5:45PM EST: Flatbush Hatzolah has just transported a 17-year-old girl to the hospital after being struck by a vehicle on Ocean Parkway & Kings Highway in Flatbush. The girl, who is a student in Shulamis High-School, was transported to Lutheran Trauma Center in critical but stable condition. Sources tell YWN that she suffered multiple fractures, was unresponsive R”L, and is currently undergoing C-Scan.
Sources tell YWN that the vehicle which struck her fled the scene, and an off-duty NYPD Sergent chased the vehicle. The vehicle was forced to stop, and the driver was placed under arrest.
Please be Mispallel for Esther bas Batya.
UPDATE 6:10PM EST: YWN has learned that the driver has been arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated).
(Dov Gordon - YWN HPO Staff)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Please say
tehillim and give tzedaka
for the refua shelama of 4
year old Avraham Moshe ben Miriam Toba who has
cancer that spread to
his brain and spine
tehillim and give tzedaka
for the refua shelama of 4
year old Avraham Moshe ben Miriam Toba who has
cancer that spread to
his brain and spine
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
From an Aneinu member yesterday:
Zvi ben Bracha is having surgery now in New Jersey for a brain aneurysm - he is married and has young children.
May he have a refuah shlema.
Zvi ben Bracha is having surgery now in New Jersey for a brain aneurysm - he is married and has young children.
May he have a refuah shlema.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Piece of Honey Cake Receiving the Traditional "Lekach" from the Rebbe
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
URGENT TEHILLIM 4 - Menashe CHAIM ben Shulamis
please continue to daven for Menashe CHAIM ben Shulamis he Remains in Serious Condition
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Please continue to say Tehillim for boy who was run over by a car yesterday early
evening - Shimon Eliyahu ben Nechama Breindel. He is presently in the iCU in
critical but stable condition with contusions on the brain.
evening - Shimon Eliyahu ben Nechama Breindel. He is presently in the iCU in
critical but stable condition with contusions on the brain.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
URGENT! TEHILLIM 4 Child Struck In Flatbush With Life-Threatening Injuries
Please daven for Shimon Eliyahu ben Nechama Breindel
Monday, September 21, 2009
Baruch Hashem!
The 13 year old girl who was riding her bicycle and was hit by a car has been released from the hospital!
Thank you for davening
Thank you for davening
Community Notice
Please be advised that this past Shabbos, there was an attempted abduction of 2 young boys in the Rogers Park area (vicinity of Warren Park). This past week there were 2 attempts to abduct young girls in nearby Evanston.
A blue van with tinted rear windows is reported to have been used by the criminal(s) in these attempted abductions. The van's driver is described as, “male, possibly Hispanic, in his 30s, about 5-foot-10 with a heavy build...may have a “cross” tattoo on his left forearm.”
Chicago Police are advising parents to take precautions:
- Talk with your children about ‘stranger danger’. Remind your children that they are never to approach strange vehicles or persons that they do not know, no matter what kind of inducement is used. Teach your children that in the event that someone does try to speak or approach them, they should either 1) run home, 2) run to a known neighbor’s home, or 3) run to a ‘safe area’ such as a school.
- When possible, make sure that there is adult supervision when children are walking to schools or waiting for a school bus.
- If adult supervision is not possible, have children walk in groups. Offenders are less likely to approach a large group of children.
- Teach your children to avoid alleys.
- Call the police if you see or hear something suspicious. Anyone with information related to these attempted abductions should call Belmont Area detectives at 312-744-8200.
A blue van with tinted rear windows is reported to have been used by the criminal(s) in these attempted abductions. The van's driver is described as, “male, possibly Hispanic, in his 30s, about 5-foot-10 with a heavy build...may have a “cross” tattoo on his left forearm.”
Chicago Police are advising parents to take precautions:
- Talk with your children about ‘stranger danger’. Remind your children that they are never to approach strange vehicles or persons that they do not know, no matter what kind of inducement is used. Teach your children that in the event that someone does try to speak or approach them, they should either 1) run home, 2) run to a known neighbor’s home, or 3) run to a ‘safe area’ such as a school.
- When possible, make sure that there is adult supervision when children are walking to schools or waiting for a school bus.
- If adult supervision is not possible, have children walk in groups. Offenders are less likely to approach a large group of children.
- Teach your children to avoid alleys.
- Call the police if you see or hear something suspicious. Anyone with information related to these attempted abductions should call Belmont Area detectives at 312-744-8200.
Update on Yitzhak Chaim ben Sarah
From an Aneinu member:
I am happy to update that Yitzchak is doing much better! Please continue to daven for him!!!
May Yitzhak Chaim ben Sarah have a refuah shlema.
I am happy to update that Yitzchak is doing much better! Please continue to daven for him!!!
May Yitzhak Chaim ben Sarah have a refuah shlema.
Friday, September 18, 2009
This choleh is on our cholim list. His friend writes:
Our friend, Yitzkah Gitlevich, was admited to the hospital today and will most likely have to be spending the entire Rosh Hashana there. Please daaven for Yitzhak Chaim ben Sarah!
Our friend, Yitzkah Gitlevich, was admited to the hospital today and will most likely have to be spending the entire Rosh Hashana there. Please daaven for Yitzhak Chaim ben Sarah!
Miracles of Miracles, Chaim Dovid Dov ben Chaya Sara has regained his senses and opened his eyes… THE STATE TROOPERS could not believe he was found alive.
