Wednesday, April 1, 2015

[Aneinu] New Shabbos Project from ANEINU for the Sassoon Family

New Shabbos Project from ANEINU for the Sassoon Family in lieu of the terrible tragedy klal Yisroel suffered 2 Shabbosim ago, Aneinu is instituting a new program. Each week, in our weekly email we will include a halacha about Shabbos. Our learning will be l'zachar nishmas: David ben Gavriel Yeshua ben Gavriel Moshe ben Gavriel Yakkob ben Gavriel Eliane bas Gavriel Siporah bas Gavriel Rivka bas Gavriel and refuah shelaima Gilsom Gilah bas Tsiporah Francis Tsiporah bas Gilsom Gilah We will be learning from "The Laws of Shabbos" written by Rabbi Yair Hoffman, a high school teacher in Mochon Soro in Far Rockaway, and a columnist for the 5 Town Jewish news From Rabbi Hoffman's introduction as to the importance of learning hilchos Shabbos "Judaism has always felt that concepts and idea are not enough-they must be accompanied by action. Shabbas observance has had and continues to have an enormous effect upon the soul of the Jewish nation. The Chofetz Chaim wrote that without devoting time to study the intricate laws of Shabbos-one will not be able to fulfill it completely." Rabbi Hoffman continues, "that delving into the laws of Shabbos is part and parcel of the gift of Shabbos that Hashem gave the Jewish people. Thinking deeply, analyzing, exploring, scrutinizing and understanding is part of the entire Shabbos experience." 17 Point Pre-Pesach Checklist by Rabbi Yair Hoffman As a general rule, it is best to prepare things before the Seder begins - even if it is completely permitted to prepare them on Shabbos itself. The Mishna Brurah explains that this is in order not to have delays within the Seder (MB 472:1). ____1. Prepare the Haggados that you and those present will be using. ____2. Prepare the Matzos. This includes 3 whole Shmurah Matzos and the cover. If a piece is broken, you can burn the edge on the gas stove and it is still considered as a whole Matzah. Also prepare enough Shmurah Matzah for all the guests that will be present at the Seder. ____3. Prepare the children's nosh. There is a relatively little-known mitzvah to give the children nosh on the first night of Pesach. The Gemorah states that the reason is "so that they will not fall asleep and will ask." The Shulchan Aruch adds, "so that they will see a difference and ask." Some do it immediately before the Seder (Rav Shulchan Aruch and Kaf HaChaim) or immediately after Kiddush (Chasam Sofer). ____4. Prepare enough salad leaves for each person. Generally speaking two leaves are enough per person - one for maror and one for korech. Ideally, one should purchase from a company that adequately pre-inspects it. If not make sure to check it yourself. Prepare enough for two days and refrigerate if you have the room. ____5. If one uses chrein, it should be ground and covered during the day. Prepare enough for two days. If one forgot to grind it, it may be done with a shinui - using the back of a spoon. ____6. It is preferable to prepare the charoses during the day as well. Prepare enough for two days. ____7. The salt water should be prepared ahead of time as well. Even though the Mishna Brurah (473:21) rules that salt water may be prepared on Shabbos, we prepare it earlier for two reasons: a] so as not to delay the seder and b] to fulfill the view of the Chayei Adam (Klal 130). Prepare enough for two days. ____8. Enough wine (or grape juice) should be prepared for everyone present to drink the 4 cups of wine. Prepare enough for two days. ____9. The wine bechers or glasses should be prepared. ____10. The meat that will be used to represent the zroah should be cooked then roasted. ____11. The egg should be cooked then roasted over the flame. ____12. Enough Karpas should be prepared for everyone present at the Seder. Prepare enough for two days. ____13. The Seder plate should be prepared in advance. ____14. The table should be set for the 1st night by daytime. Of course, the 2nd seder may only be set after nightfall. ____15. The pillows should be prepared in advance. ____16. The Kittels should be prepared in advance. It is a good idea to have one for each night. ____17. Prepare the siddur for the father to bless the children as soon as he comes home. The author can be reached

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