Thursday, July 5, 2012

CCHF A medical update on the Tzadik, Yisrael Landsman

Numerous people have asked for an update on Yisrael Landsman: Last night I had the zchus of spending some time with him. It's hard to describe the aliya in ruchniyus that one gets from being in his proximity. It is like entering a mikvah of pure Yiras Shomayim. Last night he was admitted to the emergency room at NYU. His oxygen numbers starting going down so they put him on pure oxygen. People poured in from all over to just be with this tzaddik and his remarkable family. Through the horrific yissurim he is enduring, his spirit is of one who has lived for 54 years completely connected to Hashem. As I tell people, Yisrael is the Gadol Hador of Ahavas Hashem and Ahavas Yisrael. Everything he does, thinks and feels is to make the OTHER person feel good. His body, the temporary garments that his neshama has worn in this world, is getting kind of worn down and so the light of his neshama is peeking out more and more. At 1:30 they put him on a respirator and into a medically-induced coma. He always said that he will fight to the very last second. The idea of giving up is for him impossible. His neshama is hard-wired to love Hashem and fight the Yetzer Hara, and so under the most extreme circumstances he continues to be whom he always was, Yisrael Landsman. Please daven and do mitzvos as a z’chus for Yisrael Refoel ben Soro Nesha. We don't have that many people on our team like me...we can't afford to lose him. Be Gbentched, Michael Rothschild

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