Friday, June 29, 2018
Aneinu Car Accident New York,
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Aneinu Please Daven
Aneinu Goldzweig Shiva House Number
Nachum Features Artscroll’s New Release “Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz”

New/Live Music Alert! Nachum and Yehuda Green Debut “Neshamaleh”

New Music Alert! Nachum and Yaakov Shwekey Debut “Musica”

Aneinu Name Correction Please Daven
Aneinu Please Daven
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Aneinu Please Aay Tehillim Surgery Today
Aneinu Please Say Tehillim
Monday, June 25, 2018
Aneinu Tefillos Needed for little girl who drowned in NJ
Aneinu Please Daven
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Fwd: [Aneinu] Levaya Hookup Information
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.
-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 6/24/18 8:46 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Levaya Hookup Information
There will be a hookup for Rabbi Chaim Goldzweig's zt"l levaya in NY tomorrow morning 8:00 AM Chicago time.
Call in number is 712-775-8981.
Access code 721810
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Aneinu Please Daven
Fwd: [Aneinu] A Kashrus Legend: Rav Chaim Goldzweig zt”l
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.
-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 6/24/18 1:24 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] A Kashrus Legend: Rav Chaim Goldzweig zt"l
A Kashrus Legend: Rav Chaim Goldzweig zt"l
1:05 am
It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Rav Chaim Goldzweig zt"l, rov of Congregation Tiferes Moshe in Chicago, senior mashgiach for the OU, and a board member of Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago.
Rav Goldzweig retired a number of years ago and relocated with his rebbetzin to Chicago to live near their son, Rabbi Zev Goldzweig, maggid shiur in Yeshivas Hachaim in Los Angeles.
Rav Goldzweig, known as "the mashgiach's mashgiach," was among the most important figures in the kashrus industry in the United States over the last 50 years.
A native Chicagoan and a son of renowned mekubal Rav Moshe Gershon Goldzweig zt"l, young Chaim was sent to learn in Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland. Upon his marriage and return to Chicago in 1960, he took a position as a field mashgiach for the OU.
Rabbi Goldzweig soon developed encyclopedic knowledge of virtually every kosher ingredient, including intricate coding sequences, which he would recognize in an instant. His vast knowledge was helpful to the entire kashrus industry.
Although he was based in the OU, other national agencies, including the Chicago Rabbinical Council and the Star-K in Baltimore, benefited from his expertise. His humorous manner endeared him to many food manufacturers, whose natural instinct would seem to be antagonistic to a rabbinical supervisor.
The Beginning of a Career
One day back in 1960, while America was in the midst of the Cold War and about to enter the space age, the phone rang in the Goldzweig home in Chicago. At the request of Rabbi Alexander S. Rosenberg, Rabbinic Administrator at the OU from 1950 to 1972, Rabbi Shlomo Hecht of Chicago asked Rabbi Moshe Goldzweig of Tzefas, Israel, if he knew of anyone in the area able to fill a position as an RFR for a company just starting to run kosher glycerin. Rabbi Hecht called, hoping Rabbi Goldzweig's oldest son would take the position. There was one problem; his son didn't drive a car. Then Rabbi Goldzweig's fateful question: "What about my younger son, Chaim?"
After ten years at Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland, Rav Chaim accepted the OU job as Rabbinic Field Representative for Proctor & Gamble. At the time, the world of organized kashrus supervision was still very young.
"The public didn't know about ingredients in those days," recalled Rabbi Goldzweig. "As long as the ingredients panel didn't list lard, everybody thought it was fine. And companies didn't have to list everything."
Learning as he went, Rabbi Goldzweig educated the companies along with himself.
"Everything has to be looked into," he once related. "When checking out a new plant, I get all the information I can."
He began jotting each relevant fact on paper, putting slip after slip into his pockets and committing every essential detail to memory.
"When I started out, there were maybe ten people in the OU office," Rabbi Goldzweig recalled in an interview.
All issues of ingredient approval would go through him. He would take along stacks of papers of ingredient requests submitted by companies, relying on his foolproof memory, which predated and was likely more reliable than the computer. As his experience in kosher supervision increased, so did his breadth of knowledge about ingredients, ingredients within ingredients, all aspects of food manufacture, and every nook and cranny of plants worldwide.
