Sunday, August 31, 2014
Moadei Hashanah — Elul and Rosh Hashanah The Awesome Power of a New Beginning by Rabbi Shimshon Dovid Pincus IS AT KESHER STAM


Saturday, August 30, 2014

JI and JMR The Maccabeats – Home (Medley) – Israel

Friday, August 29, 2014
JI Naftali Kalfa & Aaron Razel “Achim Anachnu – We Are Brothers”

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014
[Aneinu] Tehillim for Aharon Sofer
Aharon Sofer (Aharon ben Chulda) is our first cousin, he was last seen on Friday in the Jerusalem Forest. R' Chaim Kanievsky says that he is alive in an arab village and now we need to daven and men should learn mesachas shviis. R' Dovid Abuchatzeirah says now is the time to daven. The family has set up numbers for people to call for people to take perakim of tehillim so we can try to finish sefer tehillim 1,000 times. Anyone interested can call 058-320-4859 or 058-320-4860, 917-809-5145 or 917-809-5146. These numbers all ring to an Israeli cell phone so between 11 pm and 8 am Israel time, please text 443-929-6549 and we will respond with perakim to say.
May we hear besuros tovos bekorov!
Batsheva Sofer (Oratz)
[Aneinu] Please Daven - Surgery Tuesday
Please daven for the husband of an Aneinu member, Michoail Chaim ben Devosha Leyla, who is having surgery tomorrow, Tuesday 8/25/14.
[Aneinu] Please Daven for Terror Victim
Please daven for Yedayah ben Orna.
"A resident of the southern Hevron Hills is in serious condition from injuries to the skull after an Arab rock-throwing terrorist hit him in the head shortly after midnight Saturday, forcing his car to overturn.
"The victim’s wife and baby, who were traveling in the car on their way home, were not hurt.
"The terrorist struck between Al Aroob and Carmei Tzur, immediately south of Gush Etzion and one of the favorite launching areas for Arab attacks on Jewish drivers. The IDF routinely stations jeeps in the area, but restraints on dealing with rock-throwers have hampered deterrence.
"The victim was rushed to Hadassah Hospital and is undergoing surgery Sunday morning for internal bleeding and skull fractures.
[Aneinu] Chaya Basia Rivkah bas Entel
Please daven, learn, say Tehillim, and/or do another mitzvah in the zechut of a young girl who is in very very critical condition who is waiting for a heart transplant., Chaya Basia Rivkah bas Entel ( correct spelling)
May she have a complete and speedy recovery with Hashem's help, bli ayin hara.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Aneinu Please Daven for injured soldier
Givati Brigade Sgt. Yehuda Yitzchak HaYisraeli, 23,was wounded in the battle in which Major Benaya Sarel, First Sgt. Liel Gidoni, and Lt. Hadar Goldin HY”D were killed, on erev Shabbos 5 Menachem Av. A piece of shrapnel pierced his head and the family has been at his side waiting for good news.
Yehuda Yitzchak has been in a medically induced coma in Soroka Medical Center for the past three weeks. Until the weekend, his wife Rivkah was at his side. TRivkah had to leave for she went into labor, delivering a boy.
Rivkah, who is a daughter of a Tel Aviv area rav, explains “we need ongoing tefilos”, calling on Am Yisrael to be mispallel for her husband.
Please daven for Yehuda Yitzchak ben Iris (pronounced EE'REES) bsoch kol cholei Am Yisrael.
[Aneinu] Please Daven for Missing Bochur
Please daven for Aaron ben Chuldah, a resident of Lakewood, who is currently learning by Rav Tzvi Kaplan in Yerushalayim.
Volunteers searched for 23-year-old talmid yeshiva Aaron Sofer the entire Shabbos. The tzibur at large is called upon on motzei Shabbos to assist in the search. He was walking with a friend but the two lost sight of one another going down an incline. Zaka and Ichud Hatzalah assisted police in the search over Shabbos.
The friend notified police at 6 PM and police phoned Zaka at 1:45 Friday night.
He was last seen at noon on erev Shabbos in the Jerusalem Forest. Anyone with any information is urged to contact 02-539-1520 or 100.
Friday, August 22, 2014
[Aneinu] Tefillos Requested
Please daven for Shoshana Chava bas Sara who needs a series of iron infusions again.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
[Aneinu] Tefillos Requested - Surgery Thursday
Please daven for Yehoshua Yehuda Leib ben Yosefa, a brother-in-law of an Aneinu member, who is having triple-bypass surgery Thursday morning.
[Aneinu] Please Daven
Please daven for Eliyahu ben Yvonne who is having a kidney transplant tomorrow, Thursday, beH.
[Aneinu] Please Daven - Surgery Thursday
Please say Tehillim for Yitzchak ben Sara, who is having heart surgery tomorrow.
[Aneinu] Please Daven
I received the following request about a Chicago choleh:
Could you please send out a request for Faige bas June who keeps going into afib
after her transplant surgery.
[Aneinu] Please Daven - Surgery Now!
From a Chicagoan:
Please daven for my father in law who is having a 5 hour open heart surgery right now. Please keep him in your Tefilos, Sason Chai ben Naeema.
Monday, August 18, 2014
[Aneinu] Tefillos Requested
Please daven for the friend of an Aneinu member, Michal bas Freida, who needs a refuah shlema.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
[Aneinu] and CCHF Tehillim request!
Please say tehillim for:
Chaya Basya Rivka bas Entel
A 12 year old who is being fitted with an artificial heart while waiting for a heart transplant
[Aneinu] Please Daven
Please daven for Chicagoan, Shmaryahu ben Feigie Sarah, who was taken to the hospital.
Friday, August 15, 2014
OU TORAH MOED KATAN DAF 2 It is No Tircha But Definitely Work By Bais Havaad Halacha Center


