Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Fwd: Today's 1:00PM EDT Daily Tehillim and Chizuk Call Info & OU Live Tonight at 9PM EDT

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From: Orthodox Union <>
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2020, 11:18 AM
Subject: Today's 1:00PM EDT Daily Tehillim and Chizuk Call Info & OU Live Tonight at 9PM EDT
To: <>     Rabbinical Council of America     

Join Us Today and Every Day at 1:00PM EDT
For Tehillim and Divrei Chizuk & 
Mon-Thu 9:00PM EDT for OU Live

Due to the unfolding community crisis, we are continuously gathering together to beseech HaKodosh Boruch Hu for His unlimited mercy and compassion. We ask Him to protect us and give us the strength to withstand the difficulties that we each may face in the time ahead.

Please join the Orthodox Union community for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 27 and 130) and divrei chizuk (words of inspiration) from our rabbanim each afternoon at 1:00PM EDT. Today's divrei chizuk will be shared by Rabbi Andrew Markowitz of Congregation Shomrei Torah in Fairlawn, New Jersey.

To participate, please dial 773-377-9170.

May the group recitation of Tehillim serve as a zchut (merit) for those who are ill and to ward off this pandemic.

OU Live Monday-Thursday at 9:00 PM EDT (Note new time)

OU Live is a nightly program, bringing you front row seats to our conversations with some of our community's most inspiring and uplifting personalities.

Tonight's guests include:

  • Rabbi Steve Weil, Senior Managing Director of the OU on: Delivering us: how to run the perfect seder
  • Rabbi Dovid Jenkins, Kashrut Rabbinic Coordinator at OU Kosher on: Kashrus on the front lines: tales from the field
  • Sara Fuerst and Ava Hamburger, founders of Kosher Troops on: Taking care of the service members who take care of us

Every Monday-Thursday night at 9:00 PM EDT, tune in together with thousands across the country or watch archived episodes at

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