Although he was considered the OU's undisputed most senior expert in the field, Rabbi Goldzweig never wore his revered reputation on his sleeve. During his initial visits to plants requesting OU certification, employees' heads would inevitably turn as an elderly gentleman with a straggly beard and bulging pockets – filled with notes and an array of pens – sauntered past them, smiling broadly at each puzzled face.
"I once visited a plant with him," recalled Rabbi Menachem Genack, Chief Executive Officer of OU Kashrus. "We found a box without kosher certification on it or any indication of what it contained. The plant manager hadn't a clue as to what it was. Rabbi Goldzweig eyed the assorted numbers on the package and nonchalantly said, 'Don't worry. It's a Durkee code' (a manufacturer of shortenings). He knew exactly what it was."
Within a short time, everyone on the plant floor considered him his buddy, certain that the feeling is mutual.
"He was a master at being able to win people over and making them feel comfortable as he's getting the necessary information from them," said Rabbi Yaakov Luban, Executive Rabbinic Coordinator at the OU. "This is one of the most important aspects of kashrus supervision. You don't want the company to feel that you are checking up on them or looking over their shoulders. No one likes to be monitored. He was extremely successful in his own home-style way of getting the needed information."
Rabbi Goldzweig often added a package of salami to his pocket assemblage as a gift of goodwill and gratitude to many a plant manager.
"He was a man with outstanding ability, direction, and warmth," said Rabbi Genack. "He was the OU's kosher Columbo."
For the past 50 years, "Reb Chaim," as his colleagues affectionately referred to him, brought his disarming personality and kosher expertise to people and plants around the world. He went as far as China, the Far East, Kuwait, India, and Poland, to name a few places.
"I have more stamps than Carter has liver pills," Rav Chaim once said in his inimitable fashion.
He also had to keep up with the food industry's technical advances, as well as the increasing number and complexity of ingredients.
After a few-day stint supervising the kashrus at a plant in a faraway continent, Rabbi Goldzweig often returned home with many enthralling, sometimes chilling stories to tell, the "miracle in Colombia," for instance.
His plane landed at the airport, on September 9, 2001, two days before the 9/11 attacks. Rabbi Goldzweig waited for his pick-up person to take him to his assigned plants. He waited and waited, wondering if someone would show up. A man approached him and asked in English, "Rabbi, are you lost?" He replied with his customary quipping, "I know what country I'm in, but have no idea who's coming to get me."
He showed him a piece of paper with the name of the company. Recognizing the name, the man made a number of calls on his cell phone, speaking fluent Spanish. He informed Rabbi Goldzweig that he would be picked up shortly.
"I'm thinking," Rabbi Goldzweig later recounted, "I don't know this guy; he could be a terrorist."
The man pointed to his car and instructed Rabbi Goldzweig to wait there with his suitcase for a minute.
"I looked at his license plate and felt relieved; it read: U.S. State Department," Rabbi Goldzweig recalled. "When he returned, he said I shouldn't worry about going into his car because it was bulletproof! Then he advised that I not take any cabs in this city and never leave the hotel without someone who speaks fluent Spanish."
The RFR finished his work in two days and eagerly anticipated his flight back home. As he entered the airport, all the monitors flashed the dreadful sight of two planes pummeling through the World Trade Towers. Loudspeakers repeatedly blared, "The Airport Is Now Closed." The rabbi reluctantly stayed another week in Colombia, not sure when he'd be able to get back to the United States. And Rosh Hashana was only a few days away. It dawned on him that he still had the card of the fellow who had helped him at the beginning of the trip. He fished it out of one of his crammed pockets and realized the man was a diplomat from the United States. That Motzoei Shabbos, his helpful acquaintance arranged for a treasured ticket home. "I got back just hours before Rosh Hashana," recalled Rabbi Goldzweig. "Hashem wanted me home for the Yomim Noraim."
A Love of Kashrus
With all his traveling around, the crazy hours, and unusual interactions with all kinds of individuals, Rabbi Goldzweig absolutely loved his work.
"I dream about ingredients!" he once said. "I believe it's a mitzvah to help people eat kosher food. An RFR has to be a person who wants to help people."
Those fortunate enough to cross Rav Chaim's path said that he delighted in reaching out to others.
"I was single and working in the West Coast region," said Rabbi Michael Morris, Rabbinic Coordinator. "One evening, I had just finished eating my dinner, which, for a bachelor, consisted of a sandwich, when the phone rang. It was Rabbi Goldzweig calling from a plane flying to Los Angeles from San Francisco.He told me that he was changing planes at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) to return to his hometown in Chicago and had a few hours to spare. He said, 'You probably haven't had a good meal in a while. Pick me up at LAX. We'll go to a restaurant for dinner and then you can bring me back to the airport to continue my journey.' I cherished both the meal and the company."
