Wednesday, June 5, 2013

[Aneinu] Rebbetzin Sora Gluck a”h Rebbetzin Sora Gluck a”h Wednesday June 5, 2013 6:07 AM It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rebbetzin Sora Gluck a”h, wife of Rav Shmuel Dovid Gluck, beloved twelfth grade rebbi in Telshe Yeshiva Chicago for forty-five years. The levaya took place last night at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel on East 7th Street in Lakewood, NJ. Rebbetzin Gluck was a daughter of Rav Lipa Eidelman zt”l of Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Rebbetzin Gluck was known as a remarkable baal chessed who gave of herself her entire life for the good of others. Her passing leaves a gaping void in the lives of thousands. Rebbetzin Gluck moved to Lakewood two years ago and passed away on yesterday morning. She is survived by her husband, Rav Shmuel Dovid Gluck; her siblings, R’ Yitzy Eidelman, R’ Avrohom Eidelman, R’ Hesh Eidelman, R’ Shloimy Eidelman, Mrs. Slavy Ribiat, and Mrs. Chavy Moseson; her children R’ Avrohom Mordechai Gluck, R’ Moshe Shimon Gluck, Mrs. Pesya Greenfeld, Mrs. Chana Zelmanowitz, Mrs. Malka Leah Guttman, and Mrs. Miriam Gross; and many grandchildren who follow in her ways. The family is sitting shivah at 122 Arbutus Drive in Lakewood, NJ. Yehi zichrah boruch.

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