Friday, February 28, 2014
[Aneinu] Please Daven - Procedure Friday
Please have in mind, Yechezkel Shraga ben Yehudit as he is undergoing a procedure tomorrow, Friday.
CCHF A desperate plea to help a 4 year old girl who is in a coma in Yerushalayim
Dear Shmiras Haloshon Yomi subscribers,
It is with great sadness we write to you about an adorable, vivacious 4 year old girl who was found submerged in a bathtub today in Arzei habirah in Yerushalayim.
Although she is in a coma and her condition is extremely serious we know that Hashem can do anything.
We therefore ask everyone to take on one hour of extra care with Shmiras Haloshon as a z’chus l'refuah shleima Faiga Zisel bas Zlota Tziporah.
Please pass this email on to your friends and family as well. Imagine the z’chus we can create for this little girl if thousands of people join with us.
If you can, say the tefillah on speech written by the Chofetz Chaim (found in most hebrew and english Shmiras Haloshon seforim) at your Shabbos table and be extra careful with your speech then too -- that would be amazing.
Hashem said "one who guards his mouth, guards himself from evil". May Hashem send Faiga Zisel an immediate Refuah Shleima b'soch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.
Thank you for caring.
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
Thursday, February 27, 2014
YWN[Aneinu] 15-Year-Old Talmid Yeshiva Fighting for His Life
Tefilos are requested for a 15-year-old talmid yeshiva who is fighting for his life as a result of the flu. The Seret-Vishnitz talmid is hospitalized in Sheba Medical Center and listed in critical condition.
A 4-year-old child was niftar this week R”L due to complications from the flu. Now this talmid is fighting for his life. The young talmid, who already lost his father complained he was not feeling well during the past two weeks. He displayed flu-like symptoms including a cough, weakness, and fever. When he was seen by a doctor he was told there is nothing to be concerned with, and he was sent home to rest.
The young man returned to kupat cholim after he did not feel well and he was sent for some tests. His condition rapidly took a turn for the worse and he is now in an intensive care unit fighting for his life. His vital organs are not functioning and he has been placed on an ECMO cardiac/pulmonary bypass to assist his body in fighting the illness.
Tefilos are requested for — ישראל בן חנה נטע לרפואה שלימה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
BAIS HAVAAD ON THE PARSHA 5774 Parshas Vayakhel - Liability of a Professional
In this week's parsha, the Torah tells us that those who were responsible for making the cloth that was used for the Mishkan and the bigdei kehuna, the priestly clothing, were skilled craftsman who were endowed with Divine wisdom.
The Sefer Tiferes Yonoson (Parshas Tetzaveh) wonders how klal yisrael had bigdei kehuna in later generations if such Divine expertise was required to make them! He suggests that a miracle occurred, and the original bigdei kehuna lasted until the days of Shlomo Hamelech. This is because there was likely no one who was on such a spiritual level that was able to make them!
NAALEHCOM. and YU TORAH Enough Or Extra Parshat Vayakhel 5774 By: Mrs. Shira Smiles
After devoting several parshiot to instructions for constructing the Tabernacle, the Mishkan, and its vessels and implements, the Torah now concludes the instructions and the work itself begins. Bnei Yisroel had been instructed to donate all the materials according to the guidance of their hearts, and now there appears to be a surfeit of material, and the artisans tell Moshe, “The people are bringing more than enough for the labor and the work that Hashem has commanded to perform.” Moshe then commands, “ ‘Man and woman shall not do more work toward the gift for the Sanctuary!’ And the people were restrained from bringing.”
This passage raises three related questions. First, if the people were motivated to bring, why stop them? Couldn’t the remaining materials be used for repairs or enhancement of the Sanctuary? Then, if there was enough material, how could there also be extra, more than enough? Finally, as it appears there indeed was more than enough, what did they do with the extra materials?
click here for Summary by Channie Koplowitz Stein.
NAALEH.COM Parshat Vayakhel: The Secret of One By: Rabbi Hershel Reichman
In this Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses how this week's Torah reading involves the prohibition of work on Shabbat. Through a unique understanding of the sin of the Golden Calf, the Shem Mishmuel understands the essence of Shabbat. This Torah class is available online in streaming video and for download in mp3 and ipod video formats.
