Thursday, February 28, 2019

[Aneinu] Please daven for girl in Israel

Please daven for Tehila bat Yael. 'Tehila recognizes us, but she doesn't speak' Family of teenager struck in the head by iron bar from construction site demands full investigation. 'She does not remember what happened.' Benny Toker, כ"ג באדר תשע"ט, 2/28/2019 Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90 Haim, the uncle of Tehila Ben Zino, the girl who was very seriously injured two weeks ago when an iron bar which fell from a construction site struck her in the head on her school grounds, spoke to Arutz Sheva about her condition. "Thank G-d, there has been a slight improvement and Tehila is already breathing on her own and she is no longer in a coma. She is communicating with her parents and those around her through her eyes and by shaking her hands. She still cannot speak, but she recognizes us and remembers us all," the uncle said. "I'm not a doctor, but it's a good sign that she recognizes the parents, the uncles and the family. She does not remember what happened to her. When we asked her about the incident she replied that she remembered that it had happened. We are not doctors but we pray that G-d will do His part and with time we will see more improvement. We ask the public to continue praying for the recovery of Tehila Bat Yael," he added. He noted that the family is very disappointed with the police handling of the incident. "There is nothing new in this matter. Everything is stuck. The investigation of the police has not been exhausted and we have not received any notice. I am taking advantage of this platform again to call for further investigative efforts to bring about the discovery of the truth."   Ben Zino expressed his admiration for the people of Israel for their support and resilience during difficult periods. "The family is supportive, the friends, the staff from the seminary and the people of Israel are reaching out to help. But at the end of the day the tension and pain falls on the parents, who have six other children at home." Last week, Tehila's family demanded that the police investigate the possibility that the dropping of the iron bar on their daughter was no accident and was nationalistically motivated.  Tehila's father, Avraham Ben Zino, said, "My daughter went to study at the seminary and returned to the intensive care unit on a stretcher, anesthetized, and with assisted breathing after she went to school, to the seminary, in the middle of Jerusalem." "The family demands that there be an investigation and that the security forces interrogate everyone who worked there and everyone who was there, that everyone [responsible] should be brought to justice ... I want someone to come and tell me, a, b, c. There cannot be a situation where I send a girl to study and she comes back to me on a stretcher."

Reb Shlomo's Commentary on this Week's Torah Parsha Parshat Ki Tisa

The Half a Shekel “This shall they give – everyone who passes through the census – a half of the sacred shekel” (Sh'mos 30:13) Connecting to what’s already there In the time of the Holy Temple, each person had to donate a machatzis hashekel. And everyone is asking, why only half? Imagine I would have to create light. It would be a very heavy thing, but if the light is there and all I have to do is to connect it, it means I only have to do half of it. Something is already there, all I have to do is to plug it in. Now listen to the deepest depths. Haman came to Achashverosh and said, “I’m giving you 10,000 shekels to wipe out the Jews.” The Medrash says that G-d says to the Yidden, “You give half a shekel and I’ll wipe out all the shekels of Haman.” You know what that means? Evil comes to you and says, “You can’t bring any light into the world with half a shekel. You have to create the whole thing on your own, which is not simple at all. Don’t kid yourself, you won't make it in your lifetime.” So here I come and I say, “The world is filled with light. All I have to do is to connect to it, it’s right here.” I want you to know, it’s also so true between people. If I have to create love and the other person has to create love, it’s very heavy, we will never make it. The world filled us with love. All you need is this half a shekel, this little connection, this little bit of plugging in. Do you know what happened to us on Purim? LaYehudim hayesa orah v'simcha v'sason Veyikar. (Esther 8:16. On Purim we realized the whole world is filled with light. Every little good thing you are doing connects you to the highest light there is. Some people think I have to work like a dog and cut myself into pieces for two thousand years until I smell or feel a little bit of light. The light is right here, you just have to connect.