Please, continue your prayers… He is many merits and the family very much appreciates all of the efforts of our Chabura…
Just to view what was left of the car makes one see the YAD HASHEM in all we do…
The Shulchan Aruch Support Team
Please, continue your prayers… He is many merits and the family very much appreciates all of the efforts of our Chabura…
Just to view what was left of the car makes one see the YAD HASHEM in all we do…
The Shulchan Aruch Support Team
Please daven for Yitzchok ben Peral who is now in emergency surgery. May he have a refuah shlema
URGENT! TEHILLIM 4 shemayisrael semicha teacher
Please Daven for CHAIM DOVID DOV Ben Chia Sara… He was in a sever car crash last night. A very good
Friend and Teacher of our network…
His car fell through a ramp 100 feet then rolled over twice and smashed… They had to cut him up…
Friend and Teacher of our network…
His car fell through a ramp 100 feet then rolled over twice and smashed… They had to cut him up…
Thursday, September 17, 2009
URGENT: A CAR RAN OVER A GIRL. Name correction: its Nechama Shira bas Sarah. She lives in Passaic. She is around 13 years old and was riding a bicycle when the car went over. She is in the hospital and is undergoing a group of tests.
Nachum Presents the Official Debut of YBC's 'Shmoy Shel Melech'

Nachum welcomed Eli Gerstner and Yossi Newman to JM in the AM to celebrate the release of the new Yeshiva Boys Choir CD "Sh'moy Shel Melech." They discussed the new album and played several of the great new songs. Eli also shared the latest news from EG Productions and we have to look forward to in upcoming Jewish music releases
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
AND STARTING TOMORROW JOIN Rabbi Menachem Leibtag(is a pioneer of online Torah study. He founded both the Israel Koschitzky Virtual Bet Midrash and the Tanach Study Center,
www.tanach.org . His weekly shiurim on parashat hashavua, subscribed to by thousands of students worldwide, reflect over two decades of experience as a student and teacher at Yeshivat Har Etzion(GUSH) in Israel. Rabbi Leibtag has served as a lecturer at Midreshet Lindenbaum, MMY, and Orot College for Women. Rabbi Leibtag resides in Israel)FOR THE REST OF DIVREI HAYAMIM 1.
www.tanach.org . His weekly shiurim on parashat hashavua, subscribed to by thousands of students worldwide, reflect over two decades of experience as a student and teacher at Yeshivat Har Etzion(GUSH) in Israel. Rabbi Leibtag has served as a lecturer at Midreshet Lindenbaum, MMY, and Orot College for Women. Rabbi Leibtag resides in Israel)FOR THE REST OF DIVREI HAYAMIM 1.
Update on Baruch ben Tzipah Faygah
please forward to your members that the procedure was and went excellently. excellent outcome; we are now gearing up for the second more extensive treatment and i will let you know when we need major group effort; right now if they coudl say his kepital 62 as well as 20 whenever possible. tizku lmitzvot and may we all have a shana tova a gut gbentched yar. ktivah vchatima tovah
Please daven for Baruch ben Tzipah Faygah who is having a procedure on Tuesday. May he have a refuah shlema b'soch sha'ar cholei Yisroel.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Please daven for Esther Toba bas Elka Golda. May she have a refuah shlema b'soch sha'ar cholei Yisroel
Please daven Monday and Tuesday (Sept. 14 & 15) that Malka Brindel bas Devora should have a successful outcome this Tues.
Monday, September 7, 2009
SO JOIN OUS NACH YOMI LEARN DIVREI HAYAMIM WITH Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster(is Assistant Professor of Bible at Yeshiva University. He has studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and holds a Ph.D. in Bible from the University of Pennsylvania. He has previously taught at Bar-Ilan University and was a Kreitman post-doctoral fellow at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Be'er Sheva.)AND WHEN RABBI COHEN ASKS YOU HAVE YOU LEARNED DIVREI HAYAMIM YOU CAN SAY YES
SO JOIN OUS NACH YOMI LEARN DIVREI HAYAMIM WITH Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster(is Assistant Professor of Bible at Yeshiva University. He has studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and holds a Ph.D. in Bible from the University of Pennsylvania. He has previously taught at Bar-Ilan University and was a Kreitman post-doctoral fellow at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Be'er Sheva.)AND WHEN RABBI COHEN ASKS YOU HAVE YOU LEARNED DIVREI HAYAMIM YOU CAN SAY YES
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Baruch Dayan Ha'Emes
It is with deep sadness that I must tell you of the loss of little Esther Fruma bas Nechama Miriam Kenig, after being hit by a car this afternoon. May her family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim. May we hear besoros tovos.
Please daven for a little girl in West Rogers Park who was hit by a car. May ESTHER FRUMA bas NECHAMA MIRIAM have a refuah shlemas b'soch sha'ar cholei Yisroel. May we hear besoros tovos.
at the end of August a 12-y/o Shoham boy remains in very serious condition after being struck in a hit-and-run accident in Yahud on Wednesday. He remains in life-threatening condition in Sheba Medical Center. The driver of the vehicle has been apprehended.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
baby born, cord around neck -- concerns brain damage , epilepsy.. doing the
mri in 2 days
Please daven for rach ha-nolad ben zahava .
mri in 2 days
Please daven for rach ha-nolad ben zahava .
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