Or Menorah
Rabbi Doug Zelden – Rav
Dov Steinberg - Shul President
7006 N. California Ave. Chicago, IL 60645
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Or Menorah
Summary of Parshat Emor Rabbi Doug Zelden
Leviticus 21:1 Hertz Chumash - page 513
1st Aliya: Specific restrictions for Kohanim and the Kohain Gadol pertaining to marriages, sexuality, and mourning. Pg. 513 ch.21 v.1
2nd Aliya: Laws pertaining to physical blemishes of the Kohanim and who can and can not eat from the priestly gifts. Pg. 514 v.16
3rd Aliya: Laws defining what constitutes an acceptable and unacceptable blemish on an animal designated to be a Korban. Pg. 517 Ch.22 v.17
4th Aliya: The establishment of Shabbos, Pesach, the Omer, the counting of the Omer and Shavuot. Pg. 519 ch.23 v.1
5th Aliya: The establishment of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Pg. 522 v.23
6th Aliya: The establishment of Sukkot. Pg.524 v.33
7th Aliya: Laws of the Ner Tamid, the Showbread, the incident with the Blasphemer, and penalties for Blasphemy. Pg. 525 Ch.24 v.1
Maftir Aliya: We repeat the last three verses of the Parsha. Pg. 527 v.21
Haftorah Emor - Ezekiel 44:15 page 528 in the Hertz Chumash
This week's Haftorah is among the prophecies of Yechezkel describing the third Bait Hamikdash. Yechezkel prophesized after the destruction of the first Bait Hamikdash in the year 3352-410 b.c.e. In the Haftorah, Yechezkel instructed the Kohanim in their unique laws. It relates to this week's Parsha which also details many of the laws imposed specifically on the Kohanim.
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