Thursday, May 7, 2015

[Aneinu] Segulot for Lag Ba"Omer from Yamima Mizrachi

Segulot for Lag Ba'Omer: 1. Light candle for R Shimon Bar Yochai. Some light 17 candles, because it's 17 days between Lag Ba'Omer and Shavuot- so we asking for this 17 days to be good days. After candling pray for closest people to you first- kids, family & friends. 2. It's a day to pray for zivug. Hilulla = Wedding Also R. Shimon bar yochai himself got married on that day(lag Ba'Omer). Ask HaShem for the zivug of your kids, siblings and friends. 3. It's the day to pray and ask Hashem for Torah to be a part of our lives 4. On that day we can ask for a home if we don't have one, because R Shimon bar yochai always moved from place to place, so he knows how difficult it could be to move all the time. 5. It's a great day to pray for zera kodesh (children) and to buy bow and arrow, kids are like bow and arrows (Tehilim 127,4). 6. To have guests- segula to have kids 7. Parnassa - 18th of Iyar, in the desert it was the first time when Bnei Israel received the Mann. 8. To read 7 times perek 67 in Tehilim, this psalm has the most times words of gratitude to HaShem. 9. We have to be happy all day, not to be sad, upset or mad. 10. Ask HaShem for help in raising good kids, kids who respect HaShem and parents. Kids that all their deeds and thoughts are for the sake of Heaven

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