Thursday, April 2, 2020

Fwd: Today's 1PM EDT Daily Tehillim and Chizuk Call Info & OU Live Tonight at 9PM EDT

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From: Orthodox Union <>
Date: Thu, Apr 2, 2020, 11:18 AM
Subject: Today's 1PM EDT Daily Tehillim and Chizuk Call Info & OU Live Tonight at 9PM EDT
To: <>

Join Us Today and Every Day at 1:00PM EDT
For Tehillim and Divrei Chizuk &
OU Live Tonight at 9:00 PM EDT

Due to the unfolding community crisis, we are continuously gathering together to beseech HaKodosh Boruch Hu for His unlimited mercy and compassion. We ask Him to protect us and give us the strength to withstand the difficulties that we each may face in the time ahead.

Please join the Orthodox Union community for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 27 and 130) and divrei chizuk (words of inspiration) from our rabbanim each afternoon at 1:00PM EDT. Today's divrei chizuk will be shared by Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz of Congregation Shaare Tefillah in Teaneck, New Jersey.

To participate, please dial 773-377-9170 or 480-210-2150. Due to call congestion and those who have had issues connecting in the past, please dial either phone number to connect to the call. 

Are you commemorating a yartzeit, celebrating a simcha or know of someone in need of a refua? Please consider sponsoring the Daily Tehillim and Chizuk Call in a zchut (merit) for any occasion. To sponsor the Daily Tehillim and Chizuk calls, please visit The deadline to submit sponsorships for the daily call is 10:00AM EDT of that day.

Today's Sponsors

Seymour and Mindy Liebman in the zechus for a refua shilayma for Shifra bat Miriam

Anonymous in the merit of a refuah shleima for all those afflicted by the coronavirus, and for the refuah shleima of Chaya Shira bat Chana

Paul and Karen Goldstein li'eeeulay nishmas their beloved granddaughter, Malka Bracha bas HaRav Shimon Chaim v'Rena Miriam, and for a refuah shleimah for all cholei Yisroel

Tommy & Judy Weiss, for everyone who needs a refuah shelaima and specifically Yehoshua Shalom Ben Bluma

Anonymous for a Refuah Shleimah for all those who are ill

Rabbi Sholom & Rebbetzin Judi Steinig, in Memory of their Bubby, Sarah Steinig, Sarah bas Dovid Zusman, 11 Nissan 5754 and in honor of a Refuah Shelemah for all who are in need

Avrohm and Hetty Perl for the Yahrtzeits of Dr. Eric Teitz, Yehoshua Asher ben Yehuda and Esther Perl, Esther Malka bas Avraham HaLevi and for a Refuah for Eitan Mirwiss and all those in need

Murray & Chani Friedman for a Refuah shelaima bkarov to all those that need it and chizuk for all!

Anonymous as a zechus for a refuah shelaima for all cholei yisroel bekarov

Ronnie and Jennifer Herrmann for a refua shilayma for all those in need

Anonymous for a refuah Shlema to Gamliel Lev Ish Ben Rudel Chaya and Eliyahu Ben Chaya Sarah

Stuart and Linda Lanter in memory of Grandfather Yitzcok Meir Ben Hersh upon his yahrzeit and a refuah shelaima for all cholei yisrael

David and Lauren Feiglin for everyone who needs a a refuah sheleima, for all cholei yisroel and for the refuah sheleima for Yosefa bat Sarah

Rabbi Eliakim Schwarz

Anonymous for the merit of David Ben Rachel Chaya and in memory of James ben James and Eileen Bat Elizabeth

Anonymous for a refuah shelayma for אברהם אהרן הלוי בנ ראשא ראזא & רבקה בת הינדא רובאשקין

Anonymous for the yahrtzeit of Sylvia Milians, Tzivya Hinda bat Eliezer Yosef and for the aliyah of the Neshama of Blanche Septimus

Yankie and Amy Braun, may the yeshuah be sent to my family and refuah to all of Klal Yisroel

Anonymous for Masha Batya's birthday and for the refuah shleima of the cholim

Rabbi David and Shulamit Ginsburg from Columbus, Ohio wishing everyone a refua shlaima for those in need

In memory of Eliyahu Sinai ben Harav Yonah Efraim niftar the 12th of Nissan, 1999 and Sarah Miriam bat Reb' Yehoshua niftara on the 26th of Adar, 1993

Thank you so much to all of our sponsors for their wonderful generosity!

It is valuable to daven (pray) for specific cholim (people whom are sick) by name. There are a number of lists available of those who need our tefillot (prayers). Please click here to access. May the group recitation of Tehillim serve as a zchut (merit) for those who are ill and to ward off this pandemic.

THE SPIRIT INITIATIVE: Stimulating Program Initiative for Retirees That Inspires Thought Today, APRIL 2, 3:30 PM
Coping Tools for an Unfolding Crisis: A Pre-Pesach virtual program:
Led by: Ditza Berger, PhD, Lander College for Women, Private Practice, Cedarhurst, NY

OU Live Monday-Thursday at 9:00 PM EDT

OU Live is a nightly program, bringing you front row seats to our conversations with some of our community's most inspiring and uplifting personalities.

Tonight's guests:

  • Rabbi Avraham Juravel, OU Kosher Rabbinic Coordinator for Technical Services Foods You Didn't Know Were Kosher for Pesach
  • Allison Deal, Founder, Kosher Food Lifeline, OU The Sacrifices Being Made by Truckers
  • Joseph Gitler, Founder, Leket Israel Israel's Response to Food Shortages

Every Monday-Thursday night at 9:00 PM EDT, tune in together with thousands across the country or watch archived episodes at

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