Thursday, August 14, 2014
[Aneinu] Please Daven for Soldier - Surgery Now
Please daven for Yehuda Yzchak ben Eris, a wounded solder who is having surgery now.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

JI Itzik Orlev “Am Israel Chai”

JI Cry For “Yerushalayim” Nissim stand’s up for Jerusalem and all of Israel

BAIS HAVAAD PARSHA PERSPECTIVES Parshas V’eschanan: Your Mitzvah With His Money: A Questionable Combination By: Rabbi Tzvi Price
Please learn this for Eretz Yisrael and our injured and fallen soldiers.
The following scenario would probably qualify as one of the worst nightmares of any shul-goer. You wake up late, and after a mad rush, you are out the door. Huffing and puffing, you make it just in time for davening. However, the entire time you have been having a funny feeling that something just does not seem right. Then you finally realize what your subconscious has known all along. You have forgotten your talis and tefillin at home.
OU TORAH and YU TORAH Va’etchanan (5774)The Fewest of all Peoples Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

OU TORAH and YU TORAH Va’etchanan (5773) – Philosophy or Prophecy By Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

OU TORAH and CHABAD.ORG Va’etchanan (5772) Why Is the Jewish People So Small? By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks



RAV KOOK ON Va'EtchananPart 3: Introducing Prayer with Praise

RAV KOOK ON Va'etchanan PART 2:Cleaving to God
Please learn this as a zechus for Eretz Yisrael and our injured and fallen soldiers.
"You, who remained attached to the Lord your God, are all alive today." (Deut. 4:4)
What does it mean 'to be attached to God'? As the Talmud (Sotah 14a) asks, is it possible to cleave to the Shechinah, God's Divine Presence, which the Torah (Deut. 4:24) describes as a "consuming fire"?

RAV KOOK ON Va'EtchananPart 1:The Double Shema

[Aneinu] Please Daven - Critical
From Eretz Yisroel:
Please daven for Malka Ruchama bas Sara
She is 3 years old. A heavy door fell on her.
Condition - critical.

YU TORAH Halacha from the Daily Daf: Megilllah 32--Halachos of Brachos When Receiving an Aliyah LaTorah By Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein
Please learn this as a zechus for Eretz Yisrael and our injured and fallen soldiers.
Rabbi Eisenstein brings Rema brings Mordechi paskin like Rebbi Yehudah but I can fulfill Rebbi Meir concern by looking away A”H look at bal kore.This is debate Bach problem turn away close your eyes instead.for the rest of the shiur click here.
OU TORAH Megillah DAF 27 Sanctity Sale and the Hebrew Book Stores By Bais Havaad Halacha Center

[Aneinu] Please Daven - Surgery Wednesday
Please daven for Faige bas June who will be having major surgery tomorrow, Wednesday.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
YWN TEHILLIM – Man Remains In Critical Condition Following ATV Crash In Catskills
A man was critically injured while riding an ATV this past Friday, and the family has added a name for Tehillim.
The accident happened on Friday afternoon at Evergreen Estates in Loch Sheldrake, NY. The man’s daughter was on the ATV at the time of the crash. It appears the ATV overturned, ejecting both of them from the vehicle. Catskills Hatzolah had a medevac respond and the man was airlifted with a serious brain injury to a trauma center. The daughter is reportedly in stable condition, but the father remains in a coma R”L.
Click Here!
Please say Tehillim for Tzvi Hersh Chaim be Guttel, bsoch sha’r cholei yisroel.
(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)
Monday, August 11, 2014
JI Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Releases Album To Raise Funds For Keren Hashviis “SHIR”

[Aneinu] Please Say Tehillim
Please say tehillim for the father of an Aneinu member, Menachem Dov ben Devorah who had a cardaic procedure today and is experiencing complications.
thank you so much
besoros tovos
[Aneinu] Tefillos Needed
Please daven for Basya Rivka bas Entel, a 12 year old girl in need of rachamei shomayim, she is in a medically induced coma
[Aneinu] Please Daven
Please daven for Tzvia bas bas Chana Devorah who will be having a procedure tomorrow morning at 8:10 AM.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Aneinu Please Daven for Wounded Soldier
Pray for officer Hagai ben (son of) Hana who is in extremely severe condition, fighting for his life. Pass this on to at least 5 people. Don't disrupt the chain! The wounded was brought to Beilinson Hospital by helicopter while efforts to keep him alive were being made. He suffers from a severe head wound. (rough translation)
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
JI Gobbie Cohn Releases Debut Single “Umi K’Amcha Yisroel”

Sifsei Chachamim Chumash Vol. 7 Devarim IS AT KESHER STAM

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