Sunday, February 1, 2015

[Aneinu] name added please daven

Shalom! Please note the added name: SHLOMIT CHAYA BAT PESIAH POLIN Please continue davening for refuah shelayma . She is in a very serious and critical period. שנשמע בשורות טובות! 2015-01-22 15:27 GMT-05:00 mjsyasgur : Shalom! PLEASE DAVEN FOR: SHLOMIT BAT PESIAH POLIN for the next 7 days. There are details below. In brief : she experienced brain hemorrhaging last motzaei Shabbos. She is entering a very critical time. She is the wife of the full time volunteer director of Keren HaTzadik/ Rabbi Aryeh Levin zt"l Fund. She has been extraordinarily self sacrificing for others and now she needs others to pray for her and engage in acts of chesed. Tizku l'mitzvot! Thank you Rabbi Moshe Jordan Yasgur 201 637 6091

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