Whether a kashrus veteran or novice, Rabbi Goldzweig's colleagues knew personally of his no-holds-barred willingness to go all out to improve another's lot.
"When I was a relative newcomer to the OU," said Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, Rabbinic Coordinator,"I met with Rabbi Goldzweig to review some potato plants in Maine. This was my first long-distance OU business trip. As he drove me to the airport for my return flight to New York, it began to storm heavily.We found out the flight had been cancelled. Seeing that I was itching to return home, he insisted upon driving me to another city in Maine to catch another flight. After finding out that flight had also been cancelled, he told me to call my wife to let her know what was happening. Five minutes after I hung up, he advised I call her again to say hi and shmooze,as it was the right thing to do. He then took me to a local hotel. As I exited the car about to thank him, he got out with me, accompanied me to check in, and escorted me to my room to make sure it was okay. I will never forget his amazing kindness and warmth."
Rabbi Goldzweig's ample experience, knowledge and congeniality made for the consummate OU RFR.
"I learned how to relate to people when conducting an inspection with him," says Rabbi Luban. "He also demonstrated to all of his colleagues that the more one knows about food technology, the more profound must be one's understanding of everything going on in a facility. The RFR's responsibility grows as the industry becomes more complex. He was called upon by virtually all kashrus organizations for his services."
Company managers and employees worldwide became aware of his acute attentiveness to detail.
"Once, during an annual inspection, Rabbi Goldzweig saw a single pallet on the top rack of our warehouse," said Jim Peacock, former Kosher Coordinator at Dawn Food Products in Louisville, KY. "From 15 feet below he recognized a particular product and supplier as one that required a rabbi's signature on the label, and he knew exactly which rabbi. I am happy to say it had the signature."
According to Rabbi Genack, Rabbi Chaim Goldzweig was the OU. "The kashrus department was built on his shoulders," he says. "He was a man of commitment, knowledge and concern for every aspect of the job, the technical and human. He viewed kashrus as a mission. I couldn't imagine Chaim Goldzweig not doing kashrus work. He is what we called the 'Super-Mashgiach.'"
Yehi zichro boruch.
{CB Newscenter, with thanks to the Orthodox Union and its Jewish Action}
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Saturday, June 23, 2018
Aneinu Baruch Dayan HaEmes
Ywn TEHILLIM – Man Critically Injured When His Bike Was Struck By A Vehicle In Staten Island
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Fwd: [Aneinu] West Nile Virus Positive Mosquitoes Found in Lincolnwood and Skokie
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.
-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 6/21/18 4:22 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] West Nile Virus Positive Mosquitoes Found in Lincolnwood and Skokie
From: North Shore Mosquito Abatement District
Date: Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 3:20 PM
Subject: West Nile Virus Positive Mosquitoes Found in Lincolnwood and Skokie
Date: Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 3:20 PM
Subject: West Nile Virus Positive Mosquitoes Found in Lincolnwood and Skokie
The North Shore Mosquito Abatement District has found the first West Nile virus positive mosquitoes to occur in our traps in Lincolnwood and Skokie this year. Batches of mosquitoes, collected on June 18, 2018, from NSMAD traps in Lincolnwood and Skokie, tested positive for West Nile virus in our lab on June 21. This year, WNV positive batches of mosquitoes have also been found in NSMAD traps located in Glenview, Morton Grove and Niles. While the risk of being infected with West Nile virus is low at this time of year, the NSMAD recommends that residents take personal protection measures to minimize mosquito bites including: using insect repellent, wearing loose fitting clothing and avoiding peak mosquito feeding times during the hours around dawn and dusk. Residents are urged to examine their property and eliminate any items that can hold water, particularly smaller items that may be easily overlooked. Remember, if it can hold water, it can breed mosquitoes.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Aneinu Please Daven for South of Eretz Yisrael
Aneinu Please Daven
Aneinu Tefillos Needed
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Aneinu Please Daven Severe Pain
Friday, June 15, 2018
Aneinu Tefillos Needed
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Aneinu Tefillos Needed
Aneinu Please Daven that is Nothing Serious Please Daven

