Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fwd: An Ingenious Chazarah Chaburah

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From: The Siyum HaShas <>
Date: Sat, Oct 12, 2019, 6:40 PM
Subject: An Ingenious Chazarah Chaburah
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Chazarah Chaburah
Kehilas B'nei Torah - Baltimore, Maryland
U'vahem Nehgeh: Chazarah Chaburah

"You can do it in every community around the world" 

Learning The Daf is an incredible, life changing experience: Every yid can complete Shas!
As meaningful and rewarding as it is to complete Shas every seven-and-a-half years, can one imagine what it means to complete it twice over that time period? 

Shortly before the last Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi, one chaburah of Daf Yomi learners came up with an idea as simple as it is ingenious. There are seven members in the chaburah. Each member would be responsible to review one Daf a week thoroughly and present its shakla v'tarya summary to fellow chaburah members. Each Daf chazarah takes about eight minutes. Within one hour, an entire week's learning of The Daf has been reviewed. 

Anyone can attest to the substantially enhanced clarity and memory of any limud that has been reviewed, compared to having learned it only once. Each chaburah member learns his designated Daf each week with a particularly high level of clarity. And all this enhanced mastery of Shas can be accomplished within a time frame that even the busiest businessman and professional can adhere to with the proper commitment. 

This special chaburah recently celebrated a special Siyum on Shas, each Daf twice. Shimmy Yarmark, a member of the chaburah, hopes that others in Klal Yisroel get to enjoy the same level of limud haTorah and simchah as he and his peers enjoy. "We have no copyright or trademark," he says. "You can do this in every community around the world."

As over 100,000 yidden worldwide look forward to celebrating, in just a few months, the greatest Siyum HaShas ever, what better time can there be to start?

To take part in this unprecedented experience, please visit to reserve your seats while they are still available. For general information and updates, please visit or text siyum to 313131.
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