One of the main questions that all of the commentators to this week's parsha raise is why the Torah again discusses the prohibitions of the Sabbath. The Torah has done so a number of times in the previous parshiyot of Shemot so one might question this seemingly unwarranted repetition. One of the ideas presented in their comments I feel to be especially relevant to our world. We do not find that at the time of creation the Torah sanctified any given place or location on the face of the earth. The entire idea of the uniqueness of the Land of Israel does not appear in the Torah until the time of our father Abraham. And there it appears as a promise of a homeland to Abraham's descendants without any mention of holiness or sanctification.
While walking on a darkened street here in Jerusalem near my home last week while having an animated conversation with my wife over the frustration of the world’s treatment of Israel, the Jews and Judaism, I neglected to look where I was going and tripped over a curb and fell heavily on my arm. Eventually I was diagnosed as having a crack or chip in one of the bones of the elbow. Originally, I was placed in a cast which I found to be most cumbersome and uncomfortable. I therefore decided to go for a second opinion. The new doctor removed the cast and placed my arm in a sling. This is a much more comfortable and bearable condition though my right arm remains pretty much unusable. I have had to become much more dependent on my left arm, something which I am not accustomed to and not extremely adept at.
Team Building By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
How do you remotivate a demoralized people? How do you put the pieces of a broken nation back together again? That was the challenge faced by Moses in this week’s Parshah.
The key word here is vayakhel, “[Moses] gathered.” Kehillah means community. A kehillah or kahal is a group of people assembled for a given purpose. That purpose can be positive or negative, constructive or destructive. The same word that appears at the beginning of this week’s Parshah as the beginning of the solution, appeared in last week’s Parshah as the start of the problem: “When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered [vayikahel] around Aaron and said, ‘Make us a god to lead us. As for this man Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.’”
Thedifference between the two kinds of kehillah is that one results in order, the other in chaos. Coming down the mountain to see the golden calf, we read that “Moses saw that the people were running wild, and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies.” The verb פרע, like the similar פרא, means “loose, unbridled, unrestrained.”
OU TORAH and YU TORAH Mirrors of Love By Rabbi Sacks
The Torah in Parshat Vayakhel, which describes the making of the Mishkan, goes out of its way to emphasize the role women played in it:
The men accompanied the women, and those who wanted to make a donation brought bracelets, earrings, finger rings, and body ornaments, all made of gold. (35: 22)
Every skilled woman put her hand to spinning, and they [all] brought the spun yarn of sky-blue wool, dark red wool, crimson wool and fine linen. Highly skilled women volunteers also spun the goats’ wool. (35: 25-26).
Every man and woman among the Israelites who felt an urge to give something for all the work that God had ordered through Moses, brought a donation for God. (35: 29)
Indeed the emphasis is even greater than it seems in translation, because of the unusual locution in verse 22, Vayavo-u ha-anashim al hanashim, which implies that the women came to make their donations first, and the men merely followed their lead (Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Rabbenu Bachye).
This is all the more striking since the Torah implies that the women refused to contribute to the making of the Golden Calf (see the commentaries to Ex. 32: 2). The women had a sense of judgment in the religious life – what is true worship, and what false – that the men lacked.
Kli Yakar (R. Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz, 1550 –1619) makes the further point that since the Tabernacle was an atonement for the Golden Calf, the women had no need to contribute at all, since it was the men not the women who needed atonement. None the less, women gave, and did so before the men.
Three Types of Community By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
A long drama had taken place. Moses had led the people from slavery to the beginning of the road to freedom. The people themselves had witnessed G‑d at Mount Sinai, the only time in all history when an entire people became the recipients of revelation. Then came the disappearance of Moses for his long sojourn at the top of the mountain, an absence which led to the Israelites’ greatest collective sin, the making of the golden calf. Moses returned to the mountain to plead for forgiveness, which was granted.
RAV KOOK ON VaYakhel PART 2: Art and Creation
"Moses informed the Israelites: God has selected Betzalel... and has filled him with a Divine spirit of wisdom, insight, and knowledge in all craftsmanship." (Ex. 36:30-31)
What exactly were these three gifts of wisdom, insight, and knowledge that God bestowed upon Betzalel? The Sages wrote that the master craftsman was privy to the very secrets of creation. Betzalel knew how to 'combine the letters with which the heavens and the earth were created,' and utilized this esoteric knowledge to construct the Tabernacle (Berachot 55a).
