Aneinu Please Daven

Please daven for Eliyahu Nosson ben Shaindel, who is having multiple medical issues. Thank you.

Aneinu Please Daven Surgery Thursday

Please daven for the husband of an Aneinu member, Avraham Yitzchok ben Miriam, who will be having surgery tomorrow, Thursday.

Zera Shimshon: The Sefer. The Stories. The Segulah With selections from Sefer Zera Shimshon, the classic sefer by the 18th-century Rav, Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani By Rabbi Nachman Seltzer IS AT KESHER STAM

The Segulah of the Zera Shimshon: "...and you [who learn the Torah of the Zera Shimshon] will see children, and children’s children, like olive shoots around your tables, wise and discerning, and homes filled with everything good, and wealth and honor...." ” From the Introduction to Sefer Zera Shimshon Rabbi Nachman Seltzer brings us a unique book - and a rare opportunity. Zera Shimshon: The Sefer. The Stories. The Segulah combines three elements: The Sefer: Written by the brilliant 18th century Italian Talmudic sage, Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani, Sefer Zera Shimshon brings insightful and compelling explanations of the Chumash. This volume features selections from the sefer, several short and compelling pieces on every parashah, to give the reader a taste of the spiritual delights of Zera Shimshon. The Stories: The Zera Shimshon's commentary on each parashah is followed by a true story, told in Rabbi Nachman Seltzer's inimitable style, which enhance our understanding of the Zera Shimshon's teachings, plus stories about the segulah’s power – more than 80 stories altogether! The Segulah: In his introduction, Rav Nachmani promises great blessings to those who learn his work - and in the past decades, we've seen that promise come true! Hundreds have found their deepest requests answered after learning the Torah of Zera Shimshon perhaps yours will be too!

Aneinu Please Daven

Please daven for a Skokie boy, Yisroel Yehuda ben Dena Sarah that there be should be good news regarding his treatment.

CHABAD.ORG Mazal tov to Jews everywhere!

Mazal Tov to Jews everywhere for completing the Rambam study cycle! B"H Mazal Tov! Today, hundreds of thousands of Jews will complete the entirety of Torah law, following a special study cycle initiated by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. A portion of Mishneh Torah—the 14-volume compendium on Jewish law by Maimonides (Rambam)—is studied every day. Today, we conclude the 36th annual cycle. Each year, more people join in this extraordinary experience of Jewish scholarship, which unites Jews of all walks of life in learning this unique work that encompasses all 613 mitzvot of the Torah. The new cycle begins tomorrow. This is the perfect time to start learning Rambam every day. There are three tracks to this study schedule, enabling everyone to join at their own pace: Those capable follow a three-chapter-per-day schedule, which completes the Mishneh Torah in slightly less than one year. For those unable to study three chapters every day, the Rebbe suggested a parallel track at a more modest pace of one chapter daily, which lasts nearly three years. For those who find even that too difficult, the Rebbe instituted yet a third track. Paralleling the three-chapter-per-day regimen by learning daily about the same commandments being studied there in detail, this one explores Maimonides’ significantly shorter Sefer Hamitzvot (“Book of Commandments”), concluding all 613 mitzvahs each year. Resources to Aid Rambam Study Hebrew texts, English translations, audio classes, video lectures and more are all available on the Daily Study page. Here is some of what you can find: Moznaim Publisher’s landmark translation of the entire Mishneh Torah in English by Rabbi Eli Touger is displayed neatly alongside Hebrew texts. Video classes on Mishneh Torah by the late Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon and on Sefer Hamitzvot by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan are both popular. Sefer Hamitzvot is available in versions geared for both kids and adults. You can receive Rambam and Sefer Hamitzvot via email. If you an app person, the “Hayom” app has daily Rambam, along with other components of the daily study regimen and other handy information. You may also enjoy using the “Rabbi Gordon” app. And if you are a consumer of audio, especially podcasts, rest assured that we’ve got you covered. In addition to Hebrew and English texts, you can also study via audio, video podcasts and even sign up to receive daily emails. Find out more about this special study and celebration, and to join the new cycle (which begins Wednesday!):

Monday, September 25, 2017

Aneinu Please Daven

Please daven for a Chicagoan, Yaakov Rachmiel ben Sheva, who needs a refuah shlema.

