Thursday, April 2, 2020

FW: Or Menorah - Beth Din Annulment of utensil ownership to release need of Mikva toveling. Other opportunities. TIME SENSITIVE!!! (See below)

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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Rabbi Doug' via Or Menorah <>
Date: 4/2/20 12:49 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: OrMenorah Google Groups <>
Subject: Or Menorah - Beth Din Annulment of utensil ownership to release need of Mikva toveling. Other opportunities. TIME SENSITIVE!!! (See below)

Or Menorah

As you know, most newly acquired utensils require tevilas keilim (immersion in a mikveh).  In the current circumstances of social distancing and other constraints, such as mikva closings and lakefront closings, this will not be easy, or even possible.  So, the cRc is setting up a mechanism to exempt utensils from that obligation, in reliance on a suggestion of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach for emergency situations. 

If a Jew does not own a vessel that he is using, that vessel does not require t'vilah (immersion).  Accordingly, we will be hosting a series of conference calls where people can declare as hefker (ownerless) any relevant keilim (utensils) before a cRc Beth Din panel of rabbis.

Keylim can be decalred ownerless – and therefore not yet requiring tovelling. This process is complicated, but being used by the cRc and based on the position of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, ztz"l.
The cRc is planning 2 more conference calls -  Friday, April 3 at 10:30 am, and Monday, April 6, at 10:30 amwhere people can declare as hefker (ownerless) any relevant keilim (utensils) before a cRc Beth Din panel of rabbis. The call-in number is 773-657-9272.
Participants will be called upon, individually, to recite the following script:
"Hello.  My name is [     ].  I hereby declare that all of the food-related utensils that I own that requiret'vila but have not been toveled yet are hereby hefker, declared ownerless to everyone."
The Beth Din panel will respond: 
"Your utensils are now hefker." (You can then hang up.)
This will allow for the use of any utensil currently in one's possession. After performing this procedure, the person should have in mind if he or she uses these utensils from now through Pesach, that he or she is using hefker utensils and not his or her own utensils.  Be sure to note which utensils you made hefker, as when there is with G-d's help an opportunity to tovel the utensils in the future, he or she must tovel the utensils at that time (upon re-acquisition thereof).  

Stay safe.

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