We find that King Solomon mentioned the same three qualities when describing the creation of the universe:
"God founded the earth with wisdom; He established the heavens with insight. With His knowledge, the depths opened, and the heavens drip dew. (Proverbs 3:19-20)
What is the difference between wisdom, insight, and knowledge? How do they apply both to the Creator of the universe and to the human artist?
RAV KOOK ON VaYakheil PART 1: Stars in the Tabernacle
There is an interesting tradition concerning the beautiful tapestries covering the Tabernacle. The covering was comprised of ten large tapestries with patterns of cherubs woven into them. These colorful tapestries were sewn together in two sets of five, and the two sections were then fastened together with fifty gold fasteners.
We know that the structure of the Tabernacle corresponded to the entire universe. What did these metal fasteners represent?
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
[Aneinu] Please Daven for Gross Boys
Chaim Michoel Gross has been readmitted to the hospital.
The tzibur is requested to continue being mispallel for the boys towards their total complete recovery.
חיים מיכאל שלמה בן מיכל
רפאל יצחק אייזיק בן מיכל
Chaim Michoel Shlomo ben Michal
Refael Yitzchok Isaac ben Michal
Monday, February 24, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
[Aneinu] Tefillos Requested
Please daven for the spouse of a former Chicagoan, who is ill and will be undergoing a serious procedure.
Yechezkel Shraga ben Yehudit.
Halachic Handbook: The Laws of Purim IS AT KESHER STAM
A concise and clear summary of all the laws of Purim, in a wonderfully convenient pocket size (4"x6")
The halachos are written in a readable, easy-to-follow style, while extensive source notes make this a valuable resource for further, in-depth study.
Includes Birchas HaMazon - A unique gift to give out in your Mishloach Manos, at wedding, bar and bas mitzvahs, and all events during the Purim season.
Includes halachos of: • Parashas Zachor • Taanis Esther • Reading the Megillah • Mishloach Manos • Matanos L'evyonim • and many, many more.(from Artscroll)Bonus 2 nice divrei torah on Purim.
[Aneinu] Please Daven for 4 Yr. Old
Please daven for Yaakov Yair ben Shoshana Rivka, 4 year old grandson of an Aneinu member, who is having surgery now in Eretz Yisroel..
Correction - The surgery is 1:30 AM Chicago time, 9:30 AM Israel time.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
[Aneinu] Please Daven
From an Aneinu member:
I just got this from my friend in Toronto:“My daughter just called from Cleveland.
Her friend is dying of cancer, which they discovered as she was giving birth to her eighth child--the oldest is not bar mitzvahed yet. Her name is Ahuva bas Sarah. Please send around an emergency tehillim request for her.”
[Aneinu] Tefillos Requested
Please daven for a pregnant mother who is ill, Shoshana Shira bas Nechama Leah b'soch sha'ar cholei Yisroel.
he next generation in Jewish music is about to begin! Never has there been such anticipation for a debut album as there currently is for the release of SIMCHA LEINER‘s first album.
After being discovered around the world by thousands of listeners and viewers, Simcha quickly became an in demand singer and Baal Tefilah.
Produced by Yochi Briskman, Simcha is finally ready to release his debut album. With much deliberation, a selection of 10 incredible songs were chosen and arranged to the utmost degree. Featuring songs written by Yitzy Waldner, Yochanan Shapiro, Yoily Dickman, Elimelech Blumstein, Yochanan Gordon, and Simcha himself. With arrangement by Yanky Briskman and Udi Damari. Please Daven
Dear Naaleh Friend,
Please take a moment to recite Tehillim on behalf of Alta Mishkit bas Freida, Rabbi Reichman's mother, who is undergoing a procedure now.
Tizku l'mitzvot.
May we only share good news.
May we only hear good news,
Hally Goldstein and the Naaleh family
[Aneinu] Please daven for Adel Chaya bat Adva
Please daven for Adel Chaya bat Adva.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
BAIS HAVAAD ON THE PARSHA 5774 Parshas Ki Sisa - Purim Katan
As this year is a leap year, Purim Katan and Shushan Purim Katan are celebrated this Friday and Shabbos respectively. The Orach Chaim section of the Shulchan Aruch ends with a discussion on whether or not there is a mitzvah to eat a meal in celebration of Purim Katan. The conclusion of the issue: one that has a good heart will always be festive!