Aneinu Please Daven Critical

Please daven for the grandfather of a Chicagoan, Chaim Chanoch ben Rivka who's life is in the balance.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Aneinu Tehillim Gathering Tonight at Mikor Hachaim

Tehillim Gathering Tonight  There will be a Tehillim Gathering TONIGHT  for men and women as a zechus for Shimona bas Daniella and all the cholim in Chicago and Klal Yisroel at Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim (2849 W. Chase) at 6:45 PM. Mincha- 6:10 PM Maariv- 7:09 PM Fast Ends- 7:34 PM       Beis Medrash Mikor HaChaim - 2849 West Chase Ave, Chicago, IL 60645

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Aneinu Please Daven

Please daven for a refuah shlema for a young Chicago woman, Shimona bas Daniella.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

[Aneinu] Additional Segulah for Rosh Hashana

From Rabbi Zwecker it's a known Segulah to say and have in mind the zechus of Rav Levi Yitzchak Ben Sora Sosha( Berditchver Rebbe Kedushas Levei)while blowing and listening to the Shofer.

[Aneinu] Segulos for Rosh Hasahana

/2017, 10:38:24: Batsheva Haim: 🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯SPECIAL SEGULOS FOR ROSH HASHANAH, AS TOLD BYREBBITZIN YAMIMAUV MIZRACHI:It’s vital everyday not to get angry, but in particular on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, this is the day the Jewish people are judged, the gentiles are judged on the second day. On this day there is strict judgment in Shamayim and it is amust not to get angry at all, not even to think in an angry way. Don’t invite guests that you know will ‘push your buttons’ that you will not be able to control, wait to host on the second day. Don’t get stuck in worry, anger and definitely not in sadness. The way the year begins, is the way it will flow the coming year. Don’t allow yourself to speak badly. Before sitting down at the Seder look at everyone’s eyes and bless them each individually, feel forgiveness for everyone around you. Allow love and peace to enter your heart. Everyone should say a ‘L’Chaim’ out loud and bless each other with complete simcha. The Rosh Hashanah table should be filled with abundance of colors, different types of foods. Apples and honey: use red apples, it is a segula for a zivug, to find one’s soul mate/shalom bayit and for getting pregnant. It is an eis ratzon,special holy time, before eating the apple, smell the apple and ask for whatever you want. It was at this time that Ya’akov received the blessing from his father Yitzchak. When he smelled Ya’akov he smelled the fragrance of Gan Eden, of the apple, and even though he was undeserving of the bracha, due to the fact that it was supposed to go to Esav, he still received it. Ask for anything you wish. Pomegranate and rubia: ask Hashem to bring out your potential. We all have never ending potential, do we use it all? Ask Hashem for help.. just like it’s hard to take apart the seeds, please Hashem help us realize our potential and be who we are meant to be. Leeks, beets, dates: ask Hashem to take away any feelings of resentment, anger, bitterness towards anyone. Ask Hashem to help us throw these feelings away from ourselves and remove them from our heart. Ask Hashem to enable you to be able to rebuild your feelings and relationship with these people. Fish head: ask Hashem that you should lead your household and not anyone else (like our children who tend to control us…) when looking at the fish, ask Hashem to protect you from the evil eye. All throughout the seder, ask Hashem to make your home a palace: you the queen and your husband the king, your children the prince/princesses. Ask Hashem to make you all children of the King, this requires us to act like children of the King, meaning again: DO NOT GET ANGRY, WORRIED, DISTRESSED, be royal. Get up early on Rosh Hashanah; this blesses the coming year with ease. A year that your wishes will be fulfilled quickly. Try to postpone your afternoon rest until after 1:00 pm. It is vital to daven for parnassah on Rosh Hashanah, according to Rav Dessler ztk’l. This proclaims that we