva alumni by checking out their businesses!

The Yeshiva Network is an innovative platform designed to foster professional networking, mentoring, and communal engagement among its alumni. Since its launch, "The Yeshiva Network" has rapidly grown to over 280 members, with alumni from a range of fields all in one place.

Not yet a member? Signing up in less than two minutes. By joining "The Yeshiva Network," you become part of an everlasting support system aimed at enriching both your professional and personal life. Embrace this opportunity to reconnect, network, and grow. Welcome to the future of alumni engagement at HTC.

Visit The Yeshiva Network

Our Alumni Serving in Israel

Please have our alumni in your tefillos. Some of our past talmidim are currently in Gaza and up north fighting on behalf of Am Yisrael.

Download Updated Yeshiva IDF Tehillim List

Spotlight on Alumni Serving in the IDF

Read about our Chayalim

Learn More about HTC and its Divisions!

Fasman Yeshiva High School Brochure
HTC Beis Midrash and Men's College Brochure
Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro Brochure
Yeshivas HaKayitz 2024 Brochure
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 Hebrew Theological College is a member of Touro University
and a partner with the Jewish United Fund in serving our community

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