Divrei Cizuk is sad to bring you this reportBoruch Dayan Ha'emes Divrei Chizuk thanks the YWN Martin Grossman's Last Words Were 'Ahavas Yisroel'February 16, 2010
The Chabad Shaliach to Jacksonville Florida, Rabbi Nachum Kurinsky was with Martin. "I would like to extend my heartfelt remorse to the victim's family," Grossman said. I fully regret everything that happened that night, everything that was done, whether I remember everything or not, I accept responsibility." Martin Grossman then began to recite Shema Yisroel with "deep concentration" - moving Rabbi Kurinsky to tears. When he finished Shema, he paused, and his last two words were "Ahavas Yisroel". Please learn Mishnayos for Michoel Yechiel ben Avrohom A"H
From: Chaim Dovid Zwiebel Boruch Dayan Ha'emes. I am writing to share with you the sad news that Martin Grossman, Michoel Yechiel ben Avrohom, olov hasholom, was executed this evening in Florida. It would be understandable for any of us to feel not only sorrow but frustration that all our efforts didn't result in the result for which we were mispallel. But I personally choose, even amid the pain and sorrow, to focus on the tremendous ahavas Yisroel, shtadlonus and achdus that was demonstrated by our tzibbur over recent days. I want to personally thank all of you who telephoned Governor Crist's office, or sent him e-mails and faxes, or participated in the ultimate act of ahavas Yisroel: tefilla on a brother's behalf. Your reaction to the impending tragedy was remarkable. May it stand as a zechus for his neshoma, and for all of Klal Yisroel, and hasten bi'as go'el tzedek, b'mheira biyomeinu. Chaim Dovid Zwiebel |
Dear Friends of Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation,
All of us are powerfully aware of the fate facing Martin Grossman. Hopefully our tefilos will be accepted and his life will be spared.
We received a handful of emails from people who questioned our wisdom of davening for a person who admittedly committed a terrible crime. Doesn't he deserve the punishment? Isn't is a Chilul Hashem that we are advocating so strongly for a confessed criminal?
I felt important to answer these emails so that even for the handful of people who this is an issue for, that we clarify that this initiative is not a Chilul Hashem.
The first thing to be said is that Gedolei Yisroel have strongly supported efforts to free Mr. Grossman. But let me add some additional thoughts.
I don't know that much about the case. This is what was reported to me. Martin Grossman had a difficult upbringing. He was an orphan. He got involved in crime, possibly drugs as well.
He had been on parole and was caught by a law officer. He panicked and the rest of the story we know.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwebel, the director of Agudath Yisrael of
for clemency.
I can't address the legal issues. I can only tell you what seems to make sense to me. We all make mistakes. But Hashem created teshuva so that even if we make big mistakes we can rectify them. By experiencing remorse, Mr. Grossman has done one of the basic of steps of teshuva that the Torah requests.
Here are the key points:
1. The act that Mr. Grossman did at the age of 19 or 20 ,was not premeditated but was done under pressure and in a state of panic
2. He has expressed great remorse for his actions.
3. He's been a model prisoner for 25 years
Note: evil people don't express remorse nor are they model prisoners.
4. No one is asking that he be released only to change his sentence to life in prison without parole. Certainly he will have paid with his life for his crime by being in jail basically most of his life.
And finally there is the issue that today he has embraced Yiddishkeit and davens 3 times a day
Of course, even if he didn't become a bal teshuva we should advocate for any Jew.
But one, who in the depth of prison and has found Hashem, who says the words of Tehillim on death row; such a person is certainly greatly deserving of our efforts to commute this sentence.
For those who had questions about our efforts, I hope this clarifies the issue for you.
I believe that the Ahavas Yisroel and efforts exhibited by Klal Yisrael in this matter is certainly a zchus for all of us.
May it be a zchus for Michoel Yechiel ben Miriam Sorah.
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
Pikuach Nefesh!
Please join us this Motzei Shabbos,
Rosh Chodesh Adar, for
Urgent Tehilim
On a
Teleconference call
For Michoel Yechiel ben Miriam Sorah,
Martin Grossman
(A bal Teshuva who puts on tefilin and davens 3 times a day)
Scheduled to be executed R"L this coming Tuesday at 6PM
by the State of Florida as well as saying Tehilim
for other Jews held in captivity.
Call the Chazak Inspiration Line at 718-258-2008
Press 9, and then 9 to enter the conference call
At 8PM
It is extremely important to contact Governor Charlie Crist at
Or Call 850-488-7146
Or Fax 850-487-0801
asking for Mr. Grossman's sentence to be commuted to life in prison.
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation – 845-352-350
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Pikuach Nefesh!