OU TORAH YU TORAH and NAALEH.COM Grave’s Guardianship By Shira Smiles


OU TORAH Parshas Shelach By Rav Moshe Twersky, HY"D

OU TORAH Shelach: ‘Meraglim’ or Fact Finding Mission? By Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

OU TORAH Caleb at the Crossroads By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

OU TORAH Seeing What Isn’t By There Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

RAV KOOK ON Shelach Part 2: The Lesson of Shiloh

RAV KOOK ON Shelach Part 1: Garments of the Soul

Monday, June 11, 2018
Aneinu OU Kosher Advisory
Fwd: [chicago-aneinu] Re: Kashrus Alert - Entenmann's products
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.
-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 6/11/18 3:09 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Re: Kashrus Alert - Entenmann's products
From another Aneinu member:
I purchased Entenmann's Cheese Filled Crumb cake this past week at Jewel and it has an OU-d on the top and bottom of the box. Perhaps the cupcakes had a recipe change. However, the message to always check the package is still a good idea because things do change even on products that have been kosher for years. In addition, because a company has some kosher products - not all products by the company are kosher.
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 2:56 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Kashrus Alert - Entenmann's products
From an Aneinu member:
Please warn people about Entenmann's products. I was at the grocery this morning and bought what looked so delicious...entenmann's cupcakes. Came home and opened the pkg, and then the individually wrapped cupcake. For the heck of it, I decided to read the label before eating it, (but after licking the frosting from the packaging). I was shocked that I could not find the OU on the box. After re-checking numerous times, I called the company, and asked when they stopped being kosher. The lady did not answer, but wanted my name, and the zip code, etc etc. I said I called to ask you a question, not have you asking me all these things. She did not know when or what, so I asked for a supervisor. She said he was not there and the Rabbi was not available. I said I bought these, and do not think the store would take an opened package back, so she said she would send me coupons to replace the products that I bought. I pointed out that coupons for an already non kosher product would be useless. If they are not kosher,, why would i want to get more of it? After a lot of pushing, i tried to get her to send me my money back. She finally agreed to send a prepaid visa, that can be used anywhere.
I am actually shocked even more about this. Just called back and spoke to a manager, since earlier, they claimed none were available. He says this change took place early last summer. Whoa, I wonder how many of us have been eating traife product, unknowingly. I do not get this stuff often, just was at the store, and it looked good. I 'knew' it was kosher, so took some home.
Thank you for your help in getting the word out.
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Fwd: [chicago-aneinu] Kashrus Alert - Entenmann's products
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.
-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 6/11/18 2:56 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Kashrus Alert - Entenmann's products
From an Aneinu member:
