The following is a message from the "Shema Yisrael Now" committee, based
in Chicago, regarding the 8th annual worldwide Shema Yisrael effort for
Hoshana Rabba, scheduled for Sunday, October 19th at 9 p.m.
The effort is coordinated by the Shema Yisrael Now committee, which
seeks to raise awareness of the importance and protective power of the
Shema Yisrael prayer.
The holiday "Hoshana Rabba", which is the seventh and final night of the
holiday of Succot, is a final chance to overturn difficult heavenly
decrees that might have been written on Rosh Hashana. As such, Hoshana
Rabba is marked by intense prayer and repentance. During these most
difficult and volatile times we have the opportunity to help avert
difficult heavenly decrees, please join with others to remove or soften
the blow.
With all that is happening in the world today, Hashem is giving us a
wake up call, an opportunity to fix what has been damaged through our
sins and repair the world through teshuva [repentance]. Each and
everyone of us can make a difference. The Talmud states [Kiddushin 40B]
that the whole world as well as the individual , is judged by the
majority of deeds. It only takes one person's one good deed to turn the
judgment to the positive side for everyone. If each and every one of us
would avoid the next sin that presents itself to them and actively seek
out and do the next good deed, we could change the world for the better.
The power of unity in doing a mitzvah is particularly effective in
garnering merits. Let us join together on this significant date to state
our firmest belief that He is the One and Only.
This year, Hoshana Rabba falls out on Sunday night, October 19th. On
this day dedicated to prayer, there will be a special unified effort
centering on our most basic and powerful prayer, and declaration of
faith, the Shema Yisrael prayer.
At 9 p.m.Sunday, October 19th, Jews in many communities will stop what
they are doing and say the Shema prayer-- the Jewish basic declaration
of faith, in unity with Jews around the globe.
The basic Shema prayer that many will recite on the Hoshana Rabba night
is comprised of six words:
*Shema Yis-ra-el A-do-noi E-lo-hei-nu A-d-noi E-chad*
Translation: Hear, Israel, Hashem is (now) our G-d, Hashem is the One
and Only.
This is followed by the whispered recital of the following six words:
*Ba-ruch Shem Kev-od Mal-chuso Le-Olam Va'ed*
Translation: Blessed is the Name of His glorious kingdom for all eternity.
This refers to our silent aspiration that the entire world should soon
recognize Hashem's glory.
The Shema prayer is one of the 613 Commandments and our most basic,
powerful declaration of our faith in One G-D
When saying the Shema prayer, concentrate intensely upon accepting G-D’s
absolute sovereignty
All Jews are encouraged to join this special united effort by saying the
Shema prayer at 9 p.m. Oct. 19th, with their families or whomever they
are with at the time.
We strongly encourage all Jewish people to say the Shema prayer every
morning and evening, every single day, as a way to unite the Jewish
people and help bring peace to our world.
More information on the Shema prayer and this effort can be found
by clicking here