Wednesday, August 3, 2016

THE BAIS HAVAAD HALACHA JOURNAL: Volume 5776 Issue XXXX Balak out of this world Keeping Halacha beyond the atmosphere By: Rav Yosef Fund, Posek for the Bais HaVaad, Lakewood

Spacing In A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. officials are close to approving the first commercial space mission, establishing a precedent for other companies eager to send flights outside of Earth's orbit. It is likely that Moon Express, a startup from Cape Canaveral, Florida, will soon receive "mission approval" from the Federal Aviation Administration, allowing it to fly its 20-pound package of scientific hardware to the moon in 2017. Not only that, but it is possible that the field of commercial space tourism will be open to the public as early as 2018. All those people who have already toured Australia, China, Africa, Scandinavia, and India will not have to resort to same-old, same-old when it comes to vacationing, but they can gear up for a new frontier: outer space! Do you have a friend who is in the market for a new job? Perhaps he would appreciate a career that is not only out-of-the-box, but out-of-this-world. Or maybe you have a friend who is looking for a really “stellar” vacation. If so, why not have the first friend contact Moon Express for a job, and the second get in touch with one of the companies working on commercial space tourism to find out about tours and hotels in space. Then again, maybe not. For above all else, we must take into account the complex halachic questions that such a job or vacation can bring to the fore.

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