OU TORAH Who is Chur? By Rav Moshe Twersky, HY"D

The pasuk is making a point to trace Betzalel’s lineage back to his grandfather, Chur. This is not the first time we discover Chur. At the end of parshas Beshalach (17:12), Aharon and Chur held up Moshe Rabbeinu’s arms while Yehoshua led the battle against Amaleik. At the end of parshas Mishpatim, Moshe Rabbeinu tells the People that, while he is gone, anyone who has a din Torah that needs to be settled should bring it to Aharon and Chur. Also in parshas Ki Sisah, Chur comes up. Rashi brings the Medrash that what Aharon saw (32:5) is the murder of Chur when he rebuked the People for wanting to make the eigel ha’zahav. Who was Chur? He was the son of Miryam and Kaleiv. Rashi tells us so three times! In Beshalach, in Mishpatim, and also in Vayakhel (35:30) when the pasuk mentions that Betzalel is the grandson of Chur. Throughout Shas, Rashi repeats explanations and does not rely on your memory. Once it’s two or three daf away from where he first explained it, Rashi does not hesitate to explain again. Sometimes, if it is a lengthy exposition, he’ll tell you, “I already explained this in such and such place.” That is certainly quite reasonable. Otherwise, though, he reiterates things often and does not rely on us to remember what was said. Rashi was Rashi. As such, it is not really such a kashya that Rashi tells us who Chur was three times. However, it is possible that there is a specific significance to the fact that Rashi “introduces” us to Chur three times. The three times that Chur is mentioned being involved in something represent three different capacities that he filled. The first one, chronologically speaking, is when Moshe Rabbeinu appointed him – together with Aharon – as the authority for dinei Torah. True, it was before Matan Torah, but they still had what they had. Sheva mitzvos, Shabbos, Parah, and certain dinim. And those halachos needed arbitration. That was Chur functioning in the capacity of koach ha’Torah. Next, is the capacity of the power of teffilah. The Medrash says that Moshe va’chaveirav went up to daven for Klal Yisrael when they fought against Amaleik. That is quite a statement. The Rambam makes clear that Moshe Rabbeinu was the adon ha’neviim – possessed of his singular manifestation of nevuah – already from the time he went to Mitzrayim to redeem the People. It makes sense that once he was the adon ha’neviim, he didn’t have any “friends”. Yet because they davened together with him, they are called his friends. And who were those friends?

OU TORAH A Stiff-Necked People By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Covenant & Conversation: Family Edition is a new and exciting initiative from The Office of Rabbi Sacks for 5779. Written as an accompaniment to Rabbi Sacks’ weekly Covenant & Conversation essay, the Family Editionis aimed at connecting older children and teenagers with his ideas and thoughts on the parsha. Each element of the Family Edition is progressively more advanced; The Core Idea is appropriate for all ages and the final element, From The Thought of Rabbi Sacks, is the most advanced section. Each section includes Questions to Ponder, aimed at encouraging discussion between family members in a way most appropriate to them. We have also included a section called Around the Shabbat Table with a few further questions on the parsha to think about. The final section is an Educational Companion which includes suggested talking points in response to the questions found throughout the Family Edition.It is a moment of the very highest drama. The Israelites, a mere forty days after the greatest revelation in history, have made an idol: a Golden Calf. God threatens to destroy them. Moses, exemplifying to the fullest degree the character of Israel as one who “wrestles with God and man,” confronts both in turn. To God, he prays for mercy for the people. Coming down the mountain and facing Israel, he smashes the tablets, symbol of the covenant. He grinds the calf to dust, mixes it with water, and makes the Israelites drink it. He commands the Levites to punish the wrongdoers. Then he re-ascends the mountain in a prolonged attempt to repair the shattered relationship between God and the people.