Please warn people about Entenmann's products. I was at the grocery this morning and bought what looked so delicious...entenmann's cupcakes. Came home and opened the pkg, and then the individually wrapped cupcake. For the heck of it, I decided to read the label before eating it, (but after licking the frosting from the packaging). I was shocked that I could not find the OU on the box. After re-checking numerous times, I called the company, and asked when they stopped being kosher. The lady did not answer, but wanted my name, and the zip code, etc etc. I said I called to ask you a question, not have you asking me all these things. She did not know when or what, so I asked for a supervisor. She said he was not there and the Rabbi was not available. I said I bought these, and do not think the store would take an opened package back, so she said she would send me coupons to replace the products that I bought. I pointed out that coupons for an already non kosher product would be useless. If they are not kosher,, why would i want to get more of it? After a lot of pushing, i tried to get her to send me my money back. She finally agreed to send a prepaid visa, that can be used anywhere.
I am actually shocked even more about this. Just called back and spoke to a manager, since earlier, they claimed none were available. He says this change took place early last summer. Whoa, I wonder how many of us have been eating traife product, unknowingly. I do not get this stuff often, just was at the store, and it looked good. I 'knew' it was kosher, so took some home.
Thank you for your help in getting the word out.
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Aneinu Please Daven Surgery Tomorrow
Aneinu Please Say Tehillim Surgery Today
Muqata Aneinu Please Daven For Terror Victim
2018/06/11 2:45pm
Current list of names for prayers
Shuva bat Michal (seriously wounded 18 year old in Afula stabbing attack, June 1
Sent from the Muqata News App
Please daven for Shuva bas Michal
Girl brutally stabbed on way to matriculation exam
Mother of girl badly wounded in stabbing attack, says daughter's life saved by 'great miracle.'
Contact Editor Arutz Sheva Staff, 11/06/18 19:30
Shuva Malka, 18 from Migdal HeEmek and student of the Jean Gluck Ulpana in the town of Beit El, was identified as the young woman who was stabbed in Afula and seriously wounded.
"G-d made a great miracle for us. She was on her way to exams when she saw a terrorist with a knife in front of her and shouted 'wicked one!' at him.
"He stabbed her brutally several times," she continued. "I expect the State to feel responsible for the children, so they can feel safe while waiting at a bus stop, without dangers laying ahead."
The terrorist was identified as Nur a-Din Shinawi, a Jenin resident in his twenties who fled the scene and was caught a short time later.
Migdal HaEmek Mayor Eli Barda said "we were shocked to hear about the stabbing of a daughter of Migdal HaEmek in the center of Afula by a despicable delinquent, and I'm certain security forces will do everything to take care of him and the house from which he comes. We wish her a speedy recovery. The connection between Migdal HaEmek and Afula reminds us of the murder of Afula resident Shelly Dadon in Migdal HaEmek four years ago."
Current list of names for prayers
Shuva bat Michal (seriously wounded 18 year old in Afula stabbing attack, June 1
Sent from the Muqata News App
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.
Aneinu Please Daven Test Today
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Aneinu Please Daven Critically Ill
Nachum Features the New Documentary: “Heading Home: The Tale of Team Israel”

Thursday, June 7, 2018
Aneinu Tefillos Needed
Aneinu Please Daven for Rabbi Esformes
New Music Alert! Nachum and Yerachmiel Begun Debut “Le’olam Va’ed – Forever”

OU TORAH YU TORAH and NAALEH.COM Honorable Humility By Shira Smiles


OU TORAH Parshas Beha’aloscha By Rav Moshe Twersky, HY"D

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