trust in Hashem and know that everything is from Him. Ask to be a giver of tzadakah. Very important to dress festively, even wear white and be HAPPY Before hearing the shofar accept upon yourself: v’Ahavta L’Reiacha Kamocha (Love your neighbour as you love yourself). If you hold a grudge towards someone in the shul, the shofar will not be able to ascend and sweeten the judgments. During the shofar: think of the following: resurrection of the dead, that Hashem can revive anything that has ‘died out’ in you be it physically and spiritually. Don’t talk during the shofar blowing. Think about all that you want to be. We are being reborn! Very important to shed a tear during the shofar and to wipe the tear over your forehead (to wipe away transgressions {AriZal zt’l}). This serves as a shield for the entire year against any bad things i.e. illness. Whoever is able to shed a tear then can be rest assured that she is being judged at that moment and if she comes back to teshuvah at that point, she will be blessed with a good year. During the first blow of shofar, take one particular transgression that you did and ask for forgiveness. During the second blows of the shofar, the shevarim, hurt/cry for those who are in pain and in sorrow, i.e. the families of terror victims, the families that lost their loved ones, those who are ill…. During the next set of blows accept upon yourself a new mitzvah: tznius, tefillah, tzedakah… The intention should be in your heart without uttering a word. During Mussaf prayer when the chazzan says the word: ayeh, you can ask for one of three things, whisper to yourself: 1) Parnassah 2) Ruach Hakodesh 3) Righteous Children Once we hear the shofar on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, the judgments are lessened and sweetened and there is less stringency in Shamayim. Don’t eat anything sour or spicy on Rosh Hashanah, only sweet foods. Everything that you do makes an impact on the entire year. Don’t use walnuts or black grapes. OTHER SEGULOS: 1) Prepare the seder table early in the afternoon, it is a segula that no troubles will come upon you the entire year, B’H. 2) Try to do ta’anit dibur, not to speak, the morning of Rosh Hashanah (speak only words of Torah). If possible fast as well; this way 1/3 of your transgressions will be wiped away. This comes out on Wednesday morning. 3) Candles for Rosh Hashanah: before lighting give 18 of ‘something (coins, bills) to tzedakah: 18 cents, 18 dollars, etc.. This serves as a pidyon nefesh. Ask Hashem that if something bad c’v is supposed to happen, let the tzedakah stand as a protector against it. 4) Buy a new knife and use it on Rosh Hashanah eve to cut open the challah and apple. It is a segula for a long life and for parnassah. 5) Bake challahs: bake it in the shapes of a circle. 6) Bircat Hamazon: the first one said on Erev Rosh Hashanah say it with enthusiasm and joy, it is a segula for an abundance of parnassah. 7) Recite the following perakim of TehillimAlef, Beit, Gimmel and Daled before sleeping on both nights to prevent bad dreams. 8) Buy a new dress/clothing for Rosh Hashanah. Intend on this new article when reciting the bracha of She’hechiyanu DO NOT FORGET ERUV TAVSHILIM THIS YEAR…. ALSO IT IS THE YAHRZEIT OF SARAH IMEINU ON THE FIRST DAY OF ROSH HASHANAH, LIGHT A CANDLE AND DAVEN IN HER ZECHUT THAT WE SHOULD ALL BE ZOCHE TO BE WONDERFUL WIVES AND MOTHERS AS SHE WAS A TRUE TZADEKES…ויהי רצון מלפני אדון כלהנשמות ריבון כל המעשים שתתחדש בחסד וברחמים ברכת רבי ישמעאל בן אלישעכהן גדול :יהי רצון מלפניך שיכבשורחמיך את כעסך ויגולורחמיך על מידותיך ותתנהגעמנו לפנים משורת הדיןHAVE A WONDERFUL CHAG ANDGEULAH BEKAROV TO AHM YISRAEL!! 🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯🍎🍯

[Aneinu] Please Daven - Critical

From an Aneinu member: Please say Tehillim for my uncle. Its matter of time now. The Dr. can't do anything. John Yochanan ben Leah Lulu.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Aneinu Please Daven Icu

From an Aneinu member: An older cousin of mine is very sick in the ICU. Please send out an email to say Tehillim for Naftoli ben Silka Leah. 