Reb Tzadok of Lublin (Sefer Pri Tzaddik) writes that the segulos of the day of Purim to feel happy apply equally to Purim Katan.
NAALEH.COM and YUTORAH Making Majestic Moments Parshat Ki - Tisa 5774 By: Mrs. Shira Smiles
Parshat Ki Tisa includes verses familiar to many of us as part of the Shabbat morning Kiddush: “The children of Israel shall observe the Sabbath, to make (la’asot) the Sabbath an eternal covenant for their generations. Between Me and the Children of Israel it is a sign forever … on the seventh day He rested …” These verses are then immediately followed with Hashem’s giving the Two Tablets of Testimony to Moshe before his descent from Sinai, implying that the mitzvah of Shabbos was the last mitzvah Hashem gave to Moshe before Moshe went back down to Bnei Yisroel. It is a mitzvah that keeps the relationship alive between Hashem and Bnei Yisroel, especially relevant since it is followed immediately with the sin of the golden calf.
click here for summary by Channie Koplowitz Stein.
Though the main topic of this week's parsha is certainly the fateful and nearly fatal incident of the Golden Calf, the opening subject of the parsha also bears study and insight. We see throughout the Torah that there is an emphasis placed on counting the numbers of Jews that left Egypt, those that existed in the Sinai desert and finally, those that arrived in the Land of Israel.
In this week's parsha the Torah provides us with the “Jewish” way of counting the people of Israel. We do not count people directly but rather indirectly, as is the case of the half-shekel tax that was imposed by Divine commandment at the beginning of this week's parsha. The number of Jews present and accounted for was arrived at by counting the number of half-shekels that were collected.
A few days ago my computer screen showed me the dreaded words “your keyboard batteries are low.” Well even I know how to replace batteries or so I thought. For then I discovered that one of the batteries was completely wedged and stuck in the small tube that governs the keyboard. I could not remove it no matter how hard I tried or whatever instruments of destruction I used.
How Leaders Fail By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Leaders can fail for two kinds of reason. The first is external. The time may not be right. The conditions may be unfavorable. There may be no one on the other side to talk to. When British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was asked what was the most difficult thing he had to deal with in government, he replied, “Events, dear boy, events.” Machiavelli called this Fortuna: the power of bad luck that can defeat even the greatest. Sometimes despite your best efforts, you fail. Such is life.
The second kind of failure is internal. A leader can simply lack the courage to lead. Sometimes leaders have to oppose the crowd. They have to say No when everyone else is crying Yes. That can be terrifying. Crowds have a will and momentum of their own. To say No may be to put your career, even your life, at risk. That is when courage is needed, and not showing it can constitute a moral failure of the worst kind.
Two Types of Religious Encounter By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Framing the epic events of this week’s sedra are two objects—the two sets of tablets, the first given before, the second after, the sin of the golden calf. Of the first, we read:
The tablets were the work of G‑d; the writing was the writing of G‑d, engraved on the tablets.
These were perhaps the holiest objects in history: from beginning to end, the work of G‑d. Yet within hours they lay shattered, broken by Moses when he saw the calf and the Israelites dancing around it.
The second tablets, brought down by Moses on the tenth of Tishri, were the result of his prolonged plea to G‑d to forgive the people. This is the historic event that lies behind Yom Kippur (the tenth of Tishri), the day marked in perpetuity as a time of favor, forgiveness and reconciliation between G‑d and the Jewish people. The second tablets were different in one respect. They were not wholly the work of G‑d:
Carve out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke.
RAV KOOK ON Ki Tissa PART 3: The Recipe for Ketoret
"God said to Moses: Take fragrances such as balsam, onycha, galbanum, and pure frankincense, all of the same weight, as well as other fragrances. Make the mixture into incense, as compounded by a master perfumer, well-blended, pure and holy." (Ex. 30:34-5)
The Torah does not provide the exact recipe for the ketoret, the incense that was burned daily in the Temple. Only in the oral tradition do we find a detailed list of eleven ingredients:
70 portions of the four fragrances mentioned in the verse.
