Wednesday, April 2, 2014
BAIS HAVAAD ON THE PARSHA 5774 Parshas Tazriah: Shemiras Halashon In Shidduchim
This parsha primarily discusses the laws of tzora'as - physical leprosy-like afflictions that superficially afflict a person's skin, yet reflect a spiritual disorder of a person's soul. As Rashi explains (Vayikra 14:4), the birds that a metzora must sacrifice as part of his purification process allude to the underlying cause of the disease: "Because the disease of leprosy comes as punishment for lashon hara, which is a matter of chatter, therefore he requires the purity of birds, who chatter always with their chirping voices."
The Torah's instruction to recall the deed of Miriam (Devarim 24:9), who was punished with leprosy after speaking lashon hara about her brother Moshe, is also interpreted as a call to remember the prohibition of lashon hara. As Rashi writes, "If you wish to avoid the disease of leprosy, do not speak lashon hara."(AUDIO HERE)
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