Tuesday, January 1, 2013
[Aneinu] Chasdei Hashem!
-----Original Message-----
From: Japan Update
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Tue, Jan 1, 2013 11:26 am
Subject: Chasdei Hashem!
Japan Saga Closed
Dear Yidden,
The sad saga of three Yeshiva Bochurim Jailed in Japan finally came to an end today with Yaakov Yosef's homecoming.
After a painfully long four and a half years, the last of the three bochurim, Yakov Yosef ben Reisel, who was recently transferred to Eretz Yisroel, was finally released from custody today, after serving 1,734 days, most of which were spent in isolation in Chiba, Japan.
Last month Yakov Yosef was brought before a parole board, and bechasdei H-ashem he was granted a full and final release on 1st January.
He was also allowed a taste of freedom on the first day of Chanuka when he was able to spend 12 hours with his family and friends.
Shortly after noon, earlier today 19th Teves 5773 (01 January '13), Yakov Yosef was met by his family at the Nitzan prison, who accompanied him and his few belongings on his trip home.
During the short time that Yakov Yosef spent at the Nitzan prison, fellow prisoners who got to know him were overwhelmed with his conduct and said that they would greatly miss him.
Yakov Yosef arranged a minyan twice daily, and delivered a shiur to the prisoners every evening after maariv. The prison shul hadn't functioned for over three years, with the exception of services on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipur. However, after Yakov Yosef's arrival to the facility, yiddishkeit behind bars was revived. Many prisoners were inspired by Yakov Yosef, who bechasdei H-ashem, during the short time spent there, managed to change the atmosphere in the jail.
Yakov Yosef's grandfather is making a s'eudas hodoah for the whole family and close friends.
At this junction, we thank H-ashem for the great chasodim that He has done during these difficult years. Yakov Yosef has b"H unbelievably managed to sustain all the way through this difficult exile. He managed to complete several mesechtos of gemora and various sidrei halocha with many meforshim in addition to being mechazek his and our emuna and bitochon.
Yakov Yosef always managed to look at the bright side. When a threat of a sentence in excess of 20 years was looming, he rejoiced that the prosecution ultimately requested 13 years.
And when the judges handed him a verdict of six years, he rejoiced that it wasn't less, so that the prosecution shouldn't appeal.
We wish Yakov Yosef that from now on he and his dear family should see H-shems kindness in an obvious manner, and may he be zoche to bring nachas to his parents and Klal Yisroel who davened and toiled on his behalf.
Aron Nezri & Meilech Bindinger
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