16 portions of myrrh, cassia, spikanard, and saffron.
12 portions of costus.
9 portions of cinnamon.
3 portions of cinnamon bark.
Each portion ("maneh") weighed five pounds. The total weight was 368 maneh — one measure for each day, plus three extra measures for Yom Kippur. That's 1,840 pounds (835 kilos) of incense.
RAV KOOK ON Ki Tisa PART 2: Moses' Extraordinary Prayer
Perhaps the lowest point in the history of the Jewish people occurred shortly after the Torah's revelation at Mount Sinai. Without Moses' leadership and guidance, the people turned to idolatry, worshipping a golden calf. Divine justice demanded that this terrible betrayal be punished severely, but Moses "pleaded before God" on their behalf (Ex. 32:11).
The word for 'pleaded' — 'va-yechal' — is not the usual expression for prayer. The Sages offered several explanations why the Torah used this particular word to describe Moses' prayer. Rabbi Elazar noted that 'va-yechal' shares the same root as choleh ('sick'). Moses prayed for the sake of Israel so intensely that he became ill from the effort.
According to Rabbi Eliezer the Great, the word 'va-yechal' even indicates the specific illness that afflicted Moses. Moses suffered from achilu, a fever in the bones.
Why should Moses' efforts for the sake of the Jewish people make him ill? What is the significance of a fever in his bones?
RAV KOOK ON Ki Tissa PART 1: A Lesson in Leadership
Moses was on top of Mount Sinai, experiencing divine revelation on a level beyond the grasp of ordinary prophets. At the foot of the mountain, however, the people began to worry. Not knowing why Moses was taking so long, not understanding how he could live without food and water for forty days, they felt abandoned and leaderless. They demanded that Aaron make them a golden calf, and they worshipped it.
God's response was immediate — He banished Moses from Mount Sinai.
"Leave! Go down! The people whom you brought out of Egypt have become corrupt." (Ex. 32:7)
It seems unfair. The people sin, and Moses is kicked off the mountain?
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
JI AND JMR Exclusive Album Cover Release: Simcha Leiner
The next generation in Jewish music is about to begin! Never has there been such anticipation for a debut album as there currently is for the release of SIMCHA LEINER‘s first album.
After being discovered around the world by thousands of listeners and viewers, Simcha quickly became an in demand singer and Baal Tefilah.
Produced by Yochi Briskman, Simcha is finally ready to release his debut album. With much deliberation, a selection of 10 incredible songs were chosen and arranged to the utmost degree. Featuring songs written by Yitzy Waldner, Yochanan Shapiro, Yoily Dickman, Elimelech Blumstein, Yochanan Gordon, and Simcha himself. With arrangement by Yanky Briskman and Udi Damari.
Simcha’s debut album will be shipping in a few days… Details to follow.
JI Gad Elbaz & Naftali Kalfa ft. Ari Lesser A New Hit for Purim “Miracles/Al Hanissim”
Ari Lesser a prominent rapper who was features on the JEWISH STAR competition comes to the fore front of Jewish music as he is featured on this new song with judge Gad Elbaz.
Responsible for this connection was Naftali Kalfa who produced this new song and performed along with them in “Miracles/Al Hanissim.”
Miracles brings the reggae groove to Jewish msuci and opens us to the month of Adar with a happily bouncing song accompanied by a humorous music video.
Gad Elbaz is starting a world tour in March 2014 which will take him across the United States and Europe. The tour opens with a huge performance on March 6th at the Millennium Theater in New York.
Gad Elbaz is huge and respected singer with amazing vocal abilities, for many years he has been known as a big star in both traditional and religious community in Israel and abroad, with a resume of countless hits and venues around the country and abroad.
A year ago, Gad participated as a judge Gad Elbaz in the a program/competition called JEWISH STAR in the United States where he met rapper one of the show’s contestants Ari Lesser who made it to the shows final round.
Today Ari Lesser is a famous rapper in his own right. Lesser has established a wide fan base following the release of many VIDEOS on YouTube and social networks.
Naftali Kalfa, composer extraordinaire recently released his debut double album entitled “The Naftali Kalfa Project.” The album features 28 original compositions by Naftali and features an array or Jewish music guest vocalists.
