Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fwd: Join us this Tuesday at 12:00 noon EDT to hear Mrs. Lynn Kraft

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Sun, Oct 27, 2019, 6:00 PM
Subject: Join us this Tuesday at 12:00 noon EDT to hear Mrs. Lynn Kraft
To: <>

The OU Women's Initiative

Rosh Chodesh Virtual Lunch 'N Learn - October 29, 2019

You are part of a growing community of women joining together monthly on Rosh Chodesh for inspiration and connection. After spending a month at high spiritual altitudes, we may be facing the "spiritual bends." We have to adjust to days without extra Tefilot, without Yom Tov meals, and without concentrated time with family and friends. Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan eases us back into reality with two days of spiritual elevation. While it is not quite at the altitude of the Tishrei Chagim, it is certainly more than a typical day.  Taking time to learn together virtually is one way to to hold on to the inspiration and spiritual commitments that we achieved in Tishrei and incorporate them into "real life". 
I look forward to meeting you virtually and being inspired together. Please join us this Tuesday at 12:00 noon EDT to hear Mrs. Lynn Kraft speak about Chodesh Cheshvan.

Chodesh Tov,   

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Director, The Women's Initiative

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