Aneinu Please Daven Test Teusday

Please daven for my aunt, Chaya Ita bat Rut, who is having a very important test tomorrow. Please daven that the test go smoothly without discomfort, and the results should be besoros tovos. Chaya Miriam

Monday, September 18, 2017

Aneinu Please Daven For Chicago Bachur

Please daven and say tehilim for Zalman Baruch Hacohen ben Yocheved Devorah, a  Chicago boy who is not well and needs our tefillos.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Aneinu Please Daven Icu

Please daven for Nechemya Aryeh Laib Peretz ben Esther Rochel. Intubated.  Transferring to icu. Unconscious, was having seizures.

[Aneinu] Please Daven & Sign Up For Tehillim & Shmiras HaLoshon

Please daven for Shaindel Rivka bas Sara, Shirley Isenberg, who started treatments this week. May the treatments accomplish what they need to do and not cause any harm. Please click on the links to sign up for shmiras haloshon and Tehillim.

Aneinu Please Say Tehillim Surgery Wednesday

Please say Tehillim for Dina bat Batya Ita, a Chicagoan who will be having surgery next Wednesday, Erev Rosh Hashana.

[Aneinu] This Friday! International Yom Limud and Tefillah

Schools and Businesses the World Over to Participate in Unique Programming The Chofetz Chaim’s impact on Klal Yisrael is felt every day. Whether through his Sefer Chofetz Chaim or his sefer Mishnah Berurah, the impact of the Chofetz Chaim on our everyday life is colossal! Indeed, the yahrtzeit of the Chofetz Chaim is a special eis ratzon, a remarkably opportune time to invoke rachamei shomayim. This year, on Friday, 24 Elul/September 15, Klal Yisrael will utilize this eis ratzon by engaging in an International Yom Limud and Tefillah. Jews from all over the world will recite specific chapters of Tehillim and learn segments from the two seminal seforim written by the Chofetz Chaim, the Mishnah Berurah and the Sefer Chofetz Chaim. Uniting in Tefillah The Yom Limud and Tefillah, being held under the auspices of Dirshu and its kiruv arm, Acheinu, is designed to reach out with a message of achdus to all Jews from across the spectrum and at all levels of observance, promoting Torah learning and tefillah. There is so much strife in the world, so much danger, as countries threaten one another and natural disasters plague us. There is so much polarization and heated rhetoric. Combining sur meirah with aseh tov, the Yom Limud and Tefillah has been designated as a day when all Jews will learn the seforim of the Chofetz Chaim and make a special effort to avoid discord, lashon hara, as well as any form of gossip. Special Tailor-made Programming for Hundreds of Chadarim and Schools Hundreds of chadarim, schools and shuls as well as businesses from around the world have signed up to participate in the yom tefillah. This year, Dirshu prepared special age-appropriate material for schools that will bring the message and legacy of the Chofetz Chaim to life. According to Rabbi Ahron Gobioff, Dirshu’s North American Director, “Dirshu prepared three different booklets, designed for grades 1-3, grades 4-6, and grades 7-8, to be distributed to participating boys’ school and girls’ schools across the United States and Canada. They contain age-appropriate halachos from both the sefer Chofetz Chaim and Mishnah Berurah, as well as beautiful inspirational and educational stories about the Chofetz Chaim with age-appropriate biographical material about the Chofetz Chaim and his life’s mission.” Hundreds of boys’ and girls’ schools throughout Eretz Yisrael will be participating, as well as schools from North American communities, such as Monsey, Lakewood, Brooklyn, Toronto, Houston, Baltimore, Cleveland, Waterbury, Phoenix, Staten Island and Los Angeles. As the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit approaches, now is the time to join with Klal Yisrael in the Yom Limud and Tefillah this coming Friday, 24 Elul/September 15. Unite with Yidden of all backgrounds worldwide to beseech Hakadosh Baruch Hu to spare us from hardships and bentch Klal Yisrael with a שנת גאולה וישועה. To participate please say Tehillim perek 20 and 130, learn the sefer Mishnah Berurah, Chapter 254 from the middle of se’if gimmel until the middle of se’if hei, and learn the Chofetz Chaim’s seferTorah Ohr from Perek 1 until ‘V’isah b’Megillah. Now is the time to tap into this unique eis ratzon!Click here for Friday’s limud and tefilos.