Naftali was born in Toronto, is married and has five children who are strength and inspiration for his work.
His first musical production was a collaboration with the Piamenta brothers on the album “Yihiyu Leratzon.”
Monday, February 17, 2014
[Aneinu] Tefilla Request
Please daven for Rayzel Chana bat Hinda Laya who is having a medical procedure on Wednesday. .
Schottenstein Talmud Yerushalmi - English Edition [#16] - Tractate Eruvin vol. 1 IS HERE AND ON SALE
For five generations of the Talmudic era, the great Sages of the Land of Israel flourished in the Galil. There, like the Sages of Babylonia, they debated, expounded, and applied the laws and principles of the Mishnah that were received at Sinai .The sacred learning of those years was gathered in the Talmud Yerushalmi — The Jerusalem Tamud.
They lived with Roman pogroms and persecution — but the flame of Torah burned bright despite it all. Until about 350 C. E., when brutal Roman anti-Semitism decimated the Holy Land’s yeshivos and silenced its voice of Torah. But the Sages’ teachings live on in the Talmud Yerushalmi, just as the teachings of Babylonia live one in the Talmud Bavli — The Babylonian Talmud.
But while the Sages of Babylonia had another 150 years to redact, clarify and organize the text of the Babylonian Talmud, Roman persecution in the Holy Land made that impossible. Thus, the Jerusalem Talmud is exceedingly difficult, and — despite its great significance – it has been a closed book to all but select, elite scholars.
Now, thanks to the outstanding scholars who produced the classic Schottenstein Edition of Talmud Bavli, the lock is being removed on yet another treasure-house of Torah Sheb’al Peh, the Oral Law.
This project has been enthusiastically welcomed and endorsed by Torah leaders in Israel and America.(FROM ARTSCROLL)
The Schottenstein Ed. Mishnah Elucidated Gryfe Ed Seder Moed Volume 3 IS AT KESHER STAM ON SALE
The Schottenstein Edition Talmud created a revolution in Gemara study. Now, the breakthrough format is available for the Mishnah as well.
Inaugural Volume: Mesechtos Taanis, Megillah, Beitzah, Chagigah, Moed Katan, and Rosh Hashanah.
Ideal for:
Mishnah learning for yahrzeits and sheloshim
Students or parents helping their children with homework
Beginners new to Mishnah study
Anyone looking to review basic Mishnah
The Schottenstein Edition of the Mishnah Elucidated features:
Full vowelized Hebrew text of the Mishnah, and full text of "the Rav's" (Rabbeinu Ovadiah of Bertinoro) classic Mishnah commentary.
Phrase-by-phrase translation and elucidation, following the Schottenstein Edition Talmud format, based on the interpretation of Rabbeinu Ovadiah of Bertinoro, adds words and phrases to make the Mishnah text read smoothly and clearly.
Notes to clarify and explain the Mishnah further by drawing on the Gemara or other classic Mishnah commentaries.
General introductions to each masechta discuss many important concepts.
Many detailed diagrams and illustrations.(FROM ARTSCROLL)
OU TORAH and NAALEH.COM Bells and Pomegrantes By Shira Smiles
click here for audio shiur on Parshat Vayakhel.
In this Torah shiur (class) on the weekly Parsha (Torah portion), Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Vayakhel. Mrs. Smiles explores the symbolism of the coat of the Kohen Gadol, which was edged with bells and pomegranates. This class is available online in streaming video and for download in mp3 format and there also a summary.
[Aneinu] Please Daven - Surgery Today
Please say tehilim for a Chicagoan, my 6 year old niece, Chaya Mushka bas Miriam Mirel Breindel. She is, IYH, having surgery today.
[Aneinu] Please Daven
Please daven for Chaim Menashe Daniel ben Massouda, Menashe Sopher who is critically ill. He has the bus company that most of the seminary girls use when they arrive and leave from Israel.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
[Aneinu] Tehillim Requested - Surgery Friday
From an Aneinu member:
Please say Tehillim for my husband Avigdor Shmuel ben Lieba Rivka he is having a very delicate surgery tomorrow morning beginning at 10:00. Thank you so much. Besoros Tovos.
[Aneinu] Please Daven - Surgery Today
Please daven for Malka Rochel bat Rivka, a young girl in our community who is having surgery today.
