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General: Dafyomi on MP3
Shlomo Shulman asked:
L'kavod HaRabbanim HaChashuvim,
I'd like your advice on getting a good budget mp3 player that is loaded with daf yomi shiurim.
My quick story is I'm involved in kiruv, have a hard time maintaining regular sedarim, and am looking for something easy to use that I can listen to while I'm running from place to place--which I often am.
My specific needs are:
1) I'd like you to recommend a very clear, interesting day yomi magid shiur--as I know, unfortunately, I can be easily distracted--and I'm sure you know of the best--l'toeles, my learning experience level is higher, baruch Hashem, so I think I'd appreciate a shiur geared towards that
2) I'm not a tech person, so I'd like you just to recommend a good budget player I can get (preferably already loaded with shiurim--or very easy to load)
The point is, I know myself that I need to find an easy system to do this, or I'm afraid it won't happen.
I really appreciate your help! I know this is not the full kavod limud haToah deserves, but I do believe I am seeking to do this to increase my growth on my level in the situation I am currently in.
Kol Tuv,
Shlomo Shulman, CT
The Kollel replies:
Here are a few options. Only the first comes with the player, but the others should fit onto any cheap MP3 player. ( http://www.dafyomi.org/mp3players.php has 613.org's advice about MP3 players for their Dafyomi shiurim).
1. The Shas-Pod may be what you are looking for. Fully loaded with Rabbi Grossman's Dafyomi shiurim, you can purchase it at http://www.shaspods.com .
2. Master Daf ( presently available at www.jewishsoftware.com/products/MasterDaf_Talmud_MP3_DVD_Complete_863.asp ) - features Rav Kosman's Dafyomi "review" shiurim, the 20 minute Daf. He is an excellent Magid Shiur, but 20 minutes per Daf is not recommended when learning it for the first time.
3. CD Daf has a version of their excellent Dafyomi shiurim in MP3 format available at http://www.eichlers.com/Product/Software/Daf_Yomi,_Ipod/CDShas_-_MP3_edition,_Vol._2_(20_CDs)_jpcdmp2e.html .
This does not come with the player; you will have to transfer it to a player.
Otherwise, it is hard to recommend a Magid Shiur. The OU ( http://www.ou-dafyomi.org ) presents an excellent free Shiur (by Rav Moshe Elefant) and provides "pod casts" that can be automatically downloaded into your MP3. It is worth trying.
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld
Kollel Iyun Hadaf
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