Aneinu Please Daven for Chief Rabbi of Argentina

Please daven for Gavriel Tzvi ben Chein, Rav Davidovich, chief Rabbi of Argentina who was brutally beaten by assailants in a home invasion/burglary and potentially antisemitic attack.  He is in serious condition with nine fractured ribs and a punctured lung.  Please daven and say tehillim for his recovery; and for his family to recovery from this terrible trauma. (his wife had been bound by the assailants after she gave them her money and other valuables).

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Aneinu Urgent Tehillim Request

Please daven for Shifra Chana bat Yente, relative of a Chicagoan, who is having a very serious and very long surgery tomorrow (starting in the morning). We also pray that her recovery will be excellent as well.  Thank you so much!!

Fwd: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Noam Elimelech Yahrzeit Hillula

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.

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From: Rabbi Tal Zwecker <>
Date: 2/26/19 12:18 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Noam Elimelech Yahrzeit Hillula

Today is the Yahrzeit Hillula of the author of Noam Elimelech, Rav Elimelech son of Eliezer Lipman ZYA
so study his Torah, recite his Tefillah light a candle and give tzedaka for his zechus
Please study and pass on

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim Publishing
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
in Israel: 972-58-322-1218 (sorry no sms)

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Aneinu Please Daven Surgery Today

Please daven for Chaya Mindel bas Rivka who is having a very serious surgery today.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Fwd: Video! Travel back to 2005 and relive the 11th Siyum Hashas

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Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2019, 6:22 PM
Subject: Video! Travel back to 2005 and relive the 11th Siyum Hashas
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Don't miss a thing
Text 'SIYUM' to 313131 for Siyum information and updates

Celebrating the Anniversary of the 11th Siyum HaShas and Getting Ready for the Upcoming 13th Siyum HaShas (New Video)
Today, Monday, 20 Adar I, February 25, marks the anniversary of Agudath Israel's 11th Siyum Hashas of the Daf Yomi which took place in 2005. Because of the then unprecedented sold-out attendance, Klal Yisroel celebrated the 11th Siyum in two locations: Madison Square Garden in Manhattan and the Continental Airlines Arena in New Jersey. The overwhelming surge of new attendees demanded that a third location to be added, the Jacob K. Javits Center in Manhattan. The addition of a third location indicated that we were reaching...
One Nation. One Siyum.
January 1, 2020 | MetLife Stadium
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The 13th Global Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi 2020
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Fwd: "My mom overdosed. Today I will share my story"

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Date: 2/24/19 8:47 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: "My mom overdosed. Today I will share my story"

The annual Jewish Teen "I Matter" event showcases stories from Jewish Teens that have risen above their challenges and are leading by example.
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Watch Live
This Sunday, I'll be MCing at the I Matter Event.
I broke the status quo.

The "I Matter" event is the highlight of the CTeen Weekend where over two thousand Jewish teens have gathered in New York for Jewish inspiration and pride.

Sunday Feb 24th, 12:15pm EST

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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Fwd: WATCH NOW: Jewish pride in Times Square

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Date: 2/23/19 8:52 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: WATCH NOW: Jewish pride in Times Square

Two thousand Jewish teens from across the globe are gathering in the heart of NYC in a global display of Jewish unity and pride.
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Watch thousands of teens live in Times Square, NYC

Live coverage begins

Saturday, Feb 23, 8:45pm EST




is brighter than ever
Watch Live
Watch Now
Watch last Year's highlights

Live coverage begins

Saturday, Feb 23, 8:45pm EST

*If the webcast will take place when it's still Shabbat in your timezone, please honor the Shabbat and join us after Shabbat is over for you (after nightfall).

Tuen in live to the I-Matter event

We also invite you to watch "I Matter" - Live!

The "I Matter" event is the highlight of the CTeen Weekend where over two thousand Jewish teens have ga thered in New York for Jewish inspiration and pride.

Watch it live on Sunday, Feb. 24 at 12:15pm ET

CTeen and

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Friday, February 22, 2019

Aneinu Kidney Donor Needed

I received the following request: Joshua Abraham ben Malka desperately needs a kidney donor.   My only niece's son.