BAIS HAVAAD ON THE PARSHA 5774 Parshas Tetzave - Clothes of A Prince
This week's parsha discusses the making of the bigdei kehuna, the priestly garments. The Kohanim would wear the bigdei kehuna when serving in the Mishkan and the Beit Hamikdash. The Gemara (Zevachim 88b) teaches that just as the korbanos provided atonement, so too, the bigdei kehuna provided atonement, as well. The Sefer Akeida (Chapter 51) adds that just like studying the laws of korbanos is considered as though one had offered a korban, so too, studying the laws and role of the bigdei kehuna also brings one atonement.
Equilibrium And Expiation Parshat Tezaveh 5774 By: Mrs. Shira Smiles
In this class (shiur) Mrs. Shira smiles discusses Parshat Tzaveh
Available online in streaming video, and for download in mp3 and pp4 (ipod video) formats.
In Parshat Tesaveh, Hashem tells Moshe to bring Aharon and his sons to Him to be His kohanim, His priests and ministers, and instructs him on creating the special priestly garments the kohanim are to wear in performing their service. These bigdei kehunah, priestly vestments enabled the priests to do their service, for without them, whatever service the priest would perform would be invalid. What do our Sages see as the source for these special garments?
The Torah busies itself in this week’s parsha to point out the necessity for an eternal light to always burn in God's tabernacle. The Talmud points out that the light was certainly not for God's benefit. The Lord is always beyond our physical needs and environment. The commentators to the Torah always searched for a deeper and more understandable meaning to this commandment.
This year on the Jewish calendar, 5774, is a leap year. In terms of the Jewish calendar this means that it is a thirteen-month year instead of the usual twelve-month year. This anomaly is accomplished by repeating the month of Adar twice. In the secular calendar every fourth year is also called a leap year. That leap year is identified by having the month of February be twenty-nine days long instead of the usual twenty-eight days.
The Counterpoint of Leadership By Rabbi Sacks
One of the most important Jewish contributions to our understanding of leadership is its early insistence of what, in the eighteenth century, Montesquieu called “the separation of powers.” Neither authority nor power was to be located in a single individual or office. Instead, leadership was divided between different kinds of roles.
One of the most important of these divisions – anticipating by millennia the “separation of church and state” – was between the king, the head of state, on the one hand, and the high priest, the most senior religious office, on the other.
Prophet and Priest By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
The sedra of Tetzaveh, as commentators have noted, has one unusual feature: it is the only sedra from the beginning of Shemot to the end of Bamidbar that does not contain the name of Moses. Several interpretations have been offered:
The Vilna Gaon suggests that it is related to the fact that in most years it is read during the week in which the seventh of Adar falls, the day of Moses’ death. During this week we sense the loss of the greatest leader in Jewish history—and his absence from Tetzaveh expresses that loss.
RAV KOOK on Tetzaveh Part 3: Raising a Constant Flame
Not just any oil was suitable for use in the Temple Menorah. The Torah stipulates that the oil be particularly refined, made from hand-crushed olives, so that it will "raise up a constant flame" (Ex. 27:20).
Why does the Torah use this unusual phrase, "to raise up the flame"? Why not say simply "to kindle the flame"?
RAV KOOK on Tetzaveh PART 2: Moses and the Priestly Garments
Where was Moses?
The commentaries noted an unusual fact about the Torah portion of Tetzaveh — it is the only parashah, from when we first read of Moses' birth in the book of Exodus, in which Moses is not mentioned.
The Ba'al HaTurim (Rabbi Jacob ben Asher, 1269-1343), explained that this was a consequence of Moses' defense of the Jewish people after the Sin of the Golden Calf. At that precarious juncture, Moses pleaded with God to forgive the Israelites; and if not, then "please remove me from Your book that You have written" (Ex. 32:32).
The Sages taught that 'The curse of a sage comes true, even if it was contingent on a condition [and that condition was not met]' (Makkot 11a). Thus, even though God did forgive the Jewish people, Moses' vow was partially fulfilled, and his name was removed from the portion of Tetzaveh.
The question arises: why was this parashah, which describes the special garments of the kohanim, chosen as the one in which Moses is not mentioned? Also, why was Moses punished for valiantly defending the Jewish people?