Please join us for
Urgent Tehilim
On a
Teleconference call
For Michoel Yechiel ben Miriam Sorah,
Martin Grossman
(A bal Teshuva who puts on tefilin and davens 3 times a day)
Scheduled to be executed R"L this coming Tuesday at 6PM
By the State of
Call the Chazak Inspiration Line at 718-258-2008
Press 9 and then 9 to enter the conference call
At 7PM and 10:45PM
The first conference call was specifically scheduled to enable mothers to say Tehilim together with their children.
It is extremely important to contact Governor Charlie Crist at Charlie.Crist@myflorida.com
Or Call 850 488-7146
Or Fax 850-487-0801
asking for Mr. Grossman's sentence to be commuted to life in prison.
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation – 845-352-3505
A Matzav.com Exclusive Report By Dovid Bernstein:
Word has leaked out from the Linn County Correctional Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that R' Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, who has been denied bail pending his sentencing, has been placed in solitary confinement. This absolutely shocking revelation compounds the already continuous travesty of justice in the Rubashkin case, as has been recorded and analyzed here on Matzav.com over the past few months.
This recent horrific action came after Sholom Mordechai was suddenly forced to share his cell with a new prisoner who was transferred from another jail after the authorities there could not keep him under control. It is said that this prisoner has been jailed for assaulting a family member of his.
This new roommate of Sholom Mordechai's immediately expressed his hatred for his Jewish counterpart, calling him "dirty Jew." The thug physically threw Sholom Mordechai - while he was wearing his tallis and davening - across the room, stating that he was going to kill him. Sholom Mordechai expressed to those with whom he spoke that he was - and is - afraid for his very life.
The prison authorities, in an appalling response to the thug's actions, claimed that it "takes two to tango" and that the incident was as much the fault of Sholom Mordechai as it was this violent, convicted criminal. The authorities subsequently placed Sholom Mordechai in solitary confinement.
It should be noted that Sholom Mordechai, whose imprisonment pending his sentencing is altogether inexcusable and unfounded, has been a model citizen and completely cooperative from the day he was taken, in handcuffs, from the courthouse following his trial.
"People don't realize what goes on in a jail," an askan told Matzav.com this evening. "It is not a 'country club' jail out there in Cedar Rapids. It is a frightening experience, where an inmate such as Sholom Mordechai is filled with fear for his life and has every reason to be terrified of the criminals with whom he has been jailed."
When he was first placed in solitary confinement, Sholom Mordechai was not allowed any communication with family and friends. He now sits in a cell with nothing but a cement block on which to sleep and a skimpy towel to use as a "pillow" - all because of the ghastly actions of an anti-Semite.
Sholom Mordechai, based on what has leaked from the prison, is permitted to leave his cell for 30 minutes a day, when he is brought together with others who are also in solitary confinement - surely not a pleasant or safe experience for a frum, yarmulke-clad, bearded Jew.
Solitary confinement can last from five to ten days.
This latest move is a clear violation of Sholom Mordechai's rights as a prisoner, because, as mentioned, he has followed every directive since being imprisoned.
The Jewish community has already expressed profound concern and dismay over the harsh position taken by federal prosecutors in Iowa with respect to the pre-sentencing detention of Sholom Mordechai. In light of numerous objective factors that make it clear that Sholom Mordechai is not a flight risk, and in light of certain compelling personal and familial considerations that render his pre-sentencing detention particularly cruel, the prosecutors' ongoing insistence that Sholom Mordechai remain incarcerated through the long months he awaits sentencing is unjustifiable and even inhumane.
Last year, Sholom Mordechai was imprisoned for 76 days prior to his trial, also on the ostensible theory that he was a flight risk. Eventually, the District Judge agreed that pre-trial detention was inappropriate.
Although Sholom Mordechai complied with every detail of the terms under which he was ultimately released before trial, the District Judge, at the urging of the prosecution, imprisoned him again after the jury's verdict - as a result of which Sholom Mordechai has been held in prison since November 12, 2009, pending his sentencing. His appeal from that decision is now pending, after an unexplained denial by three Circuit Judges, before the full Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.
This latest horrendous decision by the Linn County Correctional Center is disturbing and wrong. May Hashem watch over Sholom Mordechai.
Please continue to daven for Reb Shalom Mordechai ben Rivkah.
You can easily donate by clicking on the following link:
Alternatively, you can mail contributions to:
Pidyon Shvuyim Fund
53 Olympia Lane
Monsey NY 10952
{Dovid Bernstein-Matzav.com Newscenter}
Ben Zakkai member (and former NCSY national Vice President) Meira Bressler (mother is the former Eva (Gail) Weisel from West Coast) was diagnosed with Cancer last week. She is 27 years old, married to an amazing man, and has an adorable toddler daughter. If all my friends could PLEASE daven (pray) and say Tehillim (Psalms), or give Tzedaka (charity) in her name, it would mean the world to all of our family. Her Hebrew name is Meira Mindle bas Chava Golda.
If you would like, below is a link to sign up to say a few perakim of tehillim daily so we can complete sefer tehillim (at